ITT: cars with crazy/odd body work

ITT: cars with crazy/odd body work

>bonus points for miatas

I have a few to dump, but I want to expand my folder






man i really dont like these

Why are so many cars themed this way?













If he wanted to drive a Volvo wagon he should have bought one.

What kind of autism is this?

How to convert liftback into a spacious kombi

Porsche 944


Nice. Would hoon

made by gypsy disco music artist

Why does it look so sad?


I feel so many different emotions right now

You and me, we can have a jolly gay time.


That front end looks like its about to cry.

I can appreciate this because it can be swapped/fixed with a simple swap of the hatchback...

that's pretty fucking cool


Hurst fire birds are actually pretty rare and expensive.


Most fucked up one here



fucking britain


You're doing it wrong.

Anyone have the screen grab of moog rageing


I'm throwing money at my screen, but nothing's happening

Jesus wept.