League of legends general /lolg/

Bullying shitty waifus edition

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AD sions back, boys



give me a quick rundown on how the fuck these champions are balanced

xth for breast metal waifu

I havent played in a while, I think I dropped out somewhere around the frog tank champ release? I dont even remember.

Anyways, I just have one question, if I start playing again can I play Xin Zhao top lane without getting my shit completely kicked in by the current meta?

And can I build pure damage?

Id rather it be that over lulufag and vladfag

thats probably the only reason he made it so early

if everyone just boycotted lulu OPs like we did with lissfag it would fix the early OP thing but lolg isnt as coordinated anymore

That that shitty meme back to /b/ dude, it isn't wanted here.

fuck off Grichka

comfy bfs~

>Playing against Braum, Sejuani, Lissandra
who needs to move anyway?

>Bullying shitty waifus
Katarina and Sona are next to be bullied?

fuck you i hope he stays strong

Xth for leagues biggest and bestest bust!

>tfw our time is almost up

feels bad man, Ive enjoyed Talon since his rework and it looks like this lethality buff pushed him so far over the top they might hit him with a nerf

btw when do you go edge of night?

I feel like if I get it right after second item after youmuus Im missing out on the CDR from cleaver that makes him so strong, and then if I get it third after cleaver im missing the damage from duskblade, so that leaves it at fourth and by then the game should pretty much be over

if i see they have a lot of cc shit like lux, zarya, naut, etc. i get it second after yomous. if i'm doing really well i get dusk second instead.

I'd prefer any waifufag or husbandofag over this shit.

>tfw you know the art is a different version of the real one.
Sona will forever be the slut of League.

If there's only one way way I could describe it, the distortion reminded me of Ekko's ult while it was on its passive - it was showing what champions and minions were doing a second or two ago. There was a weird static noise that occurred while this happened as well - but it was not enough to block out the rest of the sound completely.

Nah this was something different entirely. Definitely not your usual production error.

does camille mid work?

Yes it was. Nothing but a production fuck up. And a flashy one.

lulufag posts like 50 posts early EVERY time, same with vladfag just to spite ezfag

its just wont stop so we just gotta deal with it

>was showing what champions and minions were doing a second or two ago. There was a weird static noise that occurred while this happened as well - but it was not enough to block out the rest of the sound completely.
Interesting. Has anyone posted a clip of it?

Squishy, spammable abilities still cost mana, has to land a skillshot for any cc whatsoever until he gets rylai's
Kited hard unless he has ultimate on, no dash so he can't leap over walls in the same way a Lucian, Graves, Caitlyn, Ezreal, or Corki can when he's rushing them down and is forced to focus someone else in fights when he ults against decent players
Worst laning phase in the game, if he dies once he loses the game especially if you can't find good ult opportunities.
kited easily and kited HARD, like if there's not a 20% slow on this dude at all times he can probably do stuff but until he gets full on CC immunity for 5 seconds he's balanced, simple as that.
This champion is still broken, however his skill cap justifies the reward
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, just stop his stacks with the jungler! Like are you serious with this one???? HE CANT EVEN HARASS YOU WHILE HIS Q IS ON COOLDOWN
Squishy, shield has a cooldown which can be abused by a smart team
High mana cost on E, Q/W max are garbage, MR counters him harder than anyone in the roster
Broken bitch if she parries your CC, not so bad if you outplay her and get the CC off when she hops on your carry

clips twitch tv/eulcs1/MuddyElkRalpherZ

clips twitch tv/eulcs1/AttractiveWoodcockShibeZ

it also happened a few minutes ago in the stream, the casters were joking about it being a preview for Project: Bard

Best OTP!

I want to be Orianna's bestie

>ez got cucked by a psycho anorexic slut

mhmm best ship alright

is talon any good

I want to scrap Orianna in a junkyard and sell her parts




Why would you do such a thing?

eyoson still broken

where is everyone?

Sona is PURE

and CUTE

i'm right here with you

I think the display bug on the stream is just a bug, it happened when it was just the casters talking.
If it were an ebin ARG skin preview then it would probably only happen in-game.

at school because half this thread is high schoolers

one of the best top laners in the game

shits on both darius and poppy, only real bad matchup is jayce (but thats just cause jayce shits on EVERYONE)

he gets free crit Qs on melee opponents and his lvl 2 with ignite is pretty much a free kill, not to mention his synergy with lethality items

mid his matchups are worse but roaming is better

always focus Ezreals or gank for them~

That's what they all said.

I love helping Zed in and out of his armor after a long day of trashing Kinkou fakers!

>every game today has had a GP top on my team
>every single one of them loses lane even after I camp and kill their laner
>not a single one has managed to triple barrel
>only one of them has managed an ult upgrade by 25 minutes
>consistently least damage on the team
>can't dodge this shit because they only every show up in my plat promos

Goldies should not be allowed to play any champ that requires aiming or any sort of skill.

what are some /autopilot/ champs?

>jayce shits on EVERYONE
except j4 but thats a secret


gp in general is just a trash champion

>j4 eqs on him
>gets slapped away and hit by an empowered Q losing 3/4 of his health in the process

yeh bud im sure j4 is the secret tech that can take out one of the only ezpz 1v9 champs in the game

Jayce can just straight up knock j4 out of his eq before the damage hits him



Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

Are they any good?

me hecarim
me press e
me ult

All of them are viable. If you presented a lane that you wanted to play we might be able to help you better.

Soraka has basically infinite sustain

How do reports work in this game? Particularly am I in danger of getting banned for telling someone "shut the fuck up" and "I'm not ganking for your whiny dumbass you fucking feeder"? In those exact words. I admit I wasn't the most gentle but after mid spam pinged constantly since level 2 and complaining in chat I kinda lost it. And then I got reported after game even though I carried and mid was something like 2-7.



makes u think

get good first.

its his best skin


>feeding with the most broken champ in the game

I don't think Riot actually bothers banning people any more now that Lyte has gone

call people fucking whores and teel the to shut up all the time
never had a report
what if I go soraka top?

>tfw seeing master7 warwicks missing every single ulti

top rofl

it just cancels the dash and knockup though
damage is still done and now jayce is melee for at least 6 seconds

200 iq plays by the blue team

I am on the way
It really does, just because of that laugh

>j4 gets knocked away
>jayce goes into ranged mode
>turns your bp to mush

he has 6 abilities at lvl 3 and is fucking ranged on top of that

youre not kidding anyone bud

>tfw Based best champ in the game Zed is decent again

Best meta

Alright cool I remember hearing Riot was anal about being "toxic" so I was a bit concerned after the game


Being that ripped would be gross.

>A litterally Bronze 1 Redditor is trying to teach me that not putting points into the last maxxed spell of the champion I OTP'd to Master is viable
>Also says that it's ok for a Support and an ADC to be together in botlane while Baron is up on the other side of the map

I'm having trouble to stay polite


I swear, every time theres a free kill people shut their brains off

Shit's great, isn't it? Fuck Syndra pressing R on everything

I'm on EUNE here people aren't so PC maybe it's that too

thank you

thank you too friend but what are we thanking each other for

have you even read my post?

Camille is the champion that is always balanced on a razor's edge between winning or losing by the player's wits alone.

Incredibly high risk, requires incredible skill to play. Has to out think opponents in lane (if she is) because she isn't strong there. Weaker jungler.

She is like invoker put into a champion. No one will reach peak with her for years probably.

>Zed looking like an edgy anime boy
Fucking retarded. From his voice he is probably a manly looking guy in his 30's

I used to get warning messages all the time and now I get nothing even though I haven't changed at all

>Heartseeker Quinn is out!

Can wait to bring her toplane! Especially with lethality changes

I misclicked that picture actually. I don't like anime boy Zed but I save those pictures anyway.

when gp barrels getting nerf for fuck sake

>Never played Dota
>google Invoker
>he has 10 fucking spell combinations
mind blown.gif

>fed GP destroys a squishie
Its fine, just pick Quinn into him

>Quinn will never impale you

why live

How so? What changed that brought him back?

You mean caitlyns traps right?

That would imply people in this game have a brain

who would have thought that late game carry can destroy underleveled support without any armor

ahh, such is life with sunfire cape