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>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 01/28/2017*

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pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:
youtube.com/watch?v=VzbIuPpPM8E [Open] [Open] [Open]

>New Dangan Ronpa V3 is scheduled to be released in 2017 on PSVita and PS4.
youtube.com/watch?v=UdGlN0aEG2k [Open] [Open] [Open]

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4
youtube.com/watch?v=6DGuCuHurUk [Open] [Open] [Open]

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

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But who is the mother?

Xth for dindu nuffin

>Monotarou and Monofunny apparently fucked
>Tsumugi's delusion is wanting to fuck her older stepbrother
>Rantarou is looking for his younger stepsister
>Monofunny clings to Rantarou's leg in pic related

I think this is linked to his FTE where he was thinking of being a robot worker for a hospital.

Travelling with Tulpaman!

Xth for Kaede is a SLUT ! A SLUT!

Haven't been to these threads in a while, has there been any new drawanons/writeanons who have made works for the threads? preferably of girls but i'd like to see the boys too

Saihara a cute.

Miu's nursing handjobs

Kiibo is cute! Saihara is too.

Reminder Amami and Saihara will appear in Killer Killer.

Miu gets a few of them, but I haven't seen any regular writers for the other girls.
I like to write for Kiibo, but Hope x Detective is my personal fave.

Is normie Saihara more popular than SHSL Detective Saihara?

What a bitch, taking advantage of my son


Reminder to bully the robot

Hard to scope since we're only just now starting to get chapter 6 spoiler art.
But I would say probably not.



Normie Saihara is for brutal rape and torture

SHSL Saihara is for tender vanilla sex with handholding

I wonder what that is to the left side of Shuichi. Maybe it's another character.

>spoiler tags in strawpoll

What are you? Reddit?

I am in love with all versions of him

Nope, but I expect we'll get more fanart of this horny fanboy Saihara

I agree .

Do you have any Mius saved?

link fics please and i assume saihara and kiibo get draws since fujos like them, are there any draws?


>we're only just now starting to get chapter 6 spoiler art
This makes me think that most Nips didn't even get to chapter 6 until very recently. This would explain the recent influx of normie Saihara art and why some Nips started drawing Miu. Miu in bonus mode is hilarious, so it may have warmed a few people up to her.

>Shirogane "Don't Ignore Me You Normie" Tsumugi
>Shirogane "Back in the Locker Piano Baka" Tsumugi
>Shirogane "Dirty Brother Killer" Tsumugi
>Shirogane "Don't Say No to Your Imouto" Tsumugi
>Shirogane "Can't Resist a Sister" Tsumugi
>Shirogane "Zeussu Right in My Vagoo" Tsumugi

Sadly, I'm not a Miu type of user. She's got perks and charms, but all her work posted here is just lewd this or lewd that.

Kiibo and Saihara are cute together!


what were you doing there senpai?

It's not

butcha-u should draw more of her

user, I'm still open to talk about this never ending hate you have towards seeing that word.

Miu fucks Kiibo.

Ouma fucks and degrades Miu in exchange for EMP bombs.

Absolutely disgusting. Kys.

Enjoy, the Miu lewdfic I wrote during when these threads were active with the chink streams: pastebin.com/1MfaY9pt
There's a pic a based user from /h/ drew for me, too: imgur.com/sagjQ2Z?r

Because of Monotarou's persistence of Miu being his mother in Chapter 4 and the idea of nursing handjobs floating around, I might write something more...or I could write something on the fluffier side. Miu with Saihara or Kiibo or whatever. Not sure.

Xth for beating him up

>Shirogane "Pretty Boys into Incestous Toys" Tsumugi

how about kirumi, then? kaito? kiibo? kaede? there must've been at least one draw of one of those characters. i'll take anything. i'm desperate

That Ouma fic with Miu was the hottest shit I read all year so far.

I love the idea of rich boy amami

Not the word, the place

>you will never take a bath at the hot springs with korekiyo after a long day of traveling and studying
>he'll never wash your back while you're trying to hide your boner
>he'll never take care of it for you while laughing softly in your ear

Cute art friend.

I hope the writer does more with them. I like the way he/she writes them.

Yes, but most people just google for shit and happen to save images from there just because google brings it up. Doesn't mean we live there, Google just picks it up faster and I'm all about the path of least resistance.

Now he is in one. Does Tuplaman have one now too?

Writefag, if you are here, please, finish that fic about Gonta. Your works are amazing.

I'm working on that

xth for Sanic qties as Danganronpa waifus

Why not just use pixiv or twitter?

Consider suicide.

More of a boat boy but helicopters work too user

Never ever.

>using google to find pics

That would imply I have either of those.

I want to get locked in an airtight school and fix her with hope. She would try anything and everything to make me feel despair, but I would just laugh it off, because as long as I'm helping her, no despair is strong enough to enter my heart. I'd show her that no matter what she has done, I'd always forgive her. I'd make her food and clean her secret lair, and drag her out to bed if she stays up late. When the nights get so cold that we have no choice but to cuddle together at night for warmth, I'd feel her breath going from shallow to deep as her form relaxes and she falls asleep in my arms. I'd feel her cling to me in the night when she wakes up from a despair nightmare and feel her sob into my chest, first seeds of hope sprouting in her traumatized mind. I'd softly kiss her hair and tell her everything will be okay. I'd take care of her when she gets sick, read all the books from the library and hold her hand so that she can fall asleep. I'd make shitty homemade pizza for her and stay up late with her watching dumb movies, and feel her cuddle up to me when she can't stay awake anymore. I'd teach her retarded drinking games and show her how to play pool in the rec room.

One night, she silently sneaks over to the kitchen. A shining sliver of a blade extends from her clenched fist when she walks into my room. But her hand stops, centimeters away from my chest, and begins to shake violently. Something is wrong. One by one, her trembling fingers let go of the hilt, and with a soft thud, the knife falls onto the carpet. She throws herself on me and buries her face right where the knife should have gone, Clutching at the fabric of my clothes. Her whole body shakes feverishly and I scoop her body into my arms and tell her that everything will be okay, just like usual. Her silent sobbing turns to wailing that echoes out into the dimly lit corridors beyond the door.

She would finally be cured of despair. Because the only thing she can't analyze is love

>too lazy to take five(5) minutes to make an account to browse a site

Why the fuck do you think I stay here instead of making actual friends?

Didn't they say they'd try to have it done by the end of this weekend? And I'm pretty sure they were planning to work on a Miu/Kirumi fic next if it's the writing user I'm thinking of.

Use pixiv/twitter, you dullard.

>Maria as Pekopekopekopekopekopeko
>oww the edge as lil' gangsta

Love it! Thank you so much! I'd personally have him wear something to show more skin but this is really good!

>Implying you need an account to search twitter

How new?

Is there a translateanon around or is it too early to request for one?

Glad bonus mode made these guys close friends.

How about a fic where Kirumi is Ouma's overprotective mother who isn't too fond of her son's new friend Miu that she thinks is a bad influence? Now I can't decide if I'd prefer it to be an Miu/Ouma fic or a fic about Miu seducing a lonely milf.

>most people
>using Google images

Sore wa chigau zo

They are really chill.



Yeah their personalities are similar, they like to travel and they love talking about their sisters so I'd be surprised if they weren't pals.

Out of all the possible ships I expected this the least, but I'm thankful

Hope that isn't Shirogane but sauce my good man?


Need more Amaguji art. Though we'll probably see more.

Best ship

Amami doing Shinguji's make up when?

Soon...... hopefully

It'll get lewder too


Wew sauce?

Post hope x detective

their skin tone...



That's ugly and not worthy of Tsu- I mean my time.

Time to equip the wallpaper stripper

It's (probably) not Shirogane




What the fuck is that?


Holy shit

Kiibo is for crossdressing!

I'm surprised that no ones drawn Kaito in Miu's underwear after what he said in the case 2 trial.

a cute!


Another art from ZCC.

Give me a second to ser if I can find it again. It was from Twitter.
