Well Veeky Forums?
Well Veeky Forums?
Normal whores are much cheaper than the cheapest cars. You could put her on weekly payments but she'll probably total it in less than a month.
If I was wealthy I'd probably buy cars, fix them, and donate them to people in need tbqh
>see how to have a car gf with this one simple trick
Don't. I did something similar to a poor family once thinking it'd help them, but I just later on caught them on Craigslist reselling it to make some money.
Exactly this.
Had a friend that was given a car by a different friend.
He sold it for weed money.
Was a nice car too. Buick something or other. Like 2009. I think he sold it for like $2k
Maybe one day you'll sack up and swallow the biggest red pill of your life: "people in need" don't exist. They all bring it upon themselves. Why would you help someone that doesn't even want to help themselves?
>Give pic related car to girl
>Hire her for startup to organize files and fuck.
"I'll Suck You Off for Money so I Can Buy Ice and Roxxies: The Craigslist Post."
Do I get a refund if I can't get it up?
Did you confront them?
I'd ask them why tbqh
>He sold it for weed money.
Hes a retard with 3 kids and a pill popping wife.
Honestly think that's a dick move
They should just charge them a huge amount of money in the thousands of dollars range
>in the thousands of dollars range
plus interest
Make her dig a ditch
Hmm if I could have her agree to suck my cock 30x I'd agree to buy her a cheap car. She'd have to suck it again though in her new car so technically 31x.
some people have shit luck.
i mean, i probably wouldn't do it either
but my grandparents bought me a car when the rest of my family turned on me (my dad had an evil ex wife, long story)
and i turned my life around from dirt poor making less than $7000 a year to clearing $100k in less than 2 years
How user? That's impressive
its called MLM, I work for herbalife, want my email?
its great. You are your own boss.
>working for an illegally-structured company.
Just cook crank and MDMA, be your own boss and don't be an asshole.
>Give car to someone
>Get mad that they sold what is now their own property
Wow, that sounds great! Way better than Cutco, where I currently work.
damn she's ugly
i'd pay her money to put a bag over her head
Head is head bruh.
>he got suckered into the cutco meme
Ahhh, college kids and dumb ads spouting about easy money, like shooting fish in a barrell
Imagine being this retarded
>Puts on make up
>Still looks worse than a clan whore
Dear lord, white genetics.
Bunch of mad dictators in this thread. Mad cause they were too dumb to believe their own friend.
She also looks to be in her late 40s
yeah but did an ugly chick ever give you head?
it's degrading,especially if you know you can do better
to top things off the whole thing had to take place in a vehicle not fit for sexual activities,horrible experience
>the joke
>your head
I know the lady who owns/runs this company (not on a personal level. Honestly a sweet lady, but I've always wondered how legit her products/company are.
sign up so you can also have a garage full of diet supplements no one wants to fucking buy
Just because they can legally do it doesn't mean it's respectful.
You're probably American which is why you don't understand the concept of respect
This post reeks of marital resentment
best head is from a old friend that comes out of the closet on a road trip to new york
Not him but my mom did that once. It's largely a pyramid scheme.
Ever hear of Nikken? Same shit
>give a sob story about how you need a car
>JK it was money for drugs we really wanted
And then get sued when the car breaks down and they get all your shit. Top Gear tried to give a car away in niggerana after the flood. They tried to sue them.
You can fuck WAY hotter whores on CL for $75. 30x would be $2,250 with DIFFERENT and hotter women. And the price for a shitty car.
>marital resentment
There's a few married blokes on Veeky Forums, cars are our escapism. Hooning with no care in the world is harder when you have dependants.
t. has 500k life insurance policy that covers car accidents
>be driving to work
>single with no family
>drunk driver smashes into you
>can't work due to injuries
>insurance won't cover much
>rent is due
>child has cancer
>family can't afford $1million in bills to save child
>both work hard
>marital resentment
son, if you only knew what that really looked like.
Sue for what? How would it stand up in court?
Why not just give them a clapped out camry with 300K miles on it and a barely functional transmission? If the people are truly in need, then they'll take it, the assholes won't because it's a piece of shit.
There's plenty of poor people who would take those I imagine.
I bet the homeless would.
How are you so jewish yet able to survive on Veeky Forums?
>can't work due to injuries
>collect disability payments
>have discounts
>can park everywhere
wow this isn't too bad
>be parents
>child has cancer
>will find the money somehow because it's their fucking child
wow problem solved
Although I have to agree with you. There's more we can do to help these people.
>implying you need something to stand up in court to be sued
I'm going to give you rich guy advice for free, when you are rich, people will file suits on you for all sorts of shit. Their hope is that you will pay them out instead of wasting the money on lawyers. Why spend $10k and time on a lawyer when they settle for $5k? Happens every day.
>>will find the money somehow because it's their fucking child
>needing a lawyer when it will just get thrown out
>not countersuing for wasting my time with dumb shit
LOL you have NO IDEA how a CIVIL SUIT works do you? Stay uneducated pleb.
>legendary tripfag
Lmao user why did you let h bait you that hard
At this point in my life, oblivious autism just enrages me.
I don't live in the US
>>will find the money somehow because it's their fucking child
just like that huh
>will find the money somehow because it's their fucking child
are you legitimately retarded?
I know what it looks like, which is why we aren't married
Fucking herbalife fags!
Ban requested
I'm not that user, but some people are just naturally stupid and will refuse to do stuff that can make their life better.
>have uncle
>he caught his wife cheating on him
>he's decides to divorce her
>his wife calls him, she's crying asking for forgiveness
>she tells him that she won't demand much
>they go to court
>she demands a lot
>we tell my uncle to not let her screw him over
>we offer to help him with everything, even pay for a lawyer
>he refuses and keeps saying that everything will be okay
>he continues to not prepare for his appearances in court
>she continues to fuck him over
>he keeps on waiting, like if some miracle will fall out of the sky
False flags, every pro Nazi post is usually done by one of (((them))).
If this washed up hag made better life decisions when she was young, she wouldn't be whoring herself out for $100 now. This bitch would have to pay ME $100.
i've met people with "shit luck"
it's more like "shit decisions"
>be born disabled
>"shit decisions"
It would be nice to be so sheltered
>be born into a third world country
>forced into prostitution as a child
Get her a job at local Starbucks. You collect her paycheque.
She works her 500$ corolla off.
She gets 10$ an hour. You schedule her for 150 hours of work.
She asks why.
You tell her this is interest. This is what banks do.
In the end you get 1000$ profit. You just literally pimped her out to the corporate world.
She pays for her insurance and gas. As u wrench on it she sucks you off.
>be parents
>child has cancer
>problem solved
Natural selection fixes everything.
Shit decisions on the behalf of the parents. You know how the Christian saying goes....
Like I said before. Being a third worlder doesn’t leave you with much prospects anywhere else either. Every nation is just as good/bad as its population.
I'd advise not helping "her" lift the couch into the van...especially if you're a size 14.
People in need do exist. It's just safer to generalize with shortsighted ideology like you just did.
It's called insurance. They make insurance for that bub.
Probably mid 30s midwestern trash. They age like moldy cheese.
T. Never been poor
>falling for the life insurance meme
>Expecting a poor family to pay for insurance and gas when they are already poor without a car.
should have moved to a country with social security worth its name.
Yeah, then they'd shit in it and leave it at the side of the road.
Most people are in the situation they are because of their own actions. Obviously accidents do exist, but the majority are just completely oblivious to the consequences of their own actions.
Yeah I agree. I hate discounting the select few who are in genuine need but are drowned out by lazy faggots who want free stuff.
I'd rather not get Chlamydia today
Shit I live about 50 miles from longview tx. She can do some work for me if you comprehend the sexual innuendo I am implying
I fell for the wife and kids (not in that order, but whatevez) meme first.
t. 26yo