/svg/ Shadowverse General


2/26 UPDATE:

Read this guide for the upcoming GranBlueF event: pastebin.com/3U2KM9p5

Shadowverse is a free-to-play, collectible card game similar to Hearthstone /hsg/

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Learn about the mechanics and classes here:

FAQ for newbies:

Netdeck and Meta trends:

Good cards to pick in Take Two (Arena) (credit to @pekonyan_sv):

Take 2 Card Rankings from some dude called msmochi (Warning: Severely outdated):

Card Collection Tracker/Pack EV Calculator:
Make a copy to edit your own:

All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor:

Art package (Basic, Classic, DE, ROB):

A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

Search by artists:

You can listen and download both EN/JP voices for cards at this place:


Other urls found in this thread:


>piercing rune 2PP is nuthing
>I'll just take out all my 1PP followers

/svg/ opinions.

It's a tech for consistency or being able to get by/breaking wards. It's also the backbone of Cursed General Storm royal

>dragon becomes tier 1
>piercing rune and gobu are getting nerfed
>dragon untouched

what a time to be alive


Pretty much.

/svg/ doesn't know shit about this game.

>Still no buffs for cuckcraft
Oh boy

Most of /svg/ thought Bahamut is trash user.

I want to burn Arisa's forest with all her fairies and elves and roaches inside while I order a billion orc taking turn pumping her with cum while forcing her to watch her forest burn.



- Allow users to delete games, re-index all games on launch to allow backwards compatibility (old versions of games did not have id).
- Allow users to specify number of turns/notes for games (optional).
- Fix IconChanger and ShadowverseTracker not correctly setting the form and taskbar icon as the exe icon.
- Added build script (requires .NET Framework v4.*).
- Minor code improvements.
- README updated.


how dare you


2/2 7PP

Fanfare: Summon your highest cost follower and activate their fanfare.

What do you think, anons?

>want to burn down her forest
>not wanting to hunt her down, rape her, and take an ear as a trophy

>7pp bahamut

>t7 santa

This is how you turn this game to Piratestone, but worse.

It'd get more out of control with every expansion. And it's bullshit since basically you have 7pp bahamut/olivia/pluto/etc

0PP Spell
Deal damage to the enemy Eris equal to the total attack of all your banished followers.


compile it urself then you big babby

Will Shadowverse has something similar to Yugioh's D.D?

What if she only summoned shadowcraft followers?

But you still get buttfucked by tier 2 elf deck Rowen.

Maybe he be anally penetrated by a thousand Piercing Runes.

>1/1,storm, 1pp
>Play this from your deck when you play a fairy

I'm glad you died, piece of shit.


What high cost followers do shadowcraft have that's worth summoning?

>away with the seraph
away with the seraph
>away with the seraph
away with the seraph

>Dorothy Tempovich
Why didn't anyone tell me Dorothy is a Slav?

Basically the idea I had was a card that would make Tyrant decks viable.

More dick guy

No thanks Ben Brode

>Turn 6 Evolve + Valhalla General a Manyuu straight to face

Anyone knows how to convert these files into usable formats like .wav? I thought you could simply drag them into VGMToolbox > Misc. Tools > Extraction Tools > Streams > CRI HCA Extractor, but no luck so far.

0pp Amulet
Fanfare: Banish the account of the opposing player if they are playing Havencraft

>t7 summon Khawy, Mordecai, lich, and destroy an opponents follower

Nothing really. Especially since it's a fetch.

11/13 mainyu meme when?

While I can beat darias if I dont get shit draws now I will have and easier time.
And maybe with the sudden raise of nep neps then I can start to have fun again.

So what deck forest deck is going to be tier 1 now?

>compile a virus yourself, when you compile it yourself it's not a virus :^)

>0pp Amulet
>Fanfare: Banish the account of the opposing player if they are playing Havencraft

How about a trap card that reverses the effect of Seraph.

>Cursed general storm royal is dead on Feb 26th
Roach shitters can still do 3 times the damage unimpeded turns earlier. Give me my dank memes back you fucks.

Why is Arisa such a jellybean?

That'd be cool. Fucking destroy/banish spamming shitlords

>8 PP cost amulet, 4 count down
>if you were to lose the game while this amulet is in play, win instead
>last word: lose the game

You need jesus.

Glorious Revolution
Take control of an enemy countdown amulet, then add all amulet reduction cards in your opponent's hand to your own hand and change their cost to 0.

>discard memes

>Though that Forte is a glorious 180+cm lady of war
>Learned that she's actually a 130cm shorty

All of my why

>amulet steal effect
I want this.

Spartoi Hag Destroyer
1 pp 1/2
Fanfare: if your opponent plays Haven, you win the game. Shadows (4): also ban that player's account

Perfect height for blowjobs.

What did you think those handles on her head were for?

Only in GBF. In Bahamut she's the first.

Because her source material she's just a short breeding cow background character


Only if Jesus help purge Arisa's roaches.

I'm so excited for new story mode and I don't even know why. The story is not that great.

It ended on a cliffhanger.

Do not badmount Dorkte or you're gonna pay for it

Friendly reminder that control blood is the thinking man's deck.

I'm excited about all the free shit we'll get from it and the Elite 2 AIs achievements.

>inb4 30 vials

I wish Forte is 180+cm too (she's about 160cm). I'm a sucker for badass and tall but girly girls.

oh yeah

you'll be thinking all right

thinking why you wasted the vials to build such a shit deck

Memelords of memeverse, it's time to rise up to create the greatest thinkin man's deck.
Assemble the Fluted wyrm spire ramp of legend to meme streak for 10 games to make the meta great again

Cblood's hard counter just died so I guess dshift is going to make a comeback

>thinking why you wasted the vials to build such a shit deck
I wasn't talking about ramp dragon though.

I want to Urd Urd's Urds.

But short girls are cute

I'm addicted to meme decks. I can't rank up for shit. Help.


that's not a puffy vulva

that's a saggy used cooter

Bunnycraft when?

Deosn't matter dude, lower rank means easier 1 pack ranked missions

Only manlets think short girls are cute.

It honestly looks like she's got a pair of balls.

Lovecraft first.


Cow Forte is a mistake and is no way canon in RoB or Shadowverse and no, the gbf sleeves doesn't make RoB/SV Forte a cow

Dire Breach
3PP Amulet
Any effect that would restore defense to a leader instead deals the same amount of damage to them.

>9 face damage from fangslayer
Why is this allowed
Why the hell does his face damage scale

Need a private match senpaitachi: 52309

Nothing gets me more rock hard than getting a good ramp and drawing rites or my tutors before T9 and gets to drop it on a Daria vomit.

I'm 190cm and I think stacked short girls are the goddamn best.

Thanks senpai.

I'm a tall guy too and I also like shortstacks.

Reminder that Nephthys is the one true god and you should remove Saha Luci heretics.

that wallpaper is dope


Is Mastema any good in control blood?

>Control blood

>When the meme surpasses the meme

Because sword has dick draw/board clear/burn/removal
He's an officer

Saha is CUTE and luci is her best friend do not bully!

Win 1 private match - pls help


>5pp do nothing
>can't remove things without ward

>can't be used to control the board
>is it good in control, you guys?

So are you saying we got another generic, shitty totally-not-loli character instead of a thicc, respectable dragon lady?

>all 3 D shifts are at the bottom 8 cards of my deck
>still somehow manage to win at 1 hp

To bad for you I dont run saha + luci in my deck
Nep shadow is a favorable match up for me.
Only leggo I use.


ty ding dong

Shadow mains are the Jews of Shadowverse. They're always fucking bitching about muh 6 gorillion banished last words, They always bitch about DE Haven, even though they were pure cancer in vanilla (le 11 on 6 from hand with 2 cards). They always exggrate how good or played Haven is.

>Haven play rate (white nationalism) is on the rise goy! Us poor honest, totally not aggro Shadow players need more fair card (shekels) like Phantom Howl and Khawy.

The Shadow player (Jew) fears the Haven player (samurai).

My Saha Dirt laughs at your last words.