I'm in the market to buy a car. I want something manual, fast, fun, and preferably easy to hoon...

I'm in the market to buy a car. I want something manual, fast, fun, and preferably easy to hoon. I want it to be the tuner type. So far i've been told:
> basically any 90's honda
> lancer
> cavalier
> neon srt
> eclipse
> corolla
> miata
I'm pretty sure the corolla was a meme but i can't help think it would be funny to hoon the fuck out of like a '94 corolla. What are your thoughts, Veeky Forums?

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I've thought about miatas quite a bit but can't seem to find a clean example in my area. the one's that are clean have like 180+ miles on them.

Get an FB

The fuck is wrong with an AE111, it's basically what your looking for.

I'm assuming you mean firebird. I always assumed those were just muscle, didn't qualify as tuner-ish



oh shit nigger what are you doing

at least make an attempt to learn shit before you go and buy a car

I suppose but i'm on a budget of around 2k and the only rx-7 i can find is a 90 fc with a rebuilt engine and fucked seats. which isn't really an issue for me.

AE82 or AE92 corolla might be worth looking for

FWD hoonmobiles if there ever were ones.

well i already have an '01 celica. I've been lurking Veeky Forums for like 3 months and from what I've seen I'm apparently a shit for driving an automatic. I'm getting into the car scene so bear with me

I actually wanted an eight six but I literally cannot find one. For reference i live in the san antonio area. There's a lot of cars I'd love to own that i can get with a budget of 2k but there's like none for sale in my area.

An automatic is fine for a DD. I'd recommend saving up more money so you can budget more than just $2K. Then look for something RWD. Getting another FWD would be kinda redundant since you already have one. Miata is a fine choice. I'd also consider an Eclipse GSX or MR2, any generation.

>an eight six

Get off your Initial D fan fever, you're not going to find an 86 for 2k lmao.


It's FB33 and sa22c.

I have an AE82, they were cheap hoon mobiles in Australia and are pretty rare to see now. They're underrated as fuck.

Good cars won't come to you on a $2k budget. Save up 5-6k and you can start looking at a decent quality miata/mr2/gsx/vr4 or if you're into american cars, fiero/firebird/corvettes are pretty cool and not too muscle-y.

this is realatively close to me in jersey, and I wish it was closer so I could check it out.

I love the look of corolla wagons tho


I actually found a gts who wants to trade a sport bike for it and i just so happen to have a 500r that my brother built and i bought for like 500. So. if i genuinely wanted to, I could have an eight six gee tee ess for 500 dollars, but the bike holds sentimental value to me. so. fuck.