/ovg/ - God Driving Edition

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5th for 5%

3rd for NR2003

>He drives auto

>tfw can't register an account for BMW M3 Challenge

Is multiplayer rfactor active at all hours or just when autists get together at a specific time for races?

the crew


The server is up 24/7, but there aren't many people on it practicing before the race, unless it's a day before or on the race day.

>just when autists get together at a specific time for races?
This desu. When /ovgt3/ is on we're by far the busiest server in the whole rFactor multiplayer lobby

Tell people you're going on and some might join. If you have friends that helps too.

>tfw your PB in the OVGT86 server ends with .86

the problem with multiplayer rF1 is it has to be organized externally and you have to make sure you've got the right mod and skin pack and no mismatches before you join, you can't just join some random server and expect it to work

>Unable to contact server OVGT86

>Consistently at least a second slower in the 86 on the server than when I was practicing offline


>practicing with maximum track grip
small in the pants

Eco tires, no blankets. Use fast grip track, maybe green

Does anyone here actually do the arcade cabinet scene?

Real Racing 3 is actually pretty good, are there others like it on mobile? Are the Asphalt games any good?

I'm going to pick up a ps4 and the psvr set in the morning. Do any of you have any experience with any of the psvr racing games? I'd absolutely love to see gran turismo as a vr game

what, like building your own?

I want to buy a Daytona USA Deluxe cab and turn it into a simracing rig.

so when r we gnna race a good racing series like f1??

>I'd absolutely love to see gran turismo as a vr game

Why are you buying a PSVR if you've done zero research on what games are on it?

>install sound fix for modded cars in AC
>all stock game content no longer has sound

Oh I've done research just not specifically in racing games. I'm buying it primarily for things like resident evil

how did you not see that coming? u gotta compromise nigga


yh its the pinnacle of motorsport, u fags just like dumb crap like turning left all the time its so fkin easy lol lazy

I was tired and just wanted to try my new touges


ugh I hate it when mentally ill euros reply to me

how do i have fun in Assetto Corsa?

>Finally downloading the Mario Kart 8 dlc
>Switch out nest week
I'm a little behind


minorating servers usually offer certain degree of quality racing. non-minorating are like on attached webm


but group B was WRC

all wrong


you drift

Don't be a tryharding dick and just play the game. If the server has qualifying and you're fast, you'll have some racing at the front of the pack.

If you're in the middle of the shitter pack then you're part of the problem. Get good first.

>people implying sporky actually even cares about simracing when his discord hugbox is just a collection of shit memes
/ogc/ deserves its 4 people races

>implying The Juctmeister isn't the best series organizer

Can't wait to try streaming races with this thighburner. Thx IRS. The Zizin stream will be greatly improved, and I'll be able to stream AC too.

Nice man

Where did James get money for alienware PC from? Did Ian Bell buy it for him?

He's a famous racing driver.

fun track suggestions for AC? preferably Touge/street courses

>tfw no wonderful playground AC port

>tfw no brilliant nature reserve AC port


I remember doing pub racing with a few people on mumble and someone ran out of fuel, so I decided to push them to the line. I got a C rating and got kicked from the server.

Literally one day after I jumped on another server with minorating and there were only 3 people. I did 3 clean races with them and got grade A rating.

Shit's retarded.


>Assetto Corsa means race trim
>Forza Motorsport means go Motorsport
>iRacing means internet racing
>rFactor means race factor
>Gran Turismo means Grand tour

I'm a card-carrying player of the Initial D Arcade Stage series.

>Fatal Racing means deadly motorsport competition

This is honestly pretty epic, is there a way to get these tracks on PS4?youtube.com/shared?ci=fwxB2vpnamU



>Wreckfest means Collision festival

literally a "no fun allowed" system

literally a system for people who didn't get teary eyes at the end of Cars

>Need for Speed means require momentum
>Dirt Rally means long-distance race for motor vehicles over rough terrain
>GT Legends means racing phenomenons

How is the Discord more of a hugbox than mumble

PCARS means Project CARS

>Live For Speed means being alive for the purpose of going fast

>PCARS means Project CARS
PCARS means Project Community Assisted Racing Simulator.

Only one guy with the power to pin his shit memes in an overly masturbatory fashion.
Only one guy ever pinning info about his own series in an attempt to crush other series hosters to keep "power".
Only one guy with the power to give "roles" to color his favorite lackeys.
The offtopic channel description is literally lifted from the old Facepunch "so randumb xDDD" forum subsection because sporky can't let go of his origins (and then gets mildly upset when people remind him of the DVD Rewinder whisteblowing).

To be clear, I never implied the mumble wasn't a circlejerk. But compared to the PC Repair Discord it's tame.

Then why are you even on it

How will I make fun of SJ if I'm not aware of his antics?

I need more than James to keep me entertained by unfiltered autism.

Turns out there's an initial D arcade stage 8 machine near me. Should i get a card or what

>tfw there was one in my local mall in 2008
>tfw it's gone now



>all those parts in the trailer with the visible mouse cursor
senna pls

I bought an Xbox from my co workers just to play forza. Should I get F6 or Horizon 3? What is more active now?

Both are still reasonably active, because they're mainstream racing games and those have long online lives.

Get F6 if you want realism and track racing.
Get H3 if you want FUN™ in a reasonably large open world and if you're not triggered by the idea of drifting engine swapped AWD shitboxes.

What the h e double hockey sticks

seriously hope this is just a heck up on my end

>Live For Speed means being alive for the purpose of going fast

It's funny because their development pace is not just so slow that they don't have Speed, but so slow that they're dead (ie: not alive) and thus there's no purpose.

nice vertex painting


Why does isi keeps making content that nobody cares for?

They should do something cool, like the new DPi racecars.

Fixed, an update released earlier today took too long to propagate through the steam servers it seems. No idea why they're updating the grass shader though.

Track looks nice

oh dear

>pirated AC multiplayer doesnt work ;_;

Because NOLA wanted the track made.

If we were to get a P2 it'd likely be the ESM Ligier with a low, low chance of the Caddy.

AC is fairly cheap, even with all the DLC, and worth it if you plan on racing without having the headache of constantly waiting for someone to give you files.

Get the base game and pirate the DLC

Mumble voice recognition experts, is that a hot new Sporky alias?

yeah whatever, studio 397. Satisfied?

this guy hasn't eaten enough big macs but some mannerisms are similar.

I was wondering why there was zero "race weekend" feel to the track, but turns out that's present in the Indycar layout.

Ferris wheel is animated by the way

Scirocco never. But the new Blackwood is pretty nice I guess

hkin fatburgers lol, u dont like turning right cause u spill ur drink lol fatty, lewis hamilton would never touch nascar cos he has class lol

does it turn into a death swamp at the slightest sign of rain?

managed to set a 1:01 for ovgt86, also Paul if you read this - more camber

Only did a 1:01? People have already broke into the 58s you know. What are you? A slow driver or something?

not the same guy but i definitely am slow as hell and i'm okay with it so long as i don't fuck up the flow of the race

You should strive to be faster user. Otherwise you will never forgive yourself every time you see someone slowly pull away while you can't do anything about it.

the farting ass in there should really be the back end of a Metro 6R4 brapping

>race weekend

Forza means "power" "spirit" or "force", not go.

google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=google translate&*

>you can't do anything about it
divebomb before it's too late

Already at max camber m8

Stock setup is fine. Just decrease the braking force to 90% so the ABS won't intrude that much.