You went to your wagecuck job today

You went to your wagecuck job today.

>99.9% of us businesses fail within 5 years

>op wonders why everyone isnt their own boss

Brainlets i swear

Start 1000 businesses, retard


i did. i make $43/hr (canadian$) and i make more money than i spend. this was the best path that was open to me in my life. i come to Veeky Forums to gain knowledge so i can hopefully get out of the cucklife one day.

Nah friend, I sat at home writing posts on my website.

Hey friend, that sounds like some big money! That sounds like some big plays! How much did your tumblr reblogs bring in today?

Sitting at home brought me about $780 from my investments, just like every other day I sit on my ass here.
>You went to your wagecuck job today
Lol. I guess not.


>inb4 no one on this board has that kind of money. Oh god, please tell me no one on this board has that kind of money
You have my pity.

Gotta start somewhere.

Nice projecting friend ^_^

Do you bring in any money? Can you teach me how it works (in a basic sense of course)?

Are your investments stocks? Will you elaborate please so I may learn your ways? :)

truth is it's more like 1 in a thousand can start businesses and they will all succeed one way or an other and all the rest of the retards fail every fucking time tho.

Stocks and funds. Sorry though, I don't manage them myself. One of the larger banks does that and takes a cut.
I'd guess most people with that kind of capital do the same thing.

Keep coping wagie.

You don't need to start an official business to escape wagecucking. Find a demand and fill it.

Proof or gtfo

Also, how much capital?

>source: my asshole

Business do have a high failure rate, but you have to screen out brain-dead normie shit like opening the 4th artisanal cupcake boutique on an expensive downtown block or "I'll go 500K in debt on a a furniture store with absolutely no business experience" people.

The key to being a business owner is to start small, stick with what you know, and grow as your experience and judgement grows with your profits. There are an almost infinite amount of self-employment options that require less than 5K in overhead costs, which is only a couple months of living with family and saving a minimum wage job.

The reason the failure rate is high is because the barrier of entry is pretty low in America, and the payoffs are some of the best in the entire world.

>not leeching off your parents while making adsense bux to fuck escorts

>There are an almost infinite amount of self-employment options that require less than 5K in overhead costs

any suggested sources/reading on the topic?

Philosophy is more important than autistic knowledge when it comes to entrepreneurship. Its full of more exceptions than hard rules.

Probably read Rich Dad, Poor Dad and the Art of the Deal to change you way of thinking about things. Without the right attitude towards life, money, and business you will certainly fail even in perfect circumstances.

Effort is always rewarded with enough sacrifice, you should consider anything achievable if you want it badly enough and at any price.

As for specifics, literally go the library. Its free and all the business books in one section, or you can listen to audio books while doing other things. University education is 90% reading and the rest is blow-hard Marxist professors spouting bullshit and then testing you on the reading material. Cut out the middle-man and read books on business, narrowing it down to the specific interest you have. Read books with different ideas on the same thing and decide for yourself. Then you can move on to some independent research with online resources for the exact niche you want to inhabit (look at reviews for similar concepts on yelp or google, ect) and visiting places and paying attention to what they do right and wrong. If you need experience you can even get a shitty job there and watch the clockwork until you feel like you have nothing left to learn.

For myself, I started broad and ended up narrowing in on service -> hospitality -> food service -> restaurants (decided against) -> food trucks (decided against) -> food carts and kiosks which is what I settled on and am close to launching in the next couple months.

If you are a coding autist the options for online freelancing are pretty endless, its mostly about networking.

>Rich Dad, Poor Dad
that book is garbage tho
the actual good points would fit a single page to buy and read an entire book full of shitty anecdotes for them seems silly.

>If you are a coding autist the options for online freelancing are pretty endless, its mostly about networking.
or find a guy that can't code but knows how to network and team up. i had a buddy like that the jobs came in an endless session. then we had a fight and didn't talk ever since. odd jobs pretty much dried up.

No, but I'm getting paid for eight hours anyway

>how much capital?
Around 5 mil.
Office pool lottery win.

No I didn't.