League of Legends general - /lolg/

Old:comfy bfs edition~



xth for breast metal waifu

Xth for Katarina
best girl

4th for syndra is best girl

xth for me, the ultimate overlord of Veeky Forums


>he wouldn't creampie a fox


rip thread

Doing normals games! Any rank/level welcome! (NA) post ign and ill add you

Real thread

gas the faggots


swedish (NA)

Probably the worst first 10 posts I've ever fucking seen. Waifufags are truely the greatest evil.

>thread fails
>quad fails

Damn niddork its a bad day for you

>le thredwars XDDD

You don't have to like faggots but they posted their thread first.

You're right but back off, especially with that garbage ship.

>thread wars

the only one being a faggot here is you, even the op of that thread came over here already

>eyoson links to here
Well, fags it is, then.

xth for nidalee

How do i play orianna correctly?
I just feel like i'm not doing anything during teamfights except waiting for someone to engage to ult afterwards
I tried giving the ball to engagers like lee, sejuani and thresh but they never engaged well (this may be because they were retarded)
Any orianna main to give some advice?

my swain friend keeps building hextech glp and other shit

he hasnt build a spirit visage one game nor has he built roa

its like please bro

The superior ship is Syndra/ALL of lolgen.

dont attach balls to people except to speed them up you will never get a good ult out of it

idk what you're missing you chunk people with qw and mid game qrw is enough to kill squishies

No, the only one who gets fucked by all the degenerates of the general is you, Syndra is with me.


bronze in the house


>playing top
>enemy top gets roamed on by my mid Malzahar
>at level TWO
>we kill her but she chunks me to 20% HP
>I get greedy and try to manipulate creep wave before I back
>enemy Amumu camps bush while I do this
>throws a Q at me but I dodge completely by luck
>he stays and tries to clear the minions
>the moment he E's, I flash on him because his Q/E are on cooldown
>I kill him and get double buffs
>completely zone Fiora for the rest of the game
I think this picture says the rest.

I felt so bad for her I told her sorry in the post game lobby, and she said "no worries it's ranked, wp irelia". What a classy motherfucker, I aspire to be like this Fiora someday.

What did he mean by this



what is it about late hours that attract absolute retards

i mean i hate sin as much as the next guy but jesus just end your life

>continued perpetual existence perpetuating perpetuity

>w attaches the ball to people

lol just stop man

Lolgen is the shittiest when it tries to discuss balance, prove me wrong.

but you are right

I presume you haven't seen the official boards yet

And how should i position during teamfights?
Specialy if my team has a bad frontline and low or no cc and peel

>E someone then w to speed them up

That's not even close to what he said at all.
I declare this post bait

> Make Ryze very hard to play
> Ryze has a shit winrate in lower ELOs
> Bann or pick in challenger

Nice rework Riot, Ryze is once again fucking broken as shit at D2+.

>NINE (9) CS AT 8:31
Holy fuck I would have just left the game

>wasting your w
just STOP

My friend is convinced Corki was one of the worst heroes, or, "champions", in season 5 and 6. He now thinks he's one of the best/pretty good despite no major changes to him or his items.

Who was in the wrong here?

you for having a stupid friend and him for being stupid

depends on the game i mean you dont want to be front lining but you dont want to be in the far back either

you just need to position in such a way to where you can either catch a squishy out with qrw, or wait around doing qw damage waiting for a 2-4 man ult

its not a waste though how much ori do you play at not shit ranks? i've won the last 8/10 games with ori and i've been playing her since release i think i know what i'm talking about : )

Took this screenshot just now

Stop replying to him. He's literally baiting

>tfw your mid is a bronze4 with 30% win rate and he never defends invades even though we'd win the 2v2 easily
god fucking damnit using norms to practice new champs/off roles is the worst

>h-haha i kinda know what im saying i-im d3 PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE ME I'M BEGGING YOU
he's obviously baiting for whatever reason

you are one of the worst /lolg/ personalities HANDS DOWN

>Nerf teemo
>Veigar a hard champion
>Tips for not raging
I lol'd how retarded can forums get?

Being fairly new at ori that will help a lot, thanks
Also what are the best ss for her? I started taking exhaust after the ghost nerf but i want to know how good can barrier/tp/cleanse/ignite be on her

>discusing balance on lolgen

go back to your shitplace to ask for some yasuo nerfs

Remember when League of Legends had good and lively art?

is it just me or is graves incredibly strong right now


i go flash ignite personally pretty sure ghost flash is the meta tho

I don't understand this anti-meme you're posting, user.

Any champ that can take advantage of lethality is very good right now.

any letalithy is strong atm kekelord

is gnar a girl

gnar is the MISSing link

>The M I S S ing link

why is everyone creaming their pants over lethality when we've had armor pen which is the same thing but better for 6 seasons


are you implying people didn't cream themselves over armor pen builds?

>I lol'd how retarded can forums get?
Oh it aint over yet

favorite nid skin?

this kid is gonna get bullied

>Silver 5
>Plays exclusively fighters
>Complains about veigar

why is your font rendering so awful? did you forget to turn on antialiasing?

>anivia ult affecting the entire map
>nasus ult having a 100% AP ratio


1. My monitor is small
2. I'm too retaded to get a normal capturing program
3. I'm too retarded to know how to set antialiasing

>I'm too retaded to get a normal capturing program
>I'm too retarded to know how to set antialiasing
git /g/ud

because they took armor pen away for a while and rebalanced the game around it not existing

also you couldnt get 80 flat pen with runes and 3 cheap, otherwise strong items before unless my memory is failing me

>Enemy team picks teemo
>Pick Kha'zix
>Proceed to slice the little piece of shit in half every 2 minutes
>He rage quits
I mean, i understand that he can be abusive in lane but if people are retarded and pick an aa reliant champion into teemo then they deserve whatever happens to them

Hey /lolg/ wanna see some bronze plays?
had one hell of a fun match despite the loss and there's some gold here

Tell me about master style lolg. Is he a cross dresser or is he just a hairy beaner?

There are similarities to /lolg/ though

Thanks for the suggestions for not sucking on Twisted Treeline. My problem was that I was trying to make ADCs and pure tanks work on a map dominated by bruisers and mages. I just won a 2v3 after picking a bruiser, so much easier.

want to play?

Is Shen the only manaless champion people don't complain about?

I don't know, you tell me.

Don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about Mundo.

I haven't seen a Shen since last year, and I rarely see him period. However, seems like Riot is always hitting him with the nerf bat.

post loot

I'm garbage /v/

wheres the proof that this is him

Honestly /lolg/ isn't really that far from this.

If that's actually master style I'd fuck

>tfw you will never mount sissy style and savage his boipucc before unloading a week's worth of cum deep into his guts

>Arya Riven
>ADC/Makrsman class and Selfishness

i wish someone would shoot their cum deep into my guts

Every Mundo player is a scripter. There's no way you can hit cleaver all the time like that.

i keep considering going to craiglist for my sissy fetish to dom or be dommed but im 2 pucci

Did you stop to consider the fact that maybe they're just superior to you?


If they nerf Lethality AND the champs that use it i swear i am gonna track down who did it and beat him into a bloody pool.

I am pretty fucking sure Zed is one nerf away from being Evelynn in Season 3 (or 2, i dont remember when she was completly garbage)tier. And its a shame because he is one of the most fun champs in the game and most fair to play against contrarian to what this silver board thinks but he still gets his ass kicked in most patch notes.

>bronze players
this lee missed so many fucking qs and the one time he gets it i refuse to let him kill my (shit) adc

that whole match we just tried to outdo each other

and then you carry the full ap zil bomb to her LMAO

Got a kik? :3

>playing promo game
>everything is even, its a very close game
>our elise jungle is split pushing all game, never teamfights with us
>we get wiped in base under inhib turret in 5v4 fight
>instead of recalling to defend, elise continues to push top and trades our nexus for their t2 turret

i truly wonder what some peoples priorities are. do they even know you have to destroy the nexus to win the game?

>2-2 in plat promos