League of Legends - /lolg/

Balanced tentacle man of true damage edition

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Morde nerfs when

>not a single male high ranking mid streamer who plays conventional mids.

Annie bot literally only plays Annie.

>play urf
>get azir
>somehow own the skt1 skin even though i never bought it
i dont know how that happened but im not complaining


fluffy tails!

I claim this thread for Noxus.
This thread is now under Noxian rule.
All hail Noxus!

Colossal cleavage
Mega melons
Titanic titties
Burgeoning bosom

>Galio is about to get his VGU
>after the tank update and new champ, Urgot is next
>both will likely be completely different from before

Im ready, lolg.

Only on squishies who need damage.

give er a follow, would ya?
twitch tv/shyporolol

It's literally no different for the champs it was actually meant for.

Now assassinbabbies and ADCs can't abuse it as hard without dealing with a significant power trough

>Annie bot literally only plays Annie

Gotta stay true to the name.
Also, shit gem to be quite honest.

>mfw I don't give a fuck anymore since I started college and got a life

take that riot jews

Why do I never see Rek'Sai anymore?

Has she sufficiently been nerfed enough to irrelevancy or is she not #LCSBIGPLAYS ala Rengar and Kha'Zix enough to be played by the masses?

>unironically watching steven universe
why do people do this

>Play ARUF
>Get Swain

Jesus christ, no one told me how retarded he is with the Gunblade rush.

The only people who like Amethyst are the fat rejects she portrays.

>tfw fuck enemy bot lane super hard in the first 3 mins and then get camped for the rest of the game

like what's even the point of doing well before your jungle ganks if this is going to happen

She's literally just a knockup bot atm

She's getting a mini-rework thats apparently supoosed to be on PBE this week

You're gonna get into a MTG club I bet.

Too much of her power budget is loaded into the passive, the ult repositioning and good knock up, which when tuned right for competitive makes the champs pretty much useless for solo play

they changing something with her ult so high hopes

>When the game keeps giving you the cancer

So secretly run by best faction?

I don't know why they ever changed it in S6. Kindlegem+Phage iteration of Cleaver was the best iteration.

>People bitching about Quinn

Just with the Youmuus/EoN nerfs alone her winrate dropped like 6 fucking percent. If's she's not stupidly ahead by 15 minutes she's literally a flying bag of gold

it is garbo for riven and kled

when will OUR GUY be good again?

>4 IEs
>nothing going youmus, knight's vow, talisman of asenscion, mercurial scimitar
the goal is to hit 2000 MS and just run circles around them flashing the URF emblem

Kled win rate is better actually. Yeah it's shit on Riven but it was never meant for Riven.

Next patch with the BoS changes.



That's exactly why his winrate spiked this patch despite the change right? Kled doesn't mind the additional health at all, especially when one of his issues is how easily he gets knocked off Skarrl in lane. And you can always build Titanic Hydra first instead.

Holy shit there's a really big psider there why are they so calm?

>STILL hardstuck in silver

kill me bros

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

Damn I forgot this one

it spiked because ppl are going yoummus and a bunch of cancer top lane got nerfed actually

>playing skarner in urf

rip my fingers

you will be remembered

At least one of the men in the pic has had sex with psider so it's k

eve is worse
trust me...

That's just meme shit people like Dyrus have been doing. His standard build is still superior. Youmuu's literally got nerfed this patched as well, so that doesn't even make sense.

Now that the tank cancer is finally been put to rest people are realizing just how strong of a duelist he is and how ridiculously impactful his ult is, especially when there's so many squishy tards running around trying to oneshot each other against a champ that's anti-burst by design

If you could give a new name to the reworked Bond of Stone, what would it be?

tomoka come back

Paladin's Blessing

I want these :(

reminder not to bully your support and help her ward!

Who here /depths/

> not intended for ribbon or any non-tank champ pls don't abuse

No only u must ward river

stoner boner

Seal of Light

>lose series 2 times today
>its always some shitter losing an easy lane
>just lost because of jayce feeding singed somehow
jesus christ
get these fucking children back in school

reminder to leave lane when you get a save chance to ward deep and keep your team alive, dont just sit in lane and suck up exp


Vorpal Blade.

>Diamond Promotion time
>Get autofilled support
>No problem, I used to main support back in season 2
>ADC is autofill as well
Good fucking shit Riot.

why are people proud of stats for champions they have under 20 games of? sick of hearing "muh le 86 percent winrate" and then checking and seeing 8 games played

>Maokai 45% winrate

Holy fuck, all that from a mana nerf on Q?

Totally deserved tho

and saplings nerf

>not being a meta slave
>EVER playing more than 10 games with a champ

stay in plat noob

Ekko is such an unfair champion, why exactly is that thing allowed to exist?

>doesnt master any champion
>wonder why he cant do well above gold

ok kiddo

> sauce
also tankko isn't a thing anymore so

Which champ is easiest to dominate 3v3 (non-ranked, drunk)?

It's mostly the saplings honestly, that's a big chunk of his clear/harass gone.

pretty sure you can't get autofilled in promos

>big breasts on a hungry skeleton
weebs have shit taste


> Not liking big breasts on anything

wew these boyfriends sure look comfy~

too bad you'll never feel a real comfy, girly boifriend ;)

The only people who like Pearl are Rapists.

So most of Tumblr then.

big breasts only look good on THICCCCCCCCxl women

anything less and they look like the carnival games where you try to pop the balloons on a backboard

tfw u go 3/0/11 as supp but everyone else is shitting the bed and we end up losing

why do you have to be so mean?

Illaoi is disgusting, and you can't go wrong with the Dunkmaster.
You're not supposed to be able too. na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/competitive/ranked-updates-now-live

tfw your team surrenders but you still havent died yet

because i've had a really bad day, and i'm hurt, so i take it out on other people that appear happy.

> get an s with morgana
> on a losing game
> without any chests to get

>Someone picks Udyr jungle
>Builds Warmogs second item.
>goes 3/9/2
Fuck you Trick2g.

It absolutely can on unpopular servers when matchmaking times hit the shitter, it very rarely happens on NA though.

someone link ultra high heart attack inducing k/kpop playlist please. will send nudes


*dunks ur elo*

sneak peek with timestamp and i will send you the goods

>bandlebro honeymoon leaks never

ah I see

well I know Ill find a cute boy to love one day so fuck you too!

the yoummus nerf is better for him than the bc nerf
bc was so good on bullies like him because you could get 3 long swords on your first back
the build patch is too shitty for him now

if only you knew..

Its funny because if you actually watch Trick he gives pretty good advice for Udyr and jungling in general, but it's like people ignore it entirely and do their own retarded thing. Pretty much every time he does spectates/subwars there's at least one match with some idiot playing Udyr terribly and Trick will go off about every thing he's doing wrong, and he's said before that he has a million guides and myways on how to properly play Udyr, yet people still do stupid shit.

xth for breast metal waifu

sounds like you want me to know~

how to carry top at top lane

just pick a hard engage champion
if you team already have one just pick gp to farm vacuum and 1v9

I need art.

Art of Sivir.

Daddy Azir acceptable but not required.

So I just play for fun and don't really keep up with shit, but has rito said anything about nerfing Lethality? From what I saw they are just nerfing champions who benefit too much from it?


>nerf gnar
>nerf poppy
>nerf jayce
>nerf maokai
>nerf camille

>now kled is a top pick


Guess what? You still can. It's called Tiamat/Titanic Hydra. Gimgoon who's the best Kled in the world has literally been doing this for months now.

Kled's honestly a big LCS game away from being spammed and being called cancer.

Or just go Quinn and 1 shot every cunt.

they don't i think
they're just going to play around the new lethality

How do you guys clean the skin buildup on your mouse/keyboard? Like, the little crevices on my mouse get filled up and its hard as fuck to get it out.