League of Legends - /lolg/

Stop posing animeshit edition


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Xth for I hope you guys are ready for the BotRK meta in a weeks time

xth for Syndra

xth for when is gookmoot going to fucking start actually banning people for avatar and name fagging so talk about the actual game and matches becomes the norm

xth for breast metal waifu

_lewd bfs~

What inside?

goodnight lolg. thanks for helping me pretend i'm not alone on my birthday. you guys are the best

like look at this shit, can it get fucking worse.

*mate presses you*

>Play against Azir
>Lose all level 1-3 trades with him
>He gets ahead in lane
>Sometimes kills me
>Fast forward to the 20 minute past mark
>I can just farm Azir like a cannon minion even when behind

I don't understand anything about this

goodnight ahri

Sleep tight


Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums is LIVE

sleep comfy ahri

>Any ADC on enemy team
>ADC main
>Perfect CS
>Shit's damage
>Perfect positioning
>Carries regardless of their support in lane

>ADC on my team
>Autofilled every game
>Manages to be behind by atleast 30 CS at all times regardless of how lane went and afk farming all game
>Gets out damaged by a soraka who went 0/10/2
>Think they're a tank
>So bad they're literally uncarryable


ever think its easier for the enemy adc because youre the one they're playing against?

We did it boys
got out of bronze



How do I get my team to group without them thinking im annoying? I legit can't figure this out, if I dont say anything they wont group, if I say anything they tell me to shut up. They want me to stop talking then they absolutely wont group theyll have no one to tell them what the correct answer is and then they 100% wont group. I cant win, i dont know what to do. How then fuck do you lead and shot call in soloque?


>no wards on both sides
really makes me think to give up on wards

what does that mean?

>Talon nerfs on the PBE
Did I miss something? Isn't he literally the worst assassin in the game?

he's like 1350 IP, just buy him

>1000 Teemo-sized Sions
>1 Sion-sized Teemo
Who wins?

>Did i miss something
you mean missing him being the best non jungle assassin the game?

>needing sight for map awareness
i even have my pings set to mute so people that spam ping dont kill my ears and i can still be aware of whats around me except those rare occasions where im truly not prepared

how good is noc mid?

Talon mid is garbage. Take him top for free-farm, since scrapping with Talon is literal fucking suicide. You basically have to cheese him unless you want a shitty time, which is fucking stupid.

I have no idea what the nerfs are, but the big problem is that the hitboxes on his shurikens are completely fucked up, kinda like how Ekko's boomerang hits shit it doesn't fly anywhere close to. They aren't going to fix that, so I'm betting they're hitting the auto-crit damage he gets off his Q.

>WE'RE UNSTOPPABLE (the force of 1000 sions)
>SCOUTS... CODE!! (dart that just pierces your whole everything)

>enemy team is beefy as fuck
>adc locks jhin

I'm starting to think that user was right about banning jhin.

Size doesn't mean anything

>Worst Assassin in the game

o i am laffin.

They reverted those nerfs anyway because they wanted to see how the EoN nerfed played out

I haven't played in a short while but then I heard that there was a Aatrox rework so I checked out the PBE And saw that Talon was getting his Early game nerfed.
Last time I checked, His early game was okay at best and he fell of Harder than a pantheon buying full tank. Did he get a buff while I was away or something?

Post and rate, if you feel like it.


What are your waifu's stats for the road trip, /lolg/?

make sure you fill it in before someone misrepresents her
men soon (tm)


They made lethality cancer

Fucking terrible. Shoves lane too hard with built-in AoE and leaves him open to ganks.

Jungle Nocturne's in a really good spot right now, which is why it's baffling that he isn't played more. Build edge of night into black cleaver and click on people who don't have flash. Farm your ass off while ult is on cooldown unless your lanes are shoved up under turret.

>taking talon top
>vs tanks/bruisers

what if we did this but for /lolg/ bfs instead?

/r/equesting that gay one.

tanks arent tanky early

>mfw i have the original
>mfw it will never be over ridden, as long as i draw breath
good luck with fucking up the road trip game. additions only, no redefinitions/respeccing.

I don't like your illaoi picture

Chatter: 6/10
Humor: 8/10
Lust: 1/10

She doesn't speak human tongue but understands it and loves jokes. Little to no sexual drive because she's past breeding age and just wants to establish territory.

Incomplete chart, Katarina is missing

>shit players
>in a shit game

no one can win

>kog'maw PBE buffs
do they want cancer'maw? because that's how you get cancer'maw.

>literally breeds entire hive of sand void creatures
>Lust: 1/10

literally no one alive on earth is autistic enough to be capable of doing that

a tank will outsustain you, or they can literally just start cloth+pots and you won't do jack shit

She only wants to fuck you if you're a hot void stud

for anyone who doesn't already know

I got illaoi an arurf

I built black cleaver and then Infinity edge/phantom dancer

Last Lethality change I saw was making the scaling better for early game, like from starting at 40% to starting at 60% value.
I'm guessing now Lethality actually does it's job of penetrating armor?

cloth 4 pots won't save you from his full level 2 combo + passive + ignite

he's the darius of mid lane

>Play normal game
>Quinn top with ignite
>His jungler and him are duo
I thought Normals were supposed to be fun

yeah thats why he has a 55% top winrate

the fuck are you talking about?

>not rfc for the increased w range

>KAW stat

not anymore at least

even our faggots these days are on the down turn

back in my day we had literally everyones pictures on roll for waifu images times are a changin

someone call rumia out of retirement we got one last job...

I didn't think of that. I wanted phantom dancer because I know it just makes Illaoi slightly ahrder to kill.


>55% top win rate.
Seriously? Did the lethality change help him out that much? Since before it he was a literal joke with the tiniest fucking range to engadge and shitty burst damage.

they buffed the numbers on everything for his kit.

>Play some normals
>Everyone on enemy team has M6/7 on their champ
>Your team is feeding so hard you question if it's intentional
>It's just normals brah, chill out

Normals tilt me more than fucking ranked.


>february 25th 2016
r u ok user?


heres ur (you)

If you can get RFC you can W over walls

>heartburn just doesn't end
please fucking stop?

>start cloth
>you now have effective base armor since he has 39 lethality from runes+masteries

Tums my nigga

hehe xd i got you guys
woops. my bad. i'm actually retarded. i thought they looked familiar and that i was just misremember

On my 6th one. It comes back in 30 min. Didn't eat anything spicy.

What is happening

Stop eating garbage and go to bed on time.

also keep in mind that the PBE doesn't get updated on weekends.

>Faggot Ekko exists
>Nasus gets lategame

fug I was gonna get 100lp too

>tilted on main account due to trolls, leave, and dc
>get on new account to level up
>people leaving again


am i the unluckiest player ever?

thanks user
delet ekko pls

Anyone who unironically watches anime deserves to be killed. I am serious why even live if you're going to be a manchildren forever? just end it now instead of watching cartoons made for kids

This is the league of legends thread

this is a good post if you imagine a slightly uneducated black person saying it



>a manchildren

isn't slow the exception?

I am going to watch the entirety of JoJos, Overlord and High School DxD and there's literally nothing you can do to stop me.

Damn, if only I was uneducated :^)


slows count as crowd control. I didn't see them explicitly state that it only works with hard CC.

>plays fagball
>gets pounded by fags constantly


>cartoons made for kids
Oh shit, I've been wrong this whole time. Well, at least if I ever have kids I can show them some super kid-friendly anime, like Death Note, and Panty and Stocking!

gotta make room for MOAR HP stacking bro

dont think so. pretty sure they said it would even work with Rylais/FM at first and if it proved too strong they would re-evaluate later on down the line

I don't have to do anything, you're wasting your own life watching children's cartoons. you should probably get your testosterone levels checked.

being so far in denial must suck, you're a degenerate and can't even admit that you have an addiction to cartoons

fuck you

>in a thread about a video game