/fhg/ - For Honor General


>NEW: First balance patch is now LIVE! Patch notes here:

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>People are complaining about Valk when she's always been able to do what she's doing now

I love playing against Warden

I have been aching for a good samurai movie since Ran.

>nth for best feat

How can people seriously not think Peacekeeper is cute?

>Smallest hero in the game
>Little hip wiggle when she walks
>Girly shouts and cries
>Dances around when fighting

I want to hug Peacekeeper!

It's funny. My friend's been maining Valk since launch and he regularly shat on people, even with her shortcomings. He was giddy as hell when he heard about the buffs.

What's infuriating is watching other Valkyries over the last few weeks play and -not- do optimal shit. They don't even go for the 50/50.

What does he say during webm related

She's definitely cute, the people who play her are shitters (with some exceptions)

Is the timing of this counter the same as a parry ?

Stop attacking the knights, scum.

>Orochi is nerfed to being next to useless. Even Lawbringer is laugh at him.
>Peacekeeper receiving buffs and shits on everything
>Samurai faction got bonus to territories cut early
Ubisoft hates weebs confirmed?

They've been with real women.

I want to give her a public lashing.

>Multiple hero video guides

wtf is this? why would you link this?
this is the cringiest shit I have ever seen and it's a fucking HOUR LONG???

Remember, if you're playing 4v4, you don't actually need to fight Peacekeepers. :^)

Post "High Level" play.


i think it's a little tighter but yes

What fucking nerf? The anime slash attack change does nothing - he was already jumping back far enough for anyone with half a braincell to see what's up and just wait the Orochi out.

That sounds kind of hot

a little more strict
need practice to really get a feel for it

This is an astartes thread. Only post astartes

>he get off to spanking cute peacefkeeper

Whoever invented gear level deserves to be shot.

I'm done playing 4v4s agaisnt humans, I'm gonna grind until I'm not at a clear disadvantage, going always VS rep3+ faggots.

How much damage does that do?

Fuck you Lawfagger

got any advice for a retard trying to play raider? I feel so slow compared to other classes in 1v1s

>lawbringer is constantly referred to as the most broken class
>everyone and their dog is a lawbringer

Sorry, shitters opinion is not taken into consideration.

Is Valkutie a tsundere or a bitch

ave imperator
>being a tierwhore

All Orochi has now is top lights and zone. That's it.
You can MAYBE use something else, but only if you're good at faking and mindgames.

>Sheer amount of talk about Lawbringer is eventually gonna culminate in people reviling him like warden
>Soon I won't be able to even occasionally post about him without getting bashed for it

Wait, did they remove the option to pick skirmish or dm?

So you don't know what you're talking about?

Have they messed with the matchmaking in the recent patch? I'm not especially good at videogame, but all the people I've duelled today have clearly been much worse than me. Saw a valk spamming heavies, and a warlord trying to block unblockables.

>You will never roughly spank Peacekeeper to tears

"""""balance"""""""" patch

>you will never spank Peacekeeper before a battle to "raise her spirit" (yours, actually), and laugh to yourself as she tries to put on her armor but jumps a bit each time something touches her red, lashed ass

Being good at taking and mind games = being good.

You now have to do what others have had to in order to get ahead. Poor you.

Very little about 2 bars, he got it boosted with revenge and tier 4 frenzy.


Oh so it's like the PK crossbow. I thought it'd make way more damage from that webm

you can call me a bitch if you want though
I've been a Valkyrie since release!

I'm not playing orochi, i'm a knigger.
I'm just judging the game from what I see in high level brawls.

Suffering, isn't it?

>eventually gonna culminate in people reviling him like warden

People already hate him because people just spamming LAWWWWWWWWW constantly.

I miss the tech test when everyone still loved Warden

You muscle bitch!

Stop falseflagging, faget.

>ywn be a Peacekeeper getting spanked by Warden-senpai for executing prisoners and using poison

You are a bitch

How to roach:
1. Stand a quarter mile away
2. Wait for your opponent to wiff anything
3. Punish it with Storm rush into two top lights
If teched, return to step 1
if it connects, overhead heavy
return to step 1.

If opponent is a turtle or someone with a dodge which they can block durring, Alt+F4 to preserve winrate.

has anyone actually watched those hero guides in the OP?

are they any good? I fucking suck at this game and need help

I'm not falseflagging you dumb faggot. I main lawbringer.

Are there lewd stories out already? I don't see a pastebin in the OP.

Should I play Valkyrie or she's shit?

why are these threads always full of sluts?
not that I mind

>high level brawls

Maybe I haven't met any good roaches, but I never had a lot of problems (compared to other classes), I can parry or CGB most of the time

You should play her and she's shit.

brawl is essentially two 1v1 anywhere above beginners bracket tho

There's not much to learn about this game.
To guarantee a hit on the enemy you can only rely on
1) GB
2) Parry
3) Light attack spam if you're an assassin.
4) Zone attacks and soft feints with false indicators

Okay, so I just started, what are feints even? I don't see them in the move list

Klyka videos are very good.

Its my birthday.
Post your mains, or you tarnish the tradition of the birthday kid getting what he wants.

I'm not enjoying it I swear!
degrade me more though
Some people sperged out over the stories in the OP but I bookmarked them

You cancel heavies when the animation is starting

Do the advanced tutorial, nigger.

Can everyone do that? Cancel it into a block or dodge or whatever? I started Warden because I did the first few campaign missions and the practice


cancel a heavy attack holding e, used to bait people into a parry/whatever

You can cancel a heavy attack with B/circle or whatever key it's on PC.

Stop, this is very lewd! You shouldn't be imagining taking a Warden's firm hand sharply across your petite athletic tush! That's indecent for a Peacekeeper!

>no story of Peacekeeper-chan getting lashed by Warden-senpai just before a battle

>Brawl Orders

I want to play Warlord because his design is amazing and want to have cool armor with him, but seems that everybody hates him and I fucking suck with him.

Should I give up?

The problem with a good roach is that he's constantly a mile away constantly canceling in and out of storm rush waiting for you to do anything to try and catch him, so that he can hit a free storm rush during your recovery frames. Your only real option is to rush him, but when storm rush starts with dodging backward anyway, it's sort of what he wants.

Though I guess you can also just stand there ready to parry and see who gets bored first.

what class do you play?
go to youtube and search for for class name + "hero school" and watch that video

Lewdkeeper would be proud of the direction this thread took.

Conq can't.

Yes. Well, those that actually have above average blocking speed. Feinting as an LB is basically giving the enemy a free light attack on, because they won't even bother to counter your feint and would just dodge and poke you.
Some heroes have built-in soft feints that let you cancel one move into another with a single press of a button, not just stop from attacking.

fuck everyone else and get good with him

Any yuro wants to team up for brawl on PC? I feel like having comfy team games.

I know, right?

These threads are just full of wanna be slut
>Added someone's email a couple weeks ago for erp
>We chat for a while before they go to sleep planning on doing it the next day
>They never get back on
Just cockteases
Shut up slut

>Feinting as an LB is basically giving the enemy a free light attack on
Spotted the reason why you're bad, user.

Don't cheese and you'll be fine.

Yes definitely. Punish me harder Warden-senpai

Channel in the OP.

ERP is for degenerates

>Orochi-san see that Peacekeeper is doing great against the vikings
>he asks Warden what's his secret
>"a firm hand"
>he decides to try that with Nobushi later

Okay, I'll stop now. But Peacekeeper needs her spanking.

What exactly do these stats mean, anons?

Thanks guys. I'll try that, should I stay Warden or main something else?

Not my fault a cocktease blueballed you...

Nothing. They mean nothing...

>tfw you've been afk farming and all your stats are fucked.

It would be nice if it only counted 1v1.

I came across the best ERP partner for some For Honor stuff on Saturday and he hasn't got back to me. Complete blue baller.

Nobushi needs to be punished too, but by Kensei
Femrochi can watch