/mcg/ - Minecraft General: bullet factory edition

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Techguns 16x retexture when

Third for Trainserb bestserb.

Forbidden Magic added soon

Gun damage: 8.0-5.0

What does this even mean? Does it do 5-8 damage and the range is just displayed reverse to what is customary?

Take screenshot of that serblist uptime stat once it comes back up for future trolling.

5th for
>99% uptime

Magic is comfiest and most relaxing.

It does 8 at point blank, as the bullet travel it loses momentum and it's impact lowers to 5.

you mean this one?

See pls.

Thanks. That explains why the shotty fucking wrecks everything since you mostly use it point blank anyway.

I'm making a big Thaumcraft tower once the server is back up. How much space do I need?

Thaumcraft can get pretty wide, and the infusion altar needs a fair bit of space under it.

Just build a 50x50x8 cube out of cobblestone. More than enough for thaum and anything else you want to play with.

Maybe a tower isn't the best idea then. Thanks.

>train serb been down almost all day
b-buh i just wanna'd play traiiinsss

>okay today I'm going to be productive and get shit done
>open world
>spend a few hours staring into nothingness
>close game and go to bed
Well fuck

>server has been down for three some hours
>I haven't played tc2 in three some hours

>the thread is dead
>the trainserb discord is hoppin'

god damn it.

I decided to test a little the power of steam after seeing in last thread discussion around which was the best power generation:
I put a single bucket of water and a single coal coke into a high pressure firebox which generated 23200 mb of steam. So then I sent it into a steam turbine housing and it generated 53432rf over the course of 5 seconds, meaning that the steam turbine generates 534rf/t which is insane since I generated more than enough power to create a BC robot. Of course the IE generator is way more efficient making 4096rf/t but keep in mind that while the steam turbine housing requires 259 steel to make (not that much trouble in TS2 since the oregen shits iron) the fireboxes to create steam are fairly cheap so you can have various fireboxes generating steam and keep them in tanks or add more steam turbine housing. Generating steam is also extremely cheap in cost of coal coke and water and you can use creosote oil or charcoal as well in it so having a treefarm can feed your steam needs forever....
Make 50k+ rf out of 1 coal coke and 1 water bucket at the cost of 239 steel. great for cheap midgame/lategame generation.

what do you guys talk about in there

>generated more than enough power to create a BC robot

Doesn't that take ten million RF?

>having a treefarm can feed your steam needs forever....

Don't the farms require apatite, which is a mined/finite resource?

I have no idea why steam power lost so much popularity recently, it used to be the most popular thing in modded MC back in what, 1.4.7 or 1.5.2? Maybe people just slowly stopped liking Railcraft.

I've never used Discord. Should I come join?

This basically: The farms required to keep liquid fireboxes fueled became overcomplicated, high-maintenance bullshit.


But that time was also when people realized that MFR is a lot simpler than Forestry.

If I pray hard enough will the server come back online?

if you play tren sreb, yeah.

Steam engines with a bunch of pipes leading to / from them are aesthetic and comfy.

You can just... plant trees and wait for them to grow, you dont need to make a Forestry farm for it and trees are an extremely cheap renewable material that you can get manually and get stacks of it for storage,

>not building a golem-based treefarm


They used to, I just checked and they now only cost 50krf.

I dont have TC in this pack due to being magitech and not fitting my more modern style modpack. I might add it as a Scream Fortress thing.

>used to
when? in 1.7 they take about 11m or so including the chipsets

>Energy required 50krf

Every time you mention the serb is down, an extra five minutes is added to the downtime.

the redstone crystal needed to craft the robot, nigga

but how long did it take to make the steam

>Always felt guilty about getting too autistic with builds and mods so I never got really deep into them
>Trying so hard to not eat so I can finally lose weight
>Thinking about trying to immerse myself in bee autism so I don't think about eating

I-I don't have to feel too guilty if I'm doing it for a good reason, right?

>Always felt guilty

never feel guilty about autism
do feel guilty about bees (although it's hip to fuck them)
be autistic about something else, ANYTHING else

Why do you hate bees?

Because I could be doing something else like running or doing college work. I guess I shouldn't really say always, it's just the past few years I really have.

What's wrong with bees? I've never used them before.

>set up hueg boiler
>piping water supply from infinite source
>stoke firebox and start boiler
>connected machines still not running
>no power output
>check steam engines, they're all set up properly
>check outputs are all good amd steam should be flowing
>realize water pump was never turned on
>walk over without thinking about it and flip the lever

...today could have gone better.

their premise always seemed silly to me, creating random resources out of thin air with bees like lava and oil

>You can create lava with bees

I was unaware of this. I thought it was just honey.

It's ***magic*** so it doesn't bother me too much.

oh, growthcraft bees sure
forestry bees are crazy shit

Shit forgot about that one, time to do more science!
Gonna check that one as well.

Bees require extreme autism to set up but once you've got a maxed productive queen for any resource you essentially MAWPC


I don't know anything about either. I've been planning on setting up Forestry bees though.

If I don't understand any mods other than IC2 then I assume I'm not autistic enough for bees yet? I'm the guy asking how to use every mod anyone mentions. Maybe one day I'll be autistic enough.

try a different forest

It generates around 160 steam per second and it takes 1:50 seconds to burn one coal and takes 3:30 seconds cooling down working at half capacity but still generating 60 steam per second, generating 23k+ steam

are you playing in trainserb? I can't help you with bees but I can provide assistance with most tech

i got so much silverwood

silverwood for days



Yep and that would be really appreciated. I'm the guy with the little base encased in a wooden wall just south-west of spawn. On the other side of the river.


thanks for the list of nodes friendo

thats my single player game...

That's not trainserb you dingus


Now that I think about it I should probably do Thaum on trainserb, cause whats the point of having magic without being able to show it to anyone.

Are all the Infinity Evolved thaum addons in trainserb too?

>infinity evolved

>le epic contrarian


Might be more or different ones.
Or less.

Give in to the train.

Serb tasukette

Shoulda just played comfyserb while it was up :')

>people who hate ftb are being contrarion
What memery is this?

FtB is bad because
>poor config
>no design
>child labor

It's always been that you're either supposed to make your own pack or lift it from someone actually competent, like the tekkit lads.

trainserb has, afaik,
thaumic bases, automagy, technomancy, forbidden magic, thaumic dyes and arcane engineering

You seem like a guy who would use Linux.

Now I enfatize it more in midgame power generation, generating 50k from cheap materials is a great thing, but wont make the 10m needed for the crystal, unless you make a big quantity of those them expensive turbine housings. Which unless you dont have a considerable amount of iron (mined a lot, quarry, excavator, ts2 dumb oregen) try to mess little with it or try either ic2 options (havent tried them yet but are on ts2 for you to try) or magneticraft steam turbine.

with 3 waterwheels set up (240 rf/t) I made the 10m thing in 35ish minutes
takes a while but it's not as bad as it seems

If linux was a valid option and better than windows for everyday things, including gaymen, I probably would.

It's not really comparable, using windows isn't really a choice, whereas using ftb certainly is, and a very poor one at that.

you mean 3 kinetic dynamos(9 waterwheels)?

trainserb is down?

for how long?


not very long, lynx is working on the update and it should be up any minute now
well, tonight at least

>tfw he isn't updating the pack
>he's just been waiting to tell us the serb is corrupted

would be cool if you guys reset so i could get a fair start

don't worry you can just build with me other people that go slow as cocks, it took me two days just to set up a tcon smeltery

Techguns gets my dick ROCK HARD

You realize trainserb has special worldgen designed for massive infrastructure and there's no reason you wouldn't have any problems getting started?

>fair start
>in trainserb
I'm pretty sure someone got a tier one rocket on day 2 of serbs life. Someone else will always out autism you, it's about building your base and infrastructure with other people around, not to be the first to climb the tech tree.

This. I've got so much gold and iron already that I need three storage drawers for each.

We're only just getting started with Immersive Engineering over at mountainbase.

>fair start
there were people already building tech by the time i settled on a place to build. hell i'm just now starting IE

I'm aiming to conquer Thaumcraft.

>35 minutes
I dont have time for checking time but consider comparing the 88rf/t from a single waterwheel or the 240rf/t from 3 of them at max against the 532rf/t from the turbine housing,

What is in the update?

You know what would be the best griefing method? To make some microblocks and start placing them on the person you want to grief on base, specially on the machines rooms where there are more ticking stuff so the lag makes it unbereable to be in there and you just suicide to escape from there.

forbidden magic, pressure pipes, zetta industries
not sure what else, he's gonna make a changelog soon enough

I'm glad the server was down today. I haven't been getting any work done because my autism has been reignited because of you assholes.

I'm having a lot of fun and enjoy your company.

or you can make a chicken reactor under their base at bedrock level

I only just last night finished an auto farm and a very, very basic IC2 ore processing room. A room I'll need to completely demolish and rebuild using IE because I just found out about it now.

>not filling their entire house with bats

You'd better get ready to grind then, shards are harder to find amongst TS2's worldgen.
There should still be a few spare books at the top of spawn, but you'll be hard pressed to catch up to some of us unless you majorly autism the research.

I have a full inventory of stacks of cloud in a bottle. I'm thinking of throwing them at Blastcap.