/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General

Cheeky Cunt edition
Previous thread: >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05

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>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

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Haha i claim this thread for the Elves

lmao xDD

You forgot to update the OP.
Rimworld refugees are welcome.

I always rob elves I don't care if you consider it cheating but that's what I do

On this weeks episode of /dfg/ Tourney...

Two sexually depraved elves fight in skimpy clothing...

To the death? Or to the cum?

I wonder how much less lag the towns would have if it wasn't for all these cats running around and trying to get through pet-safe doors.

I want my sword to lie inside destiny to the hilt if you know what I mean.

Oh lord, yeah, cat behavior is accurate and awful.

Was answer already, but yeah, I just... hit the [ and ] keys in between the - and = above, and the ' and part of the enter below, shift+[ and ] spits out curly brackets { and } so I was super lost, but hey, whaddup comfyswedeanonbro!

I claim your body for armok

Why are Humans such fucking assholes when trading?
>Won't accept any trade unless they have a shitton of profit from their end
>Meanwhile Elves and Dwarves don't care even if they end up with around 40 dorfbucks of profit
Fucking bastards.

Gee, I wonder why he was replaced?


If i ever going to run for any governmental office i will change my name to this

The price of superior craftsmanship

>Zolak Stealtaxes
I think your game master might be an ancapper.

Why do I feel I kinda know what ancapper is?

You should know what an ancapper is

>mention that I'm a monkey
>alll next posts are instantly shitposts
Jesus christ /dfg/ and people call aussies shitposters.
Update when

Shut the fuck up monkey, go back to your jungle



By necessity, strictly vanilla players use the strictly vanilla method of managing labors in every fort. v p l

Square, of course.

Very stable. I've had one crash that I believe was dfhack related in several months of using it.

The post where I chuckled about it was because I found the "in monkey" to be an absurd non sequitur and don't actually know that I've ever heard it being used in regards to brazilians.

Fuck man all I'm getting is a vague sense that it's some sort of shit to like a trade deal or conspiracy about one or some stupid shit like that, fuck brb, duckduckgo will help surely.


Anarcho-Capitalists are still a thing huh... fuck, not what I was thinking at all.

>vanilla only
Fuck that, dfhack for life bitches, manipulator all day erryday.

The vector curses sets Dragon dePlatino made (as a demo basically >.>) are available in 8x12, 16x24, 24x36, 32x48, 40x60, and 48x72 in clean crisp and vanilla proper style: bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=161328.0

I spent too much time on my walls to give them up, and like my shaded ground tiles and whatnot so I use this but I replaced my old vorpal cornerclipped upscale of the curses_640x300.png tileset with the non-wall tiles from dePlatino's.

Where can I edit Instruments? I want real fucking names and not those disgusting names that tell me nothing


Source on the pic plz ?

There's some instructions on how to do that in the raw/objects/examples and notes folder.
It shouldn't be too hard to do. Also check the wiki.

How hard is it to get DT to work with the current version?

New player here, what can I do with a Werelizard Cheese Maker locked in my hospital? I really don't want to kill him.

Wall him off in a room and make him a record keeper

Yeah, basically just what: said, put in an item_instruments.txt file with the appropriate format and
*instrument definitions*
type of shit in it, then remove the [GENERATE_*_INSTRUMENTS] lines.

Ask Mr. Owl, though I hear he never made it without just using dfhack and manipulator.

If you're using 32bit dwarf fortress, just download the new ini. If you're on linux, use this for 64bit:

I just typed in 'the arena' to google images and it popped up

You can wait out his transformation, but it will happen again. Death is really the only cure for werebeasts. You also could just lock him away forever, but he'll die then too.

is this a good /dfg/ paper, or am I just a pleb?

>but he'll die then too
No he won't.

it's good. it was made by several user's here in the general.

only problem is that the 'オ' should be small.

>touhou 6 shortcut
>not custom launcher shortcut to all of them

just kys yourself

>xxxx - shortcut

This triggers my autism..

The two are not mutually exclusive.


Is this a gore desktop

What's wrong with Mcaf?

see, until that, I actually thought that monkey was a stupid nickname for brazilians

>PCSX2 1.4.0

Hey please, I need some modders to answer me stuff about werecreatures

When transformed, do the people that knew you before the transformation know that you are yourself?
why do werecreatures make people feel bad, if its just a transformation?
Could I amake a transformation toggled at will, without people freaking out?

Can I ''toggle'' between bodies?

dont listen to this guys user
I could've never have replayed legend of legaia if it wasnt for emulators

I didn't say emulators were bad

It's just that there's no reason to use the 1.4.0 version of PCSX2 when you can download one of the 1.5.0 devbuilds that works better. And there's no reason to use ePSXe when Mednafen and PCSX-R exist, since they are both better emulators.

>already a circlejerk before 50 replies

Is this the power of rimworld? Turning the dwarf fortress general into a discussion about favela monkeys and some faggot's desktop?

it's spooky

Is it better to start with adventure mode at this point?


What do?

Well, what do you want to make?
For what you have,
>tetrahedrite for copper weapons
>gold/silver/platinum for statues/furniture


What do you want to do?

Smelt tetrahedrite. you will get copper and silver. make copper armor and silver warhammers. then smelt gold/platinum to make decorations and furniture.

that's a nice collection of metals, my current fort only has shittones of platinum, so it's lots of bling but no weapons

Well you know what to do? Make ridiculously extravagant platinum furniture, and ask for weapons next time the trader comes, make the slider be all the way to the right, so that next year, you buy all the weapons with maybe two or three items.

Genuine question. What does DF have that Rimworld doesn't? Never played and don't want to play Rimworld and just wanted to know the main differences.

z-levels, good gameplay, developer with vision and skill, autist audience, nice graphics, intuitive and informative UI

Okay, I must admit that I find this night hag extremely arousing. Apparently she's a "whispering horror".

DF doesn't have nice graphics

Letters aren't nice


>intuitive and informative UI

Good one. Papa dwarf himself said multiple time the UI was awful and didn't make any sense and that it was the result of a chaotic and long development.

Seriously, how fucking biased can someone possibly be

Well honestly it's just subjective, some like it and some don't, I don't, so I use other tilesets like phoebus or spacefox.

I guess it's just what I'm used to.
Throughout my formative years I played a shitload of Nethack, which has an even worse UI by far.

I didn't know about Rimworld until you mentioned it, but I don't think it has anything like Legends or Adventure mode, or the depth of personality-gen, or industry, or the ability to make them mad projects.

Z levels
In depth World gen

Its enough.

>Urist likes humans for their stature.

>Urist likes elves for their ears.

didnt know

only true answers ples

>Urist absolutely detests elves for their kinslaying

I gave brass the tags to make weapons and armour out of it. It's almost as tough as bronze, no reason it shouldn't be possible.

>Ulspa covets dwarf children for their beards but then shaves them cause she's a bastardwhoreslut.

You know what the best thing about monkeys is?
There's like a brazilian of them!

They freak because you're a crazed monster, if you transform into a huge frothing humanoid mammoth and start biting people it kinda bums folks out.


Next you'll tell me giving steel to humans and goblins is also cheating



No but it's disgusting. Steel belongs to the dwarves. next thing you're gonna tell me is that you gave stonecrafting to elves.

Of course not, since that doesn't make sense.

Humans and goblins using steel does make sense, there's no reasons why they shouldn't be able to.

That's right. I forgot werebeasts literally can't die without being killed by something else.

They haven't solved the riddle yet you fucking dumbass.




DF is not Conan you cunt.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


fuking mbumps my dorfs

So, how's everyone doing today?
Got any new projects to work in DF?

I'm at work pretending to be productive.

No new projects, just a million old ones.

>No new projects, just a million old ones.
that hit too close to home. Fuck
I should be doing things

>mfw i never finished any project in DF, let alone megaprojects.

I mean, theoretically almost anything more complex than a room can be a project
a moat would definitely qualify, so would an archery tower

Making steel is a very complex process. Very few people knew hoe to make it in the middle ages, so it makes sense only dwarves, wich are masters in metallurgy, to be the only ones that know and understand the chemical processes.

It's not cheating if you don't modify the material properties. It's the same old vanilla brass, I'm just beating it into new shapes.

Giving steel to humans and goblins is definitely cheating though.

And allowing platinum whips and slade hammers wouldn't be cheating either then?

I don't think it makes sense, since by the type of armor and weapons the goblins and humans can make, I would situate them at around the late middle ages, and, if I remember correctly, at that time steel weapons weren't uncommon.

I meant some good project like castle, labirynth etc.

Not even gonna mention conquering hell or stuff like that.

Don't be silly, you can't work slade.

Not him, but those are both a lot better than the vanilla options. Brass is a shit metal for shit people, he's practically handicapping himself by using instead of the vanilla options if they're available to him.