>Which heroes should I buy? Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.
I'm not really into furry shit but Lunara is pretty hot.
Samuel Gutierrez
She really is quite lovely.
Ayden Ramirez
>get in a 6 loss streak in QM today >buy butcher >win 2 matches right away and have a shit ton of fun >pick up victuals in both matches since no healers in the matches >all that sweet sustain
Lincoln Fisher
Butcher it's either you stomp the other team because they lack CC or you get stomped. My advice enjoy the fun games and just forget about the bad games.
Parker Jackson
>new bread before dead But the game is already dead
Jeremiah Rivera
In the last match, I got 125 stacks at 7:25. I think it was my quickest, but it's nearly an average time for me to get stacks with Butcher. The good thing is that I'm not using Abattoir since I try to use more other talents at level 1 such as Block or Chop Meat. But yeah, he's super fun nonetheless. I hope I can see any of his skins on a sale, because I'd buy Iron or Butcherlist in a heartbeat.
Nathan Green
That's the truth
Jack Watson
>Have Butcher on my team >Lose
The piece of shit can't fucking do anything even if they have a single CC ability on the enemy team. He's so useless.
Kayden Ross
>on my smurf in plat 5 >guldan gets 100-0'd by butcher over 3-4 seconds, doesn't pop his healthstone (it was the start of fight), tassadar doesn't shield him >he crys about butcher is OP and how I (chen) should have "peeled" for him
I don't think people realize how strongly IQ and critical thinking correlates with rank. Blizzard has essentially created a giant bucket of low IQ, dunning-kruger knuckle-draggers who reinforce each other's idiotic beliefs with no basis in reality.
Brandon Taylor
Henry Cooper
That is sort of his strength. He'll outright dumpster the majority of Heroes in a 1v1, which includes teamfights if Raynor, Valla, Li-Ming or Jaina if they don't get assists, peels, Butchy isn't focus-fired, etc.
>Li-Ming best player on enemy team >press E >2-shot her >walk away
Every time. I wish I could've seen what she was typing to her teammates.
>also that masters fellow losing 100% of his games down to Bronze
Wonder if he got banned.
Christopher Gomez
>Raynor seriously considering after his waifu became one with the phoenix force
Austin Collins
I want Artanis to get nerfed already.
Eli Jackson
Nerfing Artanis won't change how shit you are at the game.
Adrian Cox
No, but I'd still prefer to not see that Hero as much. Ideally never, actually. Revert when.
Adrian Turner
Nah. In fact they should buff him just to piss you off.
Gavin Collins
I don't want him nerfed for being OP, I want him nerfed so people stop fighting over him, and I stop seeing him every fucking game because everybody thinks they're the best fucking Artanis in the world. I used to love Artanis, so while I enjoy him being more "viable", not like this. Revert that flip shit.
Ethan Ward
>Make him complete shit again.
Fuck no. I'd prefer to actually enjoy playing my favorite hero in the game instead of feeling worthless in 95% of the games.
James Richardson
They didn't need to ruin him by turning him into Stitches but with laser swords to make him viable. This dashing flip shit is unnecessary. If I wanted to play Stitches, I'd play fucking Stitches.
Charles Collins
Blizzard said they like the role Artanis is playing now. If they nerf him it isn't going to be the swap.
It's been something pretty much everyone has been asking for since his release. The ability to alter his q. I mean hell just play him like you used to, what's the fucking difference.
Eli Ramirez
the difference is that you have to do the autismswap to play him to his full potential
literally what is the point of stitches if artanis can just swap anybody then walk through the entire enemy team to offset the counterplay
>muh skillcap
his winrate at every mmr tho, hero still braindead easy
Samuel Evans
Stitches hooks from safety, Artanis throws his body into the enemy team. Blizzard reduced his shields to balance it, and people whined because they are retarded so Blizzard increased his shields.
Blizzard really likes the swap. They aren't getting rid of it. Hell they even changed the art on one of the skins so it didn't look confusing to people.
John Hughes
>Hell they even changed the art on one of the skins so it didn't look confusing to people. ?
Jacob Peterson
The Ronin Artanis skin. The Swap used to be a Ninja Star he would throw out. They changed it to the normal Prisim so it would be easier to see.
David Nguyen
Jimmy has fucked pretty much every female of the game, and probably some men as well
Henry Clark
I wonder which Hero we'll be getting after Stukov, unless it's some OC Infestor.
Shogun, wasn't it? I recall some conflict over the visual of his E.
Landon Mitchell
He fucked over Tychus for sure.
Alexander Powell
The difference is you MUST play him like Stitches, otherwise that's ignoring what now makes him "viable", you just said being unable to dash swap would make him shit again, so there you go, answered your own question. And again, I used to love Artanis, but he is now just Stitches, and I don't like Stitches. I especially don't like how retarded everyone has gotten over him, everybody thinks they're the best Artanis in the world and acts like a cocky shit when they land a single stupid ass easy dashflip. Get fucking real, people.
The dash swap gives him options. That's why it's good. It's not just because of swapping people into your team. It gives him a way to stop his fucking q which by itself is fucking amazing. It also punishes people solo laning by giving you more options to swap them into your turrets by using it backwards and throwing out your swap.
If your just using it for the god swap bullshit you aren't taking proper advantage of it.
Joshua Edwards
Speaking of, my warrior repertoire consists of the 3 main tanks, diablo and chen. Should I get the girl (male) of swords, the girl (male) of big gun or the superior life form?
Lincoln Kelly
Artanis, Varian, Zarya, Sonya are all good. Anub is good in certain situations. Pick who you want to play the most.
Wyatt Bailey
dumb request, but does anyone know how to pull the upper torso off of Insectoid Zag? I wanna use the scorpion part for zerg mods
Nathan Long
Hasn't she suffered enough?
Isaac Perez
Is this the start of a new fetish for someone?
Nolan Moore
no I'm fishing for parts and assets for SC2 mods
Grayson Cooper
>imgur.com/a/KWMig what is this "stukov confirmed" infested terran picture from?
Leo Lewis
There was a twitter pic with a ton of stuff saying, where is Valeera
Jose Robinson
It went up on the Official Hots Twitter page a few days ago, I think. Bit of a "Where's Waldo" style thing.
Brody Reyes
Elijah Robinson
we need a pirate hero my suggestion is a pirate fem goblin oc from booty bay so we can have another shortstack or they can put in daelin proudmoore even if he's not a pirate
Cooper Cox
Brandon Morales
What is the best build for Jaina?
Bentley Stewart
Depends on your team comp and their team comp
Jaxon Cook
I love Anub'arak. I'm happy he's doing better. Wish they'd touch up on his talents though, the majority of them are pretty bland and boring.
Nicholas James
How do I build the blade-tasting green man of honour?
You guys seem to also be pretty split on Illusion Master vs Valla-clone so I don't know which ult is better for which situation.
Carson Cox
It wasn't a shuriken, it was a shitty looking Kabuki mask that looked nothing like the original prism, so the decision was valid.
Sad thing is, that the mask was the little detail that pushed my undecided ass to not buy the skin when it was on sale, but now that they removed it I might actually want the skin, but not for full price.
Ryan Price
If anyone fucking posts fucking Waternoose for Azmodan again I'll fucking shoot you all.
Liam Gomez
>Finally start playing competitive >I have 120 games with zeratul >people give me shit for playing zeratul
Why are people so against this truly amazingly designed character? I mean the invisibility is just a fun bonus, I only use it when people are in combat and they might not notice and only to position myself for ulting.
Is there a particular reason people think he is shit?
Thomas Rogers
People in general lack in many areas of knowledge about the game.
Curious, what's your talent build(s)? If you're picking stupid shit, then yeah abuse is warranted.
Jayden Lee
Usually Zeratul pickers are shitters.
What's more important is whether you actually won your games though and didn't bring down your team.
Ayden Howard
Do you stay in lane or roam until you're maxed out?
Or did the enemy team do a lot of feeding?
Nathan Edwards
Leveling new accounts is a curse.
William Fisher
They give Zeratul shit in general because there are a very low amount of players that actually perform well with him, i.e. can play him well. Most people can't into positioning or waveclearing when needed or what have you, just roam and try to have "fun" in their own way á la Quick Match.
Sebastian Jenkins
vropal strike, combo slash, slip into shadow, void prison, mending strikes, sentenced to death, rewind.
i guess i am a little bit of a shitter, but i have a 54% winrate on zeratul. I usually pull my own weight. I do have to admit have always the lowest siege damage on my team though.
Tyler Nelson
No patch this week ? Not even a video about what's coming in the next month ? Is February going to be empty ?
Chase Perez
>sentenced to death
Jose Long
keep quiet bronze, his build is just right
Brandon Richardson
Friday or later today for tease probably
Adam Martin
Not that user, but Master Warp-Blade is better. Also you generally want Wormhole.
Aiden Mitchell
have you guys actually played zeratul or are you just reading the % win stats somewhere?
Camden Martinez
So is Azmodunk able to contribute in teamfights at all aside from lobbing balls on cooldown? Feels like I never see any Azmodans do anything other than that.
Samuel Anderson
I haven't looked at Zera's hotdogs, actually. But for the combo (only non-niche build he has) are talents. You use one ability, AA, repeat. 3x AA/ability combo.
Connor Garcia
bodyblock your retreating team
Parker Ortiz
by pushing down forts and giving your team a level lead
Andrew Hill
sorry man meant him not you
zeratul is about opportunistic burst, and his ult. Those are his functions, there is no point getting a sustain oriented ability (like master-warp blade) as that only starts paying off after 3 basics, and so only gives you real benefit after the 3rd attack and only for basics. sentenced to death gives you 50% for 1.5 seconds, which if you time correctly is 1 cleave 1 sentence to death proc and two comboslashed autoattacks. The best part is, it also has synergy with rewind totalling about 5.7k damage in 3 seconds if timed well.
Your aim in total is to take people out of the fihgt. Either delete them or ulti them.
Blake Brown
>Master Warp-Blade is better that talent is absolutely useless if you can delete someone before it even has a chance to proc, which is the case if you take sfd provide an argument
Asher Stewart
Can Tyrande solo support?
Gavin Harris
You shut your whore mouth, Tyrande is a happily married woman who will never cheat on her husband. >we need a pirate hero Just Imagine that Greymane is a pirate, who can turn into a werewolf.
Jason Reed
If your team focuses on getting picks instead of prolonged team fights, then yes. If your team just pokes tanks and doesn't dive, then no.
Andrew Gomez
So if you have an aggressive team then yes If you have a cowardly team then no
Isaac Campbell
It also depends on comp. QP with her is very hit and miss.
Even if there's two supports, never take starfall.
Carson Wilson
Daily reminder that "Heroes of the Storm" is the BEST moba out there, most of these heroes are extremely fun to play and really unique in their own way.
Leo Roberts
Master Warp-Blade... and Wormhole. Ahahahaha... Good luck getting in that proc before your wormhole vanishes
Aiden Wright
This game needs more interactive play. I want abilities that effect my teammates more. I want auras. We already have plenty of teleports, can put those a bit back for now.
Tyler Torres
Gavin Rodriguez
I literally never see this guy. Ever. Why?
Lucas Moore
So which characters hooked up in the Nexus?
Nathaniel Bell
He's all the best parts about tracer and li-ming wrapped into one little more-difficult-to-use-than-90%-of-the-cast package. He's a melee range mage.
Benjamin Jenkins
Both. In the Warhead map, I was mostly in lane because of how large the map is. I took Victuals since I lacked a healer and for laning, and I was laning with Li-Ming vs. a roaming ETC and Valla. I shat on Valla every single time I could.
As soon as I started to gank with around +70 stacks, I jumped from around 80 to 125 in almost an instant.
He's pretty good in unorganized matches and if you know the hero well, you just stomp matches. I love playing Butcher in Infernal Shrine for the guaranteed follow up thanks to the Punisher. There's some Butcher main that's in GM or something, which is fairly impressive.
Robert Jackson
Why the fuck does his Bribe increase dmg of his W? I mean, in theory it's good idea for him to have bribe, since with global Z he can instantly buy mercs at the start of the objective and join the team on opposite side of map. But you'd think that if they want it stronger, it'd do something for his mobility, like reduce Z's cooldown or increase bonus MS fro trait, not increase W's dmg.
Levi Reed
Because you're bronze.
Asher Sanchez
he's in every single game on big maps at high rating
Angel Bell
The only thing I want is a surrender option
Blake Kelly
I don't want a surrender option, the game is better like this, but in such mega stomps like 3 - 25 in terms of kills and 4 levels ahead, yeah, a surrender option would be ideal in this situation.
This game doesn't have a surrender option for a good reason.
No matter how many times it's brought up the only people who are going to agree with you are silver surfers who think they don't belong in silver.
Gabriel Evans
So when is Shitheart's Bay getting the Haunted Mines treatment?
Parker Nguyen
>mfw I play 3 games and the maps are blackheart's bay, garden of terror and haunted mines
Isaiah Fisher
>garden terror
Oliver Lopez
>mage when will this meme end even with boomerang and without a single aa talent you still double your damage by aaing constantly
Owen Williams
does anyone non-ironically believe all 3 of these maps should be removed the game? like not just reworked like haunted mines, but they need to just remove those 3 maps and then use the assets to make something entirely new.
Camden Rodriguez
They should be removed. Why do you think that they're not in competitive? These three are cancer to play.
Blake Brown
Well first time playing him and this is how I built him. Was I even close?
Joshua Flores
Sometimes you just want the pain and humiliation to end