/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

What I Learned in Time Patrol Academy Is... Edition

The free update will include:

New level cap for your time patroller (up to level 90)!
5 costumes
3 accessories
5 attacks
New world tournament rules
A new option to change the BGM in Battles
Two Expert Missions

The free update and the DLC are both live.


>1.04 patch info

>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links

>Xenoverse 2 Mods

>Xenoverse 2 changes

PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg
/dbg/ discord: discord.gg/ZDYzqAW

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here



why the fuck did they remove "Obsessive"

hell, i just lost a bunch of raid reward nicknames

Destruction's Concerto: Comet. Does it also drop from when Vados takes off mid fight in the first DLC quest? Will kill myself if I can't figure out if it drops off her or the mission itself

Has the update made it worth coming back to play? Last time i was here pvp was shit up with fembuus spamming go go gum and flash dragon bullet, and there were loads of people having issues connecting to each other during weekend events because the netcode a shit, dont suppose they done anything about that?

>delicious clique clams

can't lust after her if i don't get to see her ningen.

I am so happy!
Wish me luck on doing well with the thing

Go-Go gum got nerfed
Fembuus are SLIGHTLY less frequent
Connectivity is still a bitch

I'd say test the waters, do some matches and EMs and see for yourself.

you have my energy user.

Go-Go Gum (and other troublesome moves like AZ) got nerfed. They're basically useless now and can't be used for their respective cheap combos anymore.

Hell, I actually enjoy fighting randoms now. It's great.

This DLC really felt like a filler arc for your XV2 character.
A fun filler arc, that is. Nice to see some hijinks before the inevitable shit hits the fan.

People got gud at the game. Fembuus aren't really strong anymore.

Their main asset was really just that they were forgiving against stamina breaks. But with players getting better, stam breaks aren't always a win condition anymore. A lot of the time, at least in my experience in /dbg/, wins come from a solid neutral game.
Guess what Fembuus aren't so hot in.

Randoms are always gonna suck though. Don't play them myself for that reason.

What thing? Very happy you're happy though, good luck!

I bet male saiyans still can do their heavy string into GoDA as always.

They can. It's a bit of a bother, but if you're really afraid of it you can use "Let's just enjoy the game right now"

Fembuus have a good neutral game

You have my energy, but that doesn't give you an excuse to start slacking! GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU GOT!

Buusluts still have broken range, priority and absurd backhits, and stamina regen doesn't matter that much if you still recover normal amounts when being juggled. They are still top tier even if Rechow prefers his human now.


They also do stupid amounts of damage with basic combos, don't forget that part.

Still not as broken as Nameks though.

who would you rather have introduced as a new playable race in XV3?
Aliens, or, Otherworlders?

Out of those, Aliens.

Any choice? Bio-Androids or Demon Race.

It's certainly not awful, by any means.
Maybe I'm feeling it because Alomora is tallest height, which means she's slow. And I do love me some sidestep game. Kinda part of the reason I wanted to tone down her height just a bit, but I might just see what good movespeed souls there are.

They've also got one of the lowest health pools (although I can't recall if they take less damage anyway) and lack a hard knockdown. As for priority and backhits, I've never noticed that myself. I think humans have weirder backhits.

>stamina regen doesn't matter that much if you still recover normal amounts when being juggled.

Matters more than you think, even if it's not immediately noticeable.

Gonna say Kais. Guessing the average nobody kai is only as powerful as the average nobody Majin so it's not a huge stretch to see them as playable.

That's true. It's no Cabba SSJ3 though holy shit that's ridiculous damage.

Honestly, if we're talking backhits male Saiyans have the most annoying and broken one. I swear that shit is just a fucking circle around them that covers half the damn map, I can never seem to escape from it no matter how far I jump in any direction.

>the average nobody kai is only as powerful as the average nobody Majin
nice headcanon, majins are human tier

reminder that zamasu was a prodigy, easily the strongest kai in existence and was btfo'd by ssj2 goku

It was post god ssj2 Goku. He would casually body Buuhan and Super Vegito and would be more of a fight to Beerus than Super Saiyan God Goku was.

Saiyan males have the most janky ass backhits that can hit you regardless of where you are

Vados is dumb fun

that's amazing

You can do something similar with Sonic Bomb on the ceiling. Not as reliable though since after 3-4 hits it starts launching them really far.

Is it because we wear pants?

This is stupid. I need more.

Got it. Knew there was dialogue somewhere that noted how powerful Majins are.

Many other dialogues reference it, but this is the most clear of them all.

>reliable narrator

>p-please don't let rechow know who I am
No need to be a little bitch and hide. I doubt he'd even care. I think he went back to Team Fortress 2 anyways.

Mira says it too though, along with the few Freiza Force members who've heard the legends of Majins.

What about Future Gohan?

Yep. Majins are just born stupid powerful since all came from Buu.
A lot of dialogue also references them as being fun loving and kinda unfocused though, so it's unlikely many get any more powerful than that. Some just aren't interested in fighting at all.

>DBO says Majins are a peaceful race, relatively weak (only equal to humans with 1/1000 saiyan blood and basic bitch namekians) who have to train in order to be able to fight
>mechanics-wise majins in both XV and DBO are only as powerful as everyone else, and do not start out at level 90 bcuz we wuz buus and shit
>pretty much everyone who talks about majins in XV is an unreliable narrator who know little about majins and have only Buu to go off
C'mon family, you can headcanon your CaC as much as you want but I don't buy the whole majins are special snowflakes thing

Wouldn't you like to know!
Its just jalid

>tfw when already imagined a lewd scenario between Jalid and My cac.

>C'mon family, you can headcanon your CaC as much as you want but I don't buy the whole majins are special snowflakes thing

A race having an inherent high power level isn't 'special snowflakey'. And it says nothing about their potential. We know most other races can surpass their power quite easily.

Thanks to Super, Saiyans can achieve a God Form now. Does this make saiyans special snowflakes now?

Saiyans have always been special snowflakes.

You're tossing about that term like you know it what it means. A high power level does not make one snow flakey. Especially in a series like dragonball where anyone has the potential to get some dumb power up and instantly wipe the opposition.

>DBO takes place after Buu's family kept cutting themselves in half for more babies instead of eating and shitting them out without losing power
>There are still other Majin like Hirudegarn, Teapot Genie, the Majins from Fusions, etc
>One of the soldiers straight up says that whatever Buu's subspecies is had its planet destroyed ages ago, meaning that there were more of these fuckers who could've scattered
>Fusions specifically mentions Majins made by wizards as well
>Mira and Towa, who travel across time and space, have never seen any other Majins besides Buu's increasingly diluted kids.

>ask for to be big
>the Gete star gives you boobs instead

I just wanna be tall dammnit!

>Nobody walked away being sexually satisfied, but boy did they both have a good time!
>laughs were had

Lookadat megaman!

Best couple!

>There are still other Majin like Hirudegarn, Teapot Genie
Those are not the same as Buu Majins.

>whatever Buu's subspecies is had its planet destroyed ages ago, meaning that there were more of these fuckers who could've scattered
That sounds like it actively contradicts everything. Buu has always existed, then started crapping out kids. How does a planet of majins factor into this?


what have you done to your Waifu?

>>One of the soldiers straight up says that whatever Buu's subspecies is had its planet destroyed ages ago, meaning that there were more of these fuckers who could've scattered

We talking XV with that one? He's said that line to my Saiyan and Namekian as well.

Of course, nobody in Frieza's ship is all too clever either way. I wouldn't take their word.

He perfected the mind control, and even incorporated his robot fetish!

I forgot how to play this game.

>forehead so big it eats the glasses

PC still ded.

So depressing seeing all the constant "No rooms found" prompts.

Come on teach, there are desks and everything this time!

have you tried to change your download region?
since matchmaking is tied to it

So Lima was mind controlled all along.

Targos when you are done with her can I borrow her, I want to turn her into a cocksleeve

I have the optimum dl region, unfortunately.

He's pretty attached to her. He won't likely just lend her. On the other hand, Matos can help you catch a discounted Onion.

Does Xenoverse 2 have an AI tier list like 1?

then the problem is that people are still leveling up to 90
we'll be back to normal in a month

I hope so

I still wish the AI would transform

maybe it could be reactionary so when you transform, they transform

just pick kamiccolo or f.gohan

Remember to take proper action against those who break the law.

N-no! thats not true!

Matos is not allowed near Onion!

I don't know, this is a bit big, isn't it?

Two days hyperbolic time-out.

If Onion had a problem with that, she'd get stronger. She obviously enjoys being controlled.

At some point during our disucssion you started taking what I said about Raoh personal, I dont know why, and the entire time you became more and more haughty and pedantic towards me, talking down towards me and telling me I was purpsoefuly forgetting things. I explained why I didnt mention though things, you asked me why you would care about the explantation, because you arent a member of discord, I said I didnt think you would if you decided not to join it, then you took that as a rude statement. Nothing I said was rude or aimed to insult you until I called you a cunt for acting like a cunt. The phrase 'calling out someone rude' was referrig to Raoh. You kept misinterpreting, or out right twisting my words and acting like a smug cunt. Even in that last post. Im willing to bet English isnt your first language from the eay youve been speaking, I dont mean that as insult, but you're mins understanding what ive said and acting like a dick about it, for no reason.

Don't worry, he's my training dummy because he's the first character it defaults too. That's what he gets for breaking time laws.

I don't understand why they never do, its really odd.

>"I need help on an expert mission"
>Why not
>Next 10 minutes of this guy insisting we follow him wherever instead of just making the room
Y'know, I try to be a reasonable Fridge. But sometimes I think Frieza had the right idea.

Not that user but aren't Buu Majin's already snowflakes? Like if you're in the early generation you still have some of Buu's crazy power, and new majin can just be created from magic like whats-his-face in Fusions.

No, its the duty of the strong to defend the weak, you're just a villain

They did in XV1, such a shame they don't

They're just not programmed to. In fact, the AI in PQs still has transformations as ults (and supers, in the case of Kaioken.) for when they need to have it.

they can
but it's very rare or more likely a bug if they do

I never had it happen even in XV1, outside of obvious scripted stuff.
Its still odd to me, I get its for the players to play as them, but it just feels so odd that the AI almost never uses any of its moves. The new characters like Cooler and F. Gohan go apeshit with their shit besides transformations.

Sort of takes me out of it at times.

Gas the BuuFuu's.

Come on, she literally asking for you. She never even wears any pants! And neither do you... say, would you like some brand new jewelry as an apology?

transformations were ultimates in the last game
and the AI is programmed to use them
this time however the transformations have their own slots


once in a blue moon you may get a ai that transforms in XV2, but it might just be because of a error that they do so.

I wear pants!

and space pirates dont need gifts of Jewelry I take what I want



Saiyan Branches:

>False Super Saiyan
>Super Saiyan: SSJ > SSJ2 > SSJ3
>Super (CAC’s Name): SSJ > Ascended SSJ > Ultra SSJ (replaces SV, makes CAC buff)
>Full Power Super Saiyan (replaces Future SSJ, gives CAC a light aura and platinum blond hair)
>Super Kaioken: SSJ > SSJ Kaioken
>Legendary: SSJ > LSSJ > LSSJ3 (can choose if normal SSJ is either gold, teal or green)
>Four: Super Oozaru > SSJ4 > Full Power SSJ4
>Legendary Four: Legendary Oozaru > LSSJ4 > Full Power LSSJ4
>Super Saiyan God (gives the CAC regen)
>Super Saiyan Blue: SSJ > SSJB > SSJB Kaioken > SSJB KKx10
>Shenron Mode: SSJ > SSJB > Shenron Mode SSJB (can choose between different Shenrons)
>Super Saiyan Rose: SSJ > SSJ Rose
>Super Saiyan Rage: SSJ > SSJ2 > SSJ Rage

There won't be any of that in these halls.

Now that we have a new DLC out with new moves and souls, it's time for another suggestions post.
Post CaC, people make suggestion for new moves/souls/clothes/stats/presets/whatever to use.
Looking for a new Soul for Alomora. Currently using the Ultimate Power is Mine since I'm a mixed build, but I wouldn't mind a soul that fit her better just so I can satisfy my autism. I'll take suggestions for anything else though.

Buu Don't Wanna


even faster stam regen

Sonic bomb, it's pink and goes with your outfit

hello matos
>weebs play a weeb fighting game
really activates my almonds

Earthling Forms

>Power: Serious Power, Max Power (makes CAC buff)
>Mood Sneeze (can choose hair color, replaces ki blasts with firearms)
>Four Witches (doubles combo hits)
>High Tension (slight raises stats, adds super armor & directs all enemies towards your CAC)
>Rise Above (raises stats and makes charged attacks & stamina breaks stronger)
>Shapeshift (the form Pu’ar & Oolong use, helps confuse opponents in team matches)
>Giant Earthling (the form Annin used)
>Super Earthling (the form Mr. Satan, Videl and DBO Earthlings used, works similarly to Full Power SSJ)

I want to mind break this saiyan

Anything that involves crafty abilities or things that would require canonically in Dragon Ball (maybe not the games) as strategy that is elegant?

Something like origami/bird mixed with like a kamehameha or something. I can't particularly think of anything deadly that looks elegant in Dragon Ball, beyond Eagle Kick.

why are you all so lewd tonight!
leave me alone

I want to mind break all saiyan females!

Majin Forms

> Pure Majin (keeps the CAC’s clothes this time, enhances melee)
> Super Majin (also keeps the CAC’s clothes, enhances ki)
> Red Majin (slight stat raise, increases chances of super soul drops)
> Blue Majin (slight stat raise, increases chances of capsule drops)
> Yellow Majin (slight stat raise, increases chances of clothing drops)
> Majin Absorption (Absorb any character of your choice to gain their clothes & skills)

>TFW each preset you have for a CaC swaps out like one move, making one to choose for review impossible

I Won't Use My Full Power Yet/I Refuse to Give Up.../Protecting Some Pipsqueak

Maybe try some of Vados' stuff too?

Lasagna Cat/I'll Send You To Hell/Gyauuu!!!

Rebellion Spear, Lasagna Cat's Roar, Shadow Crusher

only majin form we need is the one you posted the image of.