/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

The Smuggest edition

*****NEW TO THE GAME?*****
Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you research a T6 ship).

>Newb guide


>0.6.2 SOON

>February Event Calendar + Ship Class specific boosts
NA worldofwarships.com/en/news/common/forever-alone/
EU forum.worldofwarships.eu/index.php?/topic/73122-event-calendar-february/

>Plans for 2017

>Captain Skill caculator

>Leaked info from WoT magazine

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel by Antibully_ranger
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel"
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

[BOTES] on NA - contact Precisionista
[HOTEL] on NA - contact Precisionista too
[BOTES] on SEA - contact Benlisquare
[HOTEL] on EU - I have no idea who's in charge of this one desu.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


wowsg is gay

>[BOTES] on NA - contact Precisionista
>[HOTEL] on NA - contact Precisionista too
Don't support the memes.


Hotel is literally the qtest

This is very neat

>[HOTEL] on EU - I have no idea who's in charge of this one desu.

Should be Rex.

My bad. I'll correct this on the next OP.

>Biggest baddest battleship in the world
>Still use yelling tubes

Radios are a meme
t. French tanks

>French BB line still not released

We thought it would bring back the old maritime spirit ;_;

After hours filled with pain downloading the game with 3rd world internet, I can finally play the fucking thing.
Which nation/shipline should I grind down first?
Preferably ships that won't give me an aneurysm playing them.


german BB's are permanant EZ mode. don't worry about nerfs either cc's gotchu

USN destroyers, IJN cruisers, or German battleships.

German BBs, US DDs, IJN Cruisers

Get a referral from someone first. Play Germany if you want battleships, Japan if you want cruisers, American or Russian if you want destroyers, and Japan if you want carriers.

>anime tiddies line still not released

Or 2 fighter Bogue if you want to farm Clear Sky flags for your other ships. It's the USA tier 5 carrier.

Can't go wrong with consistent replies.
The grind is set, then.
NA server.

Here's a code if you haven't got one already, so you can get some free botes.

you are cancer

So are they going to buff trashkent at all when they mover her to t9

I play ijn for the dd's.

sneaky fucks who throw wall of torps

Few tips.
1. Aim at waterline
2. Turn into torpedo spread
3. The fact that KM BB are forgiving doesn't mean you can sail broadside like an idiot.
4. Use alternative battle interface
They give her 1900 base HE damage, is it not enough? (and better torps, I think)

He's easily worse than abrach

No bully qt pls

Thanks user.
Don't worry, I've done my research.

btw, what Server?
Judging that you said 3rd World Internet (though I live in almost 3rd World and Internet is pretty good here) I assume NA

worse at what?

being an annoying little childish plsgo



He has better stats then you probably

fuck off you fucking plsgo

>Bullying Hotel_a_QT and Abrach
What's next, chain_chomp bullying?

What's the deal here? They seem like good peeps from the times I've played with them.

but plsgo is a wot clan and this is wowsg


tioga shitposts on both generals

enjoy the falseflagging

>playing RU
Eeewwww. Gay
Cum to EU become a refugee we have QT germans

shut the fuck up don't talk to me plsgo scum

Daily reminder to ignore shitposters.

For those interested in the crazy Tillman battleship ideas:

These designs were basically like the later H-class designs, just technology concepts to see how crazy you could get.

so nagato with izumo shells but new york tier armor. sounds bad

too late

You sound upset my dude, just chill wtf

As opposed to the n3 designs which were actually intended to be built and were superior in every way

>someone saved my OC

get back to them pancakes boog

Well that is one of the designs.

Also, it has four six gun turrets.
So it's like three Nagatos (with Colorado guns), more armor than everything, pretty good TDS and absolutely fuckall AA.

>superior in every way
You misspelt 'horrible design failures that were luckily never built, if we ignore the two sad scaled down versions that had the misfortune to actually make it into existence'

I'm sorry that success triggers you murrilard

>Make Bongs sign silly treaty
>They design silly tanker BB because of said treaty
>Meanwhile will still build functional BBs(and good looking I might add) despite the treaty limitations


sorry m8 but you seem to be deluded. most ships sunk ever BB class comming thru
also a traty BB


Stop talking about yourself in third person. A div that only plays with itself or solo shouldn't brag about it.

>Limited themselves to 14 inch guns in the age of standard 16 inch guns

>By being instrumental in the destruction of two modern enemy battleships, the 14-inch Mark VII gun was, arguably, the most successful battleship main armament of World War II.

it just works


Let's sum this up:
>a lone BB and a CA somehow 'threaten' the whole Atlantic that has teh entire RN to defend it
>require a US plane with a US pilot to find them in the first place
>attack the BB and CA with a BB and BC that outmatch their prey in every conceivable way
>lose horribly
>keep radar contact for a few more days
>then fuck that up too, and lose contact
>meanwhile, the 'threatening' Germans decide to just go to France for repairs
>they send out hour-long radio messages that makes them easy as fuck to find
>attack the now actually lone BB with several waves of torpedo bombers
>hit several times, cripple the rudder and force teh enemy speed way down
>this allows teh slow as shit, almost out of fuel '''''good''''' BB to waddle into range, literally hours before just running out of fuel
>beat up an enemy that can't maneuver with this ''''good'''' BB and another modern BB and a couple of cruisers
>claim this as the greatest naval victory since cape finisterre

Sounds to me like the Germans fucked up big time, but with unerring precision the RN managed to fuck up even more and turned what should have been a quick and easy victory into a week-long drawn out running fight that just pointed out how ramshackle the whole RN really was by then.

stopped reading go back to wikipedia or hitler channel you have zero knowledge on the subject you upset aspie lol

Moot was right about your kind

Oh, I forgot:
>the lone enemy BB doesn't actually sink or explode until the crew opens the seacocks and sets off scuttling charges
>RN launches a couple of torps at that point in an actual real-life example of kill securing
>still fails, Americans later dive to the wreck to confirm this and tell the RN 'GGclose, you almost got them'

You sound really upset dude

>picture of an exploded 30 year old tank
what does he mean by this


Uninvolved third party here just wanted top chime in. This is nothing close to the modern historians interpretation of events. Bismark was doomed to sink irregardless

>he's never played with /wowsg/s qtest

>stroking your e-peen

the 2a4 is only 15 years old dude

It is of course understandable that you cannot distinguish emotions in others due to you 'condition'.
Maybe go and look at some more pictures of oil tankers, you seem to enjoy that.

wow fuck you na cunts get to farm restless fire camos for 2 weeks

>30 year old

Um no sweetie you sound broken dudester. Perhaps you should try to fic your fragility hun

>Current year+2

>Bismark was doomed to sink irregardless
Given the things we know about her captain and admiral, it is obvious that these two had essentially given up hope more than twelve hours earlier. Of course the ship was doomed.

The real question is if the ship could have actually made it to France at all, which ironically might mean that the whole battle was not just a foregone conclusion, but also completely unnecessary as a means to destroy Bismarck.

So are you arguing that small dicked german officers who were very much all dead were also complete morons. I agree

I know we don't have flags but please stop feeding the Australians (You)s

Wow dude you sound mad lol

They really need to nerf the zero downside battleships like scharn horst

>like scharnhorst
Of course, right after they'll nerf Nickolay

>fastest BB reload in the game
>strongest bb HE in the game
>great secondaries
>armor makes unable to be citadeled
>great range
>great aa
>fastest bb at tier
>worst reload in the game
>relatively easy to citadel
>high velocity guns
>horrible gun range
>slowest speed at tier
>no aa

gg ez

>zero downside
I didn't realize not being able to pen angled cruisers was a feature.

What are you going to say next? "Yamato can't pen battleships"?

Learn how overmatch works.

nah that's called git gud. which is a feature

>Biggest navy in the world
>Still use speaking tubes
Really tickles the tonsils

holy shit kys

>strongest bb HE in the game
>1 (one)% more fire chance than IJN CAs with DE
>100 less alpha damage than IJN CAs

>fastest bb at tier
30 kn>32 kn?

You sound triggered, libcuck

You seem slightly obsessed with the size of other men's 'organs'.
Tell me about you mother, user.

You sound very sensitive to phrases like small penis, friendo is there something you want to tell us



WG can't nerf Premiums because of EU laws that would screw them for "altering a paid good after the customer has already paid for it" or something like that.

Stop perpetuating this meme. It's really shitty.

so its not true?

>altering a paid good after the customer has already paid for it
So, they cannot buff it either, because that would be "altering"?


Yea I suppose

I just remember hearing this because I think awhile ago a bunch of BBs got a nerf of their bow armor from 32mm to 28mm except for the Tirpitz because of the law iirc

It's not true that balancing a game would be against any law in the EU.

>because of the law iirc
>believing shitposters

I saw that bow armor thing in a serious leddit discussion

And I saw in leddit that fire chance depends on whether you pen target.
Neither of those things are true