When will Honda step up their game?

>The last good car they came out with was the S2000?

WTF is going Veeky Forumsn

The Civic Si has always been good.

170 ft-lbs/205 hp with that trans is nice, even if it weighs 3000lbs.

I live in California and actually saw one of these on the road and was perplexed. Thought it was some imported JDM Honda shit at first.

2008 happened and fucked fun in the ass.

Shit looks awful

>>The last good car they came out with was the S2000?

What where they trying to even accomplish? Looks like a crossover attempted to become a hatchback, only to become halfway stuck between the transformation and become some sort of a atrociously ugly liftback. I hope it's at least practical and has lots of room.

auto enthusiast are too broke to buy sports cars and the average car buyer can only take out so many loans at a time

>tl;dr: everyone is too poor

it's all about the hypercar game now; hence the new nsx; only multimillionaires and billionaires can have fun now

Lol this gotta be >b a i t

Unfortunately true user...

I'm sure they'll just try and convince us that VR is close enough. It feels like were back to feudalism or serfdom.

looks like it's rolling on 4 spare tires

just needs bigger wheels

The new Ridgeline truck is apparently like driving a bigger accord. Some people absolutely love it most people think it's fucking weird. It's a freaking front wheel all wheel drive vehicle. I must admit it does fill in theniche that most people want trucks in the suburbs for for example hauling stuff once a month

Judging by the opinions of some people on this sub Reddit that's exactly what they want. They don't want anyone to have fun if they can't. All of you super broke or artist stuck driving their shit imported econoboxes get assmadt if you post about wanting or buying a performance luxury car

go back to your RS7 bait thread fuccboi

Back to redddit u

I still think civic si and type r are still good

stupid nigger eternally btfo


>durr someone likes a car that I don't
>better call his post bait!

wow op is right. honda a shit

>Impractical cheapish fun cars like Miatas and 86s popular as heck
>Tease the idea of a slightly lengthened export version with a 1000cc turbo engine upgrade
NEVER EVER filthy gaijin

>When will Honda step up their game?
when they bring S660 to burgerland

>kei car passing US crash tests

>import in two halves
>sell as motorcycles
>reassemble at home