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Someone requested I post best girl in this thread so here she is.

Rat fags die

That's the parallel I was talking about. I know that Gil has his enhanced Tri-Attack that makes him a chainer while Firion does get the enhanced killers to make them different.

Also expect to see more Firions in the Arena now since he does have access to Lance like Elza...

Happy Valentines Day

It's Valentine's Day. Let's talk about Final Fantasy Romances.

Leonora and Palom best couple.

the fuck is Rikku talking about

That's pretty obscure, and I like to pretend TAY doesn't exist.

I like to pretend you don't exist

I liked it well enough and I thought the two of them played off each other well. Leonora is second or third best FF girl, too.

Just like my family desu

It only starts being a parallel after enhancements, though, because a proper baby Gil will never equip anything that isn't a sword/katana/greatsword. Even after that, he only gets daggers and spears, and there are no good daggers.

He "can" equip anything, but he almost never should. You can make some niche setups for arena with it, but that's about the extent of it.

First one is the mermaid from FF1, not Sarah. Others are correct.

It's al bhed.


Al bhed deserve nothing but happy festival fireworks, ya

al bhed her but she better not be speaking that durka durka while we sex


Women are devils created to lead men astray

Don't do it man. You bed and al bhed and next thing you know you're dead, ya hear me?

time to stop posting, Garland.

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

Pid fryd tet ra tu nekrd?

When is the mobius part 2 coming out?

10 pm EST

This one is NOT wise to the ways of women.

When you learn how to read announcements.


I'm going to take on the ELT valentines dungeon. Any tips before I go in? Going to take the light weakness path.

Thinking of brining Luneth, Refia, CoD, Rain and Cecil.

I also have on hand Miyuki x2, Snow, Ling, Exdeath, Bartz and Yun.

My available TMRs are DWx2, Dragon Killer and Excalibur. I could get dual cast by today but that would mean I would have to use some trust moogles. But I don't want to do that if I don't have too.

welp. WoFF is $24 right now.
how does it run on vita?

What user?

Jesus, how the fuck do you people all have so many TMRs

That's not nearly good enough to make it.

You're fucked.

If you lose with that please uninstall. The dungeon isn't really that hard

Some folks have been grinding TMR with macros since last June.

The two DWs I used the basically all the trust moogles we've got since launch. Dragon killer I go my with the friend summon and Excalibur I had multiple Cecils so I tmr farmed that and just fused them.

take marvelou's randi, he should have killers for almost everything in the dungeon

Shit son, now I'm embarassed. I've been playing since around then too, but I ain't got fuckin nothing ;_;

Everything user, we've been through this before.
Also congrats on being able to run things through a translator app.


there's been no good content for almost 2 months now which means at least 2.3% a day, more than enough to complete a round of TMR

There are also... alternative ways of restoring your energy, kupo.

That's what I assumed. I thought it was just a bunch of fucking whales who literally could not stop playing the game, lmao

>Everything user, we've been through this before.
>always feeds us the same "it would take threads to explain what he did right!" line
Just once I'd like to hear some justification for Vayne that isn't applying ass-backwards logic to some user's questions. Starting to think you can't think of anything on your own fampai

It's my entertainment funds!!!! Who are you to judge?!?!

Will mote dungeons come back again for is this my last time to get hem?

They will keep returning.

worse than on PS4

well that's to be expected, but how bad are we talking?

>2.3% a day
how much NRG does that equal to? thinking of TMR farming without macros since i'm 20% away from my first DW

can u share the cheats and macros senpai?

>Ass-backwards logic
user, if you think any of that is backwards then you might be beyond help.
What do you think I haven't justified?
And of course I'm not going to lost literally every so flexible thing that he's ever done right, that would take forever and require more autism than even I have. I've given examples before, but you (and others) meanwhile have failed to provide even a single example of things that he's done wrong.
His goals were right, his methods were right, his mindset was right, his actions were right, and his priorities were right. You can point to any action, literally anything, that he did, and it can be and is justified.

Games with microtransactions get mixed reception on steam because it's filled with gabe cockscukers that think every game can sustain itself with cosmetics like TF2/CSGO/DotA

People would rather shell out $20 for 'Another 2D-platformer-minecraft-survival-roguelike-zombie' game

happy valentines ffg.

who is ready for the ff II banner in BE on friday

I want her to be my valentine!

I meant 2.8%*, typo there, but you get 288 energy per day. If you set up a continuous macro to burn energy you'd get just under 3% a day if you don't waste any energy. that said

>TM farming without macros
don't do it yourself user you absolute madman

>ff2 banner

What? when was this announced

I sure am excited to waste my lapis and tickets on shitty units that are mandatory for their TMRs!

>b-b-but Firon will be in the banner!

Who the fuck doesn't already have 2+ Firions?









>caring about Orlanmeme

marie was supposed to be on it as well as firion and maria 6 star. it's definitely coming. they will announce it tonight or tomorrow night

oh i'm ready alright

>maria 6 star

Why does everyone say Yun's TM is BiS for Firion when if you have Yun for his TM you should be using him instead of Firion anyways??? Yun even needs basically the exact same TM's as Firion does anyways.

>getting mad
nigga what? this is the best sign orlandu is coming next week. FFII banner and its notably non Mog King event always came ebfore Orlandu. The Great BE Quittin will be at the end of the month

my mistake.

maria will be 5 star.

thanks fact checking user!

I am so ready for nerfed Orlandu and the people who will DEFEND the nerf.


>playing meme emblem
you only have yourself to blame

I want to see Freya with these ridiculous proportions

>wasting gacha money on a brand new game that's piss easy to reroll in
I'm assuming this is just shitty bait

I love Ignis!

no you don't

I love Ignis and Aranea and wish I could hang out with them

Aranea in BE when ? I want to whale for my waifu

Yes I do!
Me too

FFX to GL when?

FFX has been available globally for many years now


how long have you been in a coma?

hurf durf, so fahnneh may-may xD

who pissed in your cereal?

A diseased hobo. It's why he's only just now woken from his coma.

>mfw RK gets Orlandu before BE

huzzah hurray
it's valentine's day

I'm not wasting any more money on BE until they implement EX points.

Damn, Minfilia's SSB is fucking dirty on torment fights when you combine it with a healer BSB. Three times my party would have been wiped if it wasn't for that shit. Even forgot to renew Shellga and it didn't even matter.

>Cherry in the sun
>it's snowing

>there are people that unironically spend money on mobages in this thread

Not me though. I ironically spend my money on mobages instead.

I'll spend some to buy 3000 lapis and do daily pulls on Orlandu banner

nigga just reroll for him


you know that won't be enough, right?

>almost halfway
>still no cecil, gaffgarion, snow, ludmille
If I get one more 5% moogle I can just feed them all to zidane once he reaches 45% for DW, I can't believe I'm getting excited over this.

I know. I already have 20k lapis and 50 tickets. In case I don't get him the daily pulls are my last hope

any amount of draws could be enough.

Use the lapis and tickets you already have. Reroll if you don't get him. Don't start chasing him with your real money because it won't end well.