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Everyday life of talon operatives

What SR did you end S3 with?

How do i git gud with mcree?

I play fine, but when ult is ready i start to flank/position when this hero have 0 mobility and wasting time and getting rekt stupidly.

Shall i just use ult for 1 guys or ignore it? There is fucking too much shit countering mcree ult atm

I need more Lucio memes in my life

Unless you got the okay from one of the team's tanks, don't bother using it for anything other than zoning.

get into character
yuo have to get a southern texas cowbow accent, grow a huge beard, drink straight bourbon before you play, and get a full costume - hat and everything
also you must listen to country music and use a horse for your method of transportation in your everyday life

Pick 76 instead. I used to be a good McMeme player. 65% avg accuracy and I think like 15% crit accuracy.

No reason to pick him right now. 76 does his same job but better.

>Shall i just use ult for 1 guys
Yep, expecting your deadeye to get a 6-man team kill every time you press q is a bit optimistic. Getting 1 or 2 kills from the high noon is good enough.


God that skin could've been so good but instead, we get Dyke Tracer 2.0

Try doing what you just said but during the team fight also don't fan tracers stun headshot is guaranteed kill, same with baby dva

>maybe if we keep pushing in more new heroes they will forget the old ones are unbalanced mess

>Play custom match against AI (using character that can get head shots (in your case, McCree)
>Set match settings to only count head shots, and play in Skirmish mode so you don't need to worry about time limit
>Fill enemy team with Ana. Because she can't get headshots, she can't damage you.
>Set enemy AI to hard (so they'll move/dodge more, I guess)

Sombra overall could have been so good instead. Aesthetic design-wise I mean, in this case.

>baby dva

newfriends call mech-less d.va baby or babby d.va

Tell me about Roadhog. Why does he wear the mask?

I love Hana.

so I installed overwatch on my PC but it fucked up during an update and now half my roster is unusable... do I have to reinstall??

Baby D.Va has been the term used since week 1.

Why is Reaper so cute?

Fuck off

Why didn't you quit during install and start over to begin with?

the concentration of the oxygen in non-junktown locations burns his alveoli

calling her baby d.va is pretty widespread

If I pulled it off, would he die?

is that a yes?

Nth for Yandemei is best mei


>Enemy Zarya is imposible to hit, shields up at all times and beaming everyone to death
>Everytime I use her I can't even kill a Zen
How do I git gud using Zarya?

Bubbling other people is Zarya's most important job

He's a big guy.

don't use your shields proactively. always use it as a reaction. solider starts unloading in your face? wait just a second since you really have enough health. then start microwaving him and pop bubble

Uhhhhh when did Zenyatta become so GOOOOOOOD

zenyatta is like /b/, it was never good

Zenyatta became good when they made him less squishy months ago.

Fuck you

Has Winston run out of peanut butter?

Who are the Top 3 sluts of Overwatch and why is it
in that order?

Zenyatta becomes THE penultimate overwatch character. You just need to Hare Krishna and channel Vishnu.

No, that's from his trailer when he throws Reaper.

flesh D.Va > baby D.Va

i just call her hana song

So they only now decided to update the map to match the time line?

For fucks sake, stop it already! McCree is innocent.

There is 0% chance this is in his kit, but it would be pretty great if Doomfist could smash walls
>Ability instantly breaks Mei walls
>Smashes through map walls that are less than 1meter thick (think chokepoints at King's Row and Hanamura for example), the wall holes stay open for ~10 seconds then repair with a Vishkar-esque hard light effect
>Anything thicker just deals damage a knockback AOE at the point of collision like when Winston lands

Now that would be some wild utility instead of just being Reinhardt But With Fists

It was like that since the trailer, where have you been?

>Smashes through map

I think this engine couldn't handle it without serious bugs

>Roadhog throws a hook within a mile of your location
>catches you despite going through a wall
>gets a kill
>this is skill

It was updated when the cinematic came out. Are you blind?

DUDE! If he could punch through Rein's shield, Winston's, Symm's, Mei's Wall, Zarya's bubbles that would destroy the stupid tank meta. I know they are changing Bastion so he can do that, but imagine a melee character doing that shit

Blackwatch Pharah is about to get her performance review
yes, I know the timeline makes no sense

All the measurements in OW are in meters dumbass

he's a Buddhist, mate, not a hinduist

I ahve ser queston. why is a ll tumbler art I se eof the overwatch make people dad and mom to the otther charectrerd

whatever same thing, right?

>tfw the enemy teams Lucio commends my Lucio solo healing and accuracy even though his team is clearly shafting me up the ass
ily bruh

>Athena's VA is black
>has a West-African accent as confirmed by ow's voice director

Wake up, sheeple. It's obvious who the next toon is gonna be.

reaper's got HUGE hands, like what the fuck


It's his yaoi hands. He's about to let her down because he's interested in Jack.

Well he is black.

>check the ptr forums
>apparently the bug from last patch that let d.va to be stuck in sky box after ejecting on eccopoint antarctica is now on every map on the ptr

Who do you believe is a virgin in the Overwatch cast?

you don't count, user.

I know
all the characters are out of proportion one way or the other: hands sizes, ankles, etc
I might scale it down if it's too distracting

>neutering his balls

incest is haram, user



mccree, pharah, junkrat, mercy, bastion, symmetra

>150hp hero with a retardedly huge hitbox, no mobility or defensive abilities

Hana Song services old men live on stream for donations.

shiet, I didn't even start on the wincest ones


Well... Zenyatta for sure. Bastion.
Perhaps sombra, I don't think she would have a reason to get into a relationship.

And probably Ana. Honestly that seems about it.

>People think the Omnic in middle is the next hero

Are people retarded lmao

Man, the engine of this game is busted in most weird ways.

>280 fps sitting in the main menu
>limit it to 230
>it drops to 180 instead
>put it back to 300
>it drops further to 130

Also the ingame drops are crazy, from 300 at points down to 200.

That thing isn't even a fucking omnic. It's some BDSM loving bitch strapped up to spider legs.

Didn't Jeff deconfirm it a couple of days ago?

this is al kinds of wrong

interesting UI they had back then

Why are you incapable of typing? Your computer tells you when you misspell something and your phone probably has autocorrect so there's no excuse for this.

Is this right? Can someone confirm?
Timeline speaking, when did Fareeha get her eye of horus tattoo?

She's pure.


user...are you fucking stupid or making a dumb joke?


Just cap your fps according to your monitor's refresh rate user

Pharah got hers after becoming a soldier and after Ana "died"

Are you okay user?

Ana has a child user

after her mom 'died'

Definately: Symmetra, Bastion, Zenyatta, Hanzo, Junkrat

50/50: Roadhog, Mercy, Sombra. Mei. Pharah, Winston, reaper, zarya, reinhart

Really Unlikely: Tracer, Widow, Genji, DVA, Mcree, lucio, soldier

Definately not: Torbjorn, Ana

>implying she's not getting rammed by gook fans after every stream and being fed their semen for breakfast
naive little anons, you

>be reaper
>Nothing personell behind enemy team
>get boosted by Ana
>wipe enemy team
>cap point
still lose

You have some problems my man.

Ana is literally the only character that is canonly confirmed not a virgin.

my input lag though.

I keep it at 200, seems stable enough. Could probably go higher but I'd need to get my ram to actually work at 3000mhz, it seems pretty important for Overwatch.

Or play at less than 1440p/100% render scale but fuck that.


>The enemy team doesn't have a Junkrat

Fug I meant Pharah.
My reasoning was that she seemed truly more dedicated to her missions than personal connections...

Up until recently. She's going to fuck some dick soon.

Nobody believed that for a second. The first time I saw that image was exactly the same style of post this one is, implying that is the robot people are talking about is the spider lady and not the actual robot tank on the far right of this.