[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

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Everyone too busy giving me shit edition

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Threadly reminder that a 996 is not impressive

You realize that was a turbo right?


seriously kys user.



trips proves it

turbo 996 confirmed for MR turbo miata with higher maintenance costs.

But a cheap Honda

Why shouldn't I buy a Ducati 821

I feel you dude ever since I wrecked I had to put my insurance money towards other payments and haven't had a chance to ride since then.

i dont understand why cruisers get so much hate
seriously fuck off, i feel comfortable as fuck and i look badass
theres no reason to go 190mph, i can go 100mph and get the same feeling
you guys are fucking elitist assholes about cruisers and you should kill yourselves

>I look badass

You look like a poof

Literally no one cares

It's an entirely different car, but you are an idiot so I guess you haven't figured it out yet.

Nobody was talking to you kkk

I meant to say buy, but now you're taking too me. Checkmate atheist

What recent /dbt/ related purchases did you get?

I just picked up a spare helmet on the cheap. There's more instock if anyone is looking for a spare or for the random slut you don't give a shit about.

>its an entirely different car

No it fucking isn't

I own an SV650, I4s aren't peaky even by comparison.

that just proves me right
peak numbers are at a much lower point in comparison to an i4.

for example, check out this graph of some twins versus some conservatively tuned i4's. even there you can see the difference

post your bike
less than 600ccs need not apply

I'll suck your dick for a Ruckus.

I'm literally poor.

>That torque ripple
What did they mean by this?

>A) I don't own a ruckus
>B) if I did it would only be for you if you have girlpucci

>less than 600ccs need not apply
>posts 599cc bike

where is your god now


would /dbt a bandit 1200 or 1250? can you get hektik on them or are they too heavy?

I quite like the old-style tubular frames

nice suit, maybe some day those knee pucks will actually see some pavement lel

post knee dragging

694cc incoming

what'sh swinging dbt

im at the AMA gypsy tour in hollister and it is crackin

pic related

The 996 has a completely different engine than the 996 Turbo.

I think i mixed you up with the rest. Sorry about that, was a mistake. Carry on.

i drag elbow

>he drags knee
get better positioning scrublord

I'd get an fz1 or zrx1200


(already looking at fz1s, just curious)

Stop giving the rest of us a bad name, spreg


thicc coming through


>More revs
>I find it super comfy to sit in
>Yuge aftermarket
>That r1 mill

>Looks cool as shit


No problem. I'm looking into an fz6 as my next bike just because insurance in an fz1 would be retarded for me.

FZ675R is that you?

First for New Zealand motorcycle laws a shit. Aftermarket exhausts are illegal on learner/restricted licenses. Back to the sewing machine it is...

>aftermarket exhaust on a ninja ptwin
no thanks
based NZ laws


mine looks better

The struggle is real senpai

Yes, hi!

you keep saying this but it's just wrong

hey what are you gonna do with that dart?

Just bash the cat converter out of the stock one then?

No u


675cc's reporting, fairings are going out for paint next week, parts and tires are in the mail, fixed bike soon get hype.

daily reminder


>muh dyno pullz
confirmed busanigger

peaky means having one or more sharp increases in the torque curve creating a sudden burst of power at a certain RPM. I4s don't do that. They build up power smoothly and consistently up to the top then have a slight taper off.
I would consider that more peaky
and I would consider that FZ peaky as well

>500cc light weight cruiser options?

>parts and tires
What else broke?

>cruiser under 1000cc
You're fuckin up son

July 29th - August 1st
Pfunds, Austria
Sign up to reserve a spot (unnecessary if you already voted on the location): docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfz1zJFToLpjuudibNQZlfC47TVY5ZVFqa0lSLFG9nwz9MXbA/viewform
Camp site: camping-pfunds.at/


>tfw 599cc, 448cc, and 398cc
kms rn

Newish to riding lad


Ayy lmao! pls kys cuck

Mirror block offs, turn signal, graphics.

Your point? 1000+cc cruiser won't kill you. Man the fuck up

i would go but i don't have the pfunds

As an FZ6 owner, I would agree, the power is peaky. It really starts going after 6k.

>suzuki also weighs less and has the same suspension so the handling will be equal or better

Will Kawasaki ever recover?

triple k, free that dart, you fuck.

>mirror block offs
Are you doing my $20 ebay chinkcam method?

Because if you are wrap it in heatshielding mine melted at 130mph

>500cc still includes 1000+cc
I just want a lightweight one
wuts gud

>no ducati


Vulcans are nice. Also scout

>peaky means having one or more sharp increases in the torque curve creating a sudden burst of power at a certain RPM.
you're wrong, but i know better than to argue with retards on Veeky Forums

>lightweight cruiser


gee i wonder

I approve of your headshake.

Nah, there are some spare bar ends floating around the shop I'm going to put on, if I don't like them I'll just put the stock ones back on.

>feet down

y'all poor low speed control is triggering me

I go feet up all day erry day negro fuck off.

Nice metalica pic

>owning motorcycles in states where you can't filter/lanesplit

Your response?

703 reppin.

based af post
11/9 will not forget

>owning sportbikes for any purpose other than racing/track bike
how does it feel to be the ultimate poser?

naked master race


relative to other cruisers

>people who live in shit-tier states actually think this webm contains something of interest
i will point out that it's best practice to split the far left two lanes though, FYI

lel I know where that is.
Maybe someday I'll be able to ride north 2.5hrs to roll with you guys

Hey man, how've you been? Haven't done any new real graf....done some sketches. Been busy as fuck at work for the most part.. Might have posted this one a while back.

You guys are getting too wrapped up on this shit. Especially Lane splitting is awesome and I loved it when I lived in CA but not riding because isn't isn't available is bullshit.

I'm gone March 21st anyway.
Exit was coming up. Quit being a bitch.

Sport naked literally GOAT tier

>living anywhere but CA

I've been hanging my man. Haven't been doing much hood shit lately, nearly tagged some tanker train cars but I decided against.
Haven't seen that one yet.
Oh yeah, you shipping off bic boi?

This is autism