Dueling Network General - /dng/

Thread #2463

Last thread:New summoning mechanic: Link Summon
Explanation: ygorganization.com/memberdrawing6/

● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
>YGOPro (Windows): mediafire.com/file/baj95caex5si0n3/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy.exe
>YGOPro (Mac): mediafire.com/file/jpok5ejx0fvlu5k/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy-nopics.dmg
>High Quality YGOPro Images: ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project
>Manual Card Updates (place inside the expansions folder): github.com/Ygoproco/Live2017

Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:

>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:

>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:

>OCG decklists:

>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:

>Official /ygo/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Tyranno's Rage (February 25th)
●OCG Starter Deck 2017 (March 25, 2017)
●OCG: Code of Duelist (April 15th)

●TCG: Fusion Enforcers (February 24th)
●TCG: Duelist Saga (March 31st)
●TCG: Structure Decks Machine Reactor & Dinosmasher’s Fury (April 13th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards carefully
● Lurk and read the archives
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play

Other urls found in this thread:



But it's coming out as part of part of Maximum Crisis,isn't it?


No it's coming out as a separate set in june. We don't even have MACR announced yet

Ghostricks are a cute

Anyone have that screencap of a dude that was winning in Dueling Network using a deck made up entirely of counter traps and Neo the Magic Swordsman?

Are we ever getting DuelingBooks? YGOpro is spazzing out on me


xth for Invoker is getting shit on

the site is up and you can make an account; everyone's account has been wiped. soon, my friend. soon.

Atem bless Rituals!
Long live Nekroz!
Free my nigga Shurit!
Death to Extra Deck scum!

Oh, well, I apologize, I'm a general virgin.

Every time I choose a username it says invalid. guess I was too late?


Is it normally this dead on the weekends?

>Connecting... for 3 years

Locals day, nerd.

>invocation is short print
Why are konami such jews?

only the tcg gets jewd. this has been a constant since yugioh arrived here

Dunno what to tell ya


Are you actually saying that most of the posters here go to locals?

I'd be there but for the fact I stayed up far too late last night.

You should have known this when The Secret Forces had Brionac short printed, even before that as well.

>still Connecting... to duelingbook



If you see this image while scrolling down, you have been visited by the golden chick of good support. Great support cards await for your favorite archtype but only if you post "ARISE CHICKEN" in this thread.

>only have two irl friends that like ygo
>both of them are busy all the time
>have one online friend that play this game
>he's a casual shitter that plays 50 card noble knights
where do I find friends?

I could be your friend.

Join the official /dng/ discord

>hanging out with diamante
no thanks

thanks, user

join discord.gg/g6Pd5


Now, where are my new Battlin Boxers?

how do say... no three nine


But Diamante is a nice guy, cutegirl.

most discords I join are faggy circlejerks and have a clique and/or superiority complex mindset
so no thanks

nice meme


"Cyverse - Data Idol" when?


Make Arcanite Spell Counters playable for once.

Fuck, is it going to be a phishing scam after all?


Not even once.

Don't get my hopes up, user

Can I expect this and Fast Dragon in Pendulum Domination

No, because pendulum domination is a structure deck.



Maybe, it'd make thematic sense.

>several hours


Pendulum Domination is already out tard

But I NEED it to happen!
There is finally a type and setting that fits perfectly.

We all NEED it to happen, but it's no use getting too hyped for it if we can't make it happen.

But fast dragon is in the second volume of Arc-v manga

>if not you can suck me off

What an ebin rebel! Being a prick totally makes me wanna use your shitty yugioh platform!

What does a lunalight list look like nowadays?

>tfw the closest we'll get is a Cybers Tour Guide

>The game will be up whenever
>If you don't like it too bad
Wow, I guess he's learning from Konami.

Yes please!

>Links work with Tokens

Dont underestimate Konami

6th Eternal Reminder that Red-Eyes is best Dragon Bro

yummy tokens edition

>Red-Eyes is the best dragon bro
>Wasn't meta

>People arguing about Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes
>When Odd-Eyes is clearly superior

>odd eyes
>not Thousand-Eyes

fuck of Jack, your dragons aren't X-Eyes and are more closely related to Red-Eyes than anything.

Except they are 3000 ATK monsters.
They just happen to be red.

>not Hundred-Eyes Dragon

I want this meme to stop.

It's Hundred Eyes, no hyphen. Thus clearly inferior. Just like Wavering Eyes.

So DD Tesla does everything DD Edison does, but better?

At least Hundred-Eyes was more of a very important trait of the dragon. He has motherfucking HUNDRED eyes.

The rest really seems memey.

Like, you see a BEWD, you notice it's a friggin blue dragon. You see a REBD, you notice it's a friggin black dragon first. No one cares of their eye colors

Totally Not!-Eyes


This brazilean killer deck is probably as good as lunalights can be in pure state, otherwise you can just splash the maindeck zoodiacs and call it a day.

A bit outdated though, the second cat dancer is supposed to be dragostapelia

>tfw Vagabond opens with three Blue-Eyes
Who approved this nonsense?

It's a joke, much like the notion of getting a DD Leibniz that does the same thing as Newton, but is worded better.

RIP any prospect of me making FP Eidolons IRL
Not paying that kinda money for a fucking fusion spell and field three ofs

Are you implying Invocation is a 3 of?

Thomas is a lot better than Nikola. A lot. And they don't do the same thing at all.

It's a joke, much like the notion of getting a DD Leibniz that does the same thing as Newton, but is worded better.

God I actually hope they do that just for the fuck of it, they never will, but I'd laugh so hard.
Oh yeah right, people run two don't they, still way too much for a shitty petdeck

It is in literally any version of the deck that isn't Eidolon Speedroid WindWitches.


I need my zefras to recooperate after this link business guts them like a fish.

Lebinz isn't a DD card though. Both Thomas and Nikola actually are.

>still way too much for a shitty petdeck
Dont forget goy, the best subengine is either Zoodiacs or WindWitch Artifacts
Have fun getting those barrages/dridents or Icebells

Are you as much fun at parties as you are here?

Your supposed joke is pretty damn awful. You'd just annoy people at parties too.

now kiss

im ready for links? yet

Not in these 2 decklists (which were the only recent tops I could find for Invoked on ygorganization

I don't think the quality of the joke has anything to do with the fact that it would potentially annoy your average party go-er
It's a good joke anyway

Odd-eyes is forever and will always be shit

Here's another (You)

Alright, that's fair.

Still, a $100 buy-in for literally the card that makes the deck function is retarded for anything but a Tier 0 meta destroyer of worlds.

>Breakthrough over Lost wind
>raigeki break
>1 maindecked book of eclipse
>1 obediance
These ratios are fucking awful

Terrible jokes aren't funny. They're just annoying.

You don't have to be afraid to say you don't get it, user.

Who else /connecting/ over here?

What the fuck is this?