What does Veeky Forums think of CarThrottle?

Is it as childish as everyone says it is?

It is for bus riders

Even worse

Also this:

>you need to insert your bus pass numbers as captcha to join

I mean I like Veeky Forums as platform because everyone knows their shit, but unless you are namefagging it is kind of distant from each other. Has it's Pros and Cons.

>everyone knows their shit
Everyone knows Veeky Forums is shit or are you suggesting everyone here actually knows what they are talking about? because WEW lad.

>everyone knows their shit
everyone knows they're shit*

if I ask for actual mechanic advice almost always a kind user answers it for me. Does not mean everyone is a nice guy, there are faggots fighting daily about fictional things like what car is better even though they drove none

I guess faggots will always have a way of joining a platform



Pure cancer. Over run by kids

Full of normies, and underage fags who post harambe car memes.

utter shit
they help this ugly mufugga git sum monies tho
and I like this ugly mufugga

>but unless you are namefagging it is kind of distant from each other.
You make it sound like name/tripfagging is a good thing. There's a reason why this is an anonymous imageboard.

Why is there logo H H if its called car throttle?

It is childish and just sad as fuck. See for yourself if you like. Still better than this shithole. Wish I could leave.

It's a gear shifter pattern

>fictional things like what car is better
Found the butthurt GM fangirl. Stay BTFO.

it's a buzzfeed of car related stuff. don't click it

Spotted the faggot I meant

Those guys aren't even invested in their conflict, they just want to shit up the board.



Post more of these pleas



Bio and amount of cars

Funny, but cmon guys, like u werent kids at some point..

Only edgy sub 23 post this shit.

> muh grownup

It's more or less the retarded lovechild of /soc/ and /r9k/.
>no one cares
Really bad memes.
Alex seems like an alright guy but he's basically just a Brit Mr. Regular.

found the weaboo who watches that shitty toyota chinese cartoon

What exactly am I looking at here?

CT is full of children, this is only scratching the surface

“I know it's easy to imagine but it's easier to just do. See, if you can't do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you? Just a waste of space in your brain"
-Kid Cudi

kids can't drive yet