Haggard Garage is about to hit 500,000 subscribers and it's all your fault

Haggard Garage is about to hit 500,000 subscribers and it's all your fault.

I just don't care, not even a little tiny bit. In fact, I only came in here to tell you that you were a faggot for making such a worthless thread. Consider never posting again.

>being this butthurt

Not very mint bro.

I only occasionally watch them caus theyre from Connecticut but god I hate them

I have no idea what haggard garage is, or if they are bad or good, I'm not butthurt, only informing that this thread is terrible.

>All your fault
>Gives them even more free marketing

Not mint at all dude

They're about to send it and you're in here all butthurt bro

I do not comprehend your words, honk girl.

It happened

>popularity declined
>OG's left to do their own thing
>get roasted after challenging some legit drift channel
>still being relevant in 2017

Who again?

>mfw i live in the same state as these faggots

truly cancer

the only og's left are cam and orion right? everyone else that is currently in Haggard isnt OG

There are nudes of rudniks girlfriend

Just subbed OP thanks for recommending me the channel, it's so mint.


That other image board that is entirely local nudes

word, shes from torrington right?

whats her name

what is this?

It's not thanks to me. I haven't subscribed to those faggots.

Thats mint dude.


Post here fag

Just Google tyarah user-ib

Australians are stupid. Don't mind them

saw it and was not impressed

rudnick can do much better

or maybe not

does grillo still have the bbw transporter?
is grillo still even around?
>the one br/o/ in a sea of chads

Which one?

i check in the channel occasionally to see if they get into the inevitable disaster crash from how dumb they are

Brilliant drives a VW bug with eyelashes

He's a true homosexual

Jimmy Oakes recently started collaborating with them and immediately got in a crash resulting in a hospital stay and surgery

Just post the fucking nude here

>posting a nude pic of an underage girl on a blue board

god damn you are retarded it takes about 5 sec to find it. and honestly theres nothing great about it. she isnt hot unless you are a white kid from a low socioeconomic background.


she's smoking and her nipples are pierced. c'mon.

Ricer Miata regularly features a 16 year old vape god

Doesn't work for me.
Gibbe better way to find it

> user-ib > connecticut > catalog > torrington > ctrl+f tyrah

if you cant find it like that than you are an idiot.

That worked.

Based Will