/agdg/ - amateur game development general

you all forgot about demo day 13 while discussing jams edition

Upcoming Demo Day 13: itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-13
Play Comfy Jam: itch.io/jam/agdg-comfy-jam
Play Demo Day 12: itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-12

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Old Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/KUSDs9vt
Old Jams: pastebin.com/8DFkkce3

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org | LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com | Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites
opengameart.org | blender-models.com | mayang.com/textures

> Free audio
freesound.org/browse | incompetech.com/music | freemusicarchive.org

Other urls found in this thread:


Show me that you got what it takes to work with a real artist

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Whimp the Bold
Dev: AttaBoy
Tools: GameMaker: Studios; Aseprite
Web: attaboydev.tumblr.com; twitter.com/AttaBoyGames
+ Tightening up movement with skidding
+ Made a game for a jam
- took a week off
- got a shitton to learn about how to make Gamemaker do my bidding on a more advanced level

OP seems cleaner and more tidy this time

Still no instructions how to make a webm though?

daily reminder

dont forget untextured memepoly

idk i just copypasted it all from the previous thread, moved dd13 to the top and updated previous thread link

obs: obsproject.com
webm for retards: gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter

Posted on dead thread woops:
Is something like this better? (Quick draft, lots wrong but you get the idea)

>Still no instructions how to make a webm though?
but google

Alright, I think I've reach sufficiently deep despair to start reaching out.

Is there any way to put a bone transform in a buffer to use it later in an anim graph, even if the transform changes in the meantime?

I just want to switch the transforms of bones, why is this so difficult?

What's the difference between Aseprite and, say, mspaint?


Layers and layer variants, pixel-perfect setting for brushes so linework remains a single line, custom brushes for dithering, easy mirroring horizontally and vertically, automatic tiling in X and Y axis so you can see the joins properly. Frames and animation timeline with tools for loop, colour palette preloads for various old consoles with the ability to load up others from images.

I have no idea why people would ever use mspaint at all.

Does anyone still have the link for the poll about the next jam theme?

MS paint lacks transparency options ontop of lacking 1000 other things including the trashy new UI

Why do people use these blueprint things or whatever they're called? Are they actually helpful? Because to me they just look like they would be a huge pain to work with

No. Stop shitposting.

I try to avoid them for my scripts, but you pretty much have to use for animation graphs. Most people that have worked with them for a while say they're pretty good, but I don't see it yet. I guess it's all about knowing when to use them or not.

>Streaming giant Twitch will soon become a video game retailer, with the company unveiling plans to enable the sale of games and other in-game content later this Spring.

>Twitch says the new program will "empower" publishers and devs, and has already attracted the interest of dozens of big names including Ubisoft, Hi-Rez Studios, and Telltale Games.

hmmm, I think I saw dudes making greenlight reviews. Could be pretty neat for indies I guess?

reminder that rixels are the only acceptable form of mixels

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Neon Knights
Dev: bokchoydev
Tools: Unity, Pyxel Edit
Web: bokchoydev.tumblr.com/
+ Class/Race Selection
+ A few more items
+ A few more monster types
- Pathfinding need better optimization
- The code is a mess

who cares about indies

the only way you get rixels is with mixels you moron


Steam abandoned a revenue source. Naturally people are trying to get it fast.

>i don't know how to read lul

>Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
>32 x 32

Isn't Link like 16x18?
Does that actually go on to count as 32x32?


>not acceptable

What is the name of the bottom game?



No, rixels look like shit.

Fuck off with your facts

can't you read
it's trash can simulator 2015+2

Animes are games?

>tfw perpetually stoked for halloween jam

post your witches, bitches

Rixels are the only unacceptable form of mixels

----[ Recap ]----
Game: 3DS FPS (WIP Title)
Dev: Theonian, Kada
Tools: Unity, Blender, Gimp
Web: theonian.tumblr.com/
+ Animated mechanical environment textures
+ Weapon textures
+ Horn Wurm character
+ More work on sound/music libraries
+ Configure and connect host + many clients
+ Multiplayer Lobbies
+ Character customization menus
+ Reliable UDP communication (for cross platform)
+ Multithread netcode architected/implemented

I have made the player much more lowpoly and doubled my fps with fancy lighting.

dude its not even march

halloween is not in march

>rixels are bad!

he just wanted to say he has a boner for women in pointy hats and robes

Got a fancy way to show the current level.

>this meme
rixels are okay if you're not going for authenticity of the aesthetic
if you want to rotate something without rixels, you must either redraw it or specifically prepare your sprite so it morphs well
no-one said keeping the retro aesthetic real will be easy you piece of shit

>only 19 levels

not buying this

Here is some scrapped witches

Theonian, you go through a lot of games, which sucks because it seems like you're always getting dicked by partners. But tell me what this one is about (and what happened to airship/Kairo the Gryphin?)

Can someone give some feedback? Just say it's all garbage at least

Kairo has been dead for eons.

Stop it user that effect is making me hard. Love it

I don't even understand what's going on here.

My feedback is "what you posted doesn't seem significantly different from the previous iteration but I also don't know why people were bothered by the previous iteration so 'seems fine to me'".

I actually like it, but with how often you might be sleeping can you really exit the menu as fast as the webm shows? If so then it is good. If not then you might want to take the frequency of sleeping into consideration.

It must have been no more than a month

I guess that is eons in gamedev terms

Recommend me a language with decent gamedev libraries that will also be useful in the corporate world. I'm proficient in Lua with a few completed applications and games but I want to be versed in something more useful career-wise. I'm using C++ right now but I'm not really feeling it; maybe I'm missing something.

There's letters, symbols, and icons and worst case - repeated numbers.

You complete the level, it changes to another one, but before that, you get a glance of the number, so you can look up a walkthrough.

pls buy it

*throws up*

Is this just a side project for tender arms?

I would buy it because I just love the tender arms aesthetic and programming-lite puzzle games are cool

C# or Java

>not feeling it

Alright, think I know how it should go, should be fast enough. Thanks.

why dont you just fill all the squares and run a drawing over it with real numbers

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Shmoop 2 (working title)
Dev: shmoopdev
Tools: GMS, Photoshop, aesprite
Web: shmoopdev.tumblr.com/
+More juice
+More sound effects
+Second half of first level started
+Hud streamlined and boss warning redone
-Code is way ahead of art right now
-lost composer

those explosion sprites fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk that's some amazing shit

This is from a game I made last week. I might work on it again.

It is. Got overwhelmed with it slightly and need a boost devwise so am pushing to have something out faster, hoping for a playable version on DD and a complete one not too long after that.

Not an option due to consistency. I could make the squares smaller just for the numbers, but then scope issues would ensue as I'd want to make levels for the now bigger grid of smaller squares.

Since you ask so kindly. Here's a witch I have for a side project.


Ah shoot, that got jpeg'd to hell. Oh well.

They look even better with proper compression, and they now preserve some momentum whatever enemy they came from.

Who /gdc/ here?

>invest $1000 in a pass
>too awkward to disturb anyone
>just end up silently going to sessions and taking notes

Just keep what you have and anything that doesn't fit have two numbers flash more rapidly

I want to go. ;-;


Why the fuck is it that expensive

----[ Recap ]----
Game: [Placeholder Title]
Dev: Ogier
Tools: GM:S, Aseprite
Web: ogierdev.tumblr.com
+Added double jump and backdash animations
-Wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what some things should look like

you could've put that money into getting your game on steam after gaben's genius idea becomes reality

Because they have a good understanding of their target demographic (stupid nerds who will pay $1000 dollars to watch presentations that they can watch online after the fact because they think being at GDC will help them "make it").

Coming straight from an interpreted language, the workflow of compiling and linking feels overly complicated, especially when trying to cross-compile. I miss the simplicity and portability of Lua. Trying to dev on Windows is probably a big contributor to the issues I'm having, cause I don't remember it sucking this bad when I first tried learning it on Linux, but my entire music+art toolkit sucks ass on WINE so I'm kind of stuck with Windows.

Theonian is out today, but might be checking the thread, will give him a heads up.
You can message him on tumblr.

I hope this game is not dropped as well, we've invested a lot of time on this one so far.

Working premise - Character alternates from dreamworld to real life segments. Lines between reality and dreams blur as the character confronts their ultimate fears.

The game features a campaign with a hub + LAN/WAN multiplayer.

Kairo was dropped, Theonian did not like the direction w.r.t. to art, since he has a strength in creepy, desaturated, surreal style. I agree with him, even though Kairo was fun + cute. Probably those models will not be wasted.

Not sure what happened to airship, seemed like a cool idea.

pajeet my son

Then what the fuck is the point? Just watch it for free online.

----[ Recap ]----
Game: You Are (Not) The Hero
Dev: CuhrayzeeDev
Tools: Java, LibGDX
Web: cuhrayzeedev.tumblr.com/
+ Added some animations
+ Made movement smoother
+ Added collisions
+ Made some shitty concept art
- Can't detect collision actors
- Missed last recap
- Haven't made progress in a week and want to kill myself

Hey thanks for the info! Not enough 3DS games from indies, especially agdg, so best of luck. Any thoughts about a switch port?

Daily Daily Reminder

You will fail at gamedeving many times before succeeding making a decent game

Solid progress. Digging those explosions.

It's the price of meeting all those other developers in person. The talks can always be watched after.

Nao si not shit, she is best girl.
Totally agree with the rest of the image.

made this for you

Placeholder name... r-right?



Yes, while we're going to target 3DS + PC first, the next step would be a Switch port.

We are waiting for tools to become available to smaller indie devs before we start. But SW is designed with future ports in mind.

Why didn't you just get an expo pass?

>tfw you learn that Stardew Valley dev worked 70h a week

how do I acquire more discipline in my life

I can help if you use unity.

mixels and rixels are pleb tier
>tfw only work with the finest dixels


this looks great user, I'll buy it once its released. Do you have a price range in mind?

post your projects user

Btw, I posted late in the last thread. everyone with neck, shoulder, back, arm, forearm or leg pain (from deving) should get a ucozy 3d
>pic related
massaging fat knots out of my calve
hurts a lot
but in a day or two my leg will be feeling great, neck and traps are all loosened up already

>70h a week for that shitty game

Fresh off Blender.
It's not for Halloween Jam though. My idea for that is a metroidvania where you transform in different monster girls with special abilities

Love to see the constant progress. I mostly see art on Theonian's tumblr but I'd love to see some gameplay, do you have somewhere I can follow?

use C++ and SDL. lazyfoo has a great tutorial on how to use the library.

Dude's rich and people like his game, seems like the return on his investment was pretty good

model is cute, but this face texture is meh