Hello, Lads. Since the passing of my father (1820-1864...

Hello, Lads. Since the passing of my father (1820-1864, rest in peace) I've recently come into possession of a rather lovely carriage (Dual Over-Horse Carriage, 2 Horsepower, 4 seater, Crop-and-Rein steering) but since I'm not used to such a luxurious overland barge I was wondering if there were any special maintenance items I should be aware of. I'm used to riding a single sports pony, you see.

The one thing I'm really concerned about is that the horses that come with the carriage require Premium Hay, but nobody in my town sells it. Is there some way I can alter my regular hay to be premium? I'm not sure what sort of internal damage might happen if I feed them anything less than the best, but maybe you lads might know something I don't.

Cheers, lads.

>not wanting a friesan to attract qts
>not wanting 1horsepower without carriage for maximum speed

It's like you want to be a cuck m8

Well, I don't really know about your specific carriage and your specific horses, but newer ones can handle regular hay just fine. Just expect the power to be lowered to ~1.3-1.5 hp, and you'll need a little more hay in volume than usual.

This might belong in a QTDDTOT, but I'm gonna put it here since it's related:
How do you prevent your horse from urinating on you as you ride? My shitstallion rides really low to the ground and 1 out of every 10 times my 20 hand beast of burden will give me a good splash. Tips to prevent this?

What does Veeky Forums think of my new mustang?

Thanks, this is exactly what I was hoping to hear. To be honest, my brother, I don't much care how much power the horses make as I don't intend to accelerate briskly in this large carriage - it seems fruitless and a good way to snap a harness. I'll save the quick rides for my quarter horse.

lol can steer

Have you gentlemen perhaps seen this "Mechanical" concept horse? It looks rather ridiculous, I must say. I do not think this contraption will serve any purpose in this world. It is just a mere toy. Steam power belongs on the metal tracks, ha!

Haha what a gimmick. That will never catch on. Horses are here to stay.

Any answers for this? if i wanted shit and piss in my face i'd get a dog sled.

Contrary to popular belief, a race tuned horse can make 20hp you dumb fuck

>using the Jewish carriage

Oh brother, have thou not tried feeding thy horses with premium oats???

Lmao have fun when your horse dies after a month of pushing it to the limit. Race horses belong on the racetrack where there's no speed limits and no potholes for your horse to break a leg in. Frankly for a DD you should just get a mule


>not having at least 120 pounds of muscle powering your daily

You should consider murdering your self, good man.

Good evening, gentlemen. As you can see, I've modified the suspension on my horse; I understand that this "stancing" trend is all the rage with the underclass. What do you think?

>mfw I realize I'm laughing at a dead horse covered in shit

Veeky Forums what have you done to me?


I love this thread

Absolutely disgraceful. Lowered horses are not work horses, have almost no power or utility, and are aesthetically unappealing. However, you men of the stance nation don't see you're ruining a perfectly fine beast. Be sure to know that if we come to meet in the pass on an evening ride I'll be sure to apply my cane forcefully to your beast. I hope you have rotten luck. Good day.

You, sir, have no taste and are -not- a gentleman. The young of today set the trends that all must follow. If you do not stance your horse, you are merely advertising to the world that you are old and of merely commoner breeding. Good day to you, sir, now begone!

>not riding a Clydesdale

Have fun dying in a low-speed collision.

This thread reminds me of the girl I use to see in highschool

Horse girls were an absolute blast to be around, minus the straight edge mindset.

What do you think of exotic roadsters ? Are they worth the price and hassle of importing them ? I'm almost ready to pull the trigger on this arabian purebreed.

One might think the Purebreed Arabian to be a fast horse, but it's actually quite the long distance horse. If speed is what you're looking for, I'd advise a quarter horse to distinguish yourself from the lowerclass in speed and riding, my good fellow.

Bah, why buy this when you can buy two horses and reproduce as many more as you need? You're set for life along with your kids and their kids.

that contraption is the dream of a madman. It will never work

You disgust me and are no better than swine.

>wanting an exotic steed without a flashy coat

You sure know how to catch one's interest my good man. Do these muscle horses require special riding skills ? I'm more of a 'slow outing across the countryside' kind of fellow, so I'd rather be cautious with daring coat colors and intimidating strength. I wouldn't want to be known as 'the young chap who acquired a steed he cannot ride and ended up in a tree'.

Did you read the story of the young lad that mounted his horeshoes on the wrong leg (he inverted front and back) and finished in a ditch?

At least you're not laughing at dead people covered in shit. This is another part of Veeky Forums

No. You can get an exotic bred locally. Support your local manufacturer and Make Essex Great Again

No, pray tell!

This is rediculous, they have a very limited range, take forever to feed, not to mention you need find a place that sells the special fees it takes.

Like oh sure, I only need to travel around town and am willing to wait half an hour for it to be fed. I can take my horses across the continent, feed them anywhere, heck they can even eat on the go.

Put a LS in it

This is a good thread
Include me in the screencap

Turbo it. If you've never seen one for this model before, poop comes out and spins a paddle wheel that shovels sugar/meth cubes in their mouths.

>hurr I need an 18-hand draft horse for towing my Conestoga wagon once a year


You horsefags are living in the past, the future is steam


You need to stance that.

really made me think