/smtg/ - 真・女神転生/Shin Megami Tensei General

SMT HD Game and 3DS game planned in the works:

SMT HD Project teased at Nintendo Switch Presentation:

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The fuck is that edgy grin in the massacre ending for?
>implying I did anything evil

Reminder that Garu is just a meme Zan.

Vote for best mainline game here
Vote for best spinoff game here


Reminder that Tera is a meme

>not grinning after a great accomplishment

why do we keep making these threads

this desu
>make a perfectly non-evil decision
>friends disagree and I have to kill them in self-defense
>brainwashed messiah wants to be part of my team, I let him
>dagda finds spooky-looking, non-evil throne for me to sit
>townsfolk attack me for no reason
>use their souls for my perfectly non-evil purposes

8th for Vayu

holy fuck master difficulty in IV is hard

0-5: I kill my friends
6-9: I don't

Kill them.

do you even MGTOW

>leave /smtg/ for a year or so
>threads are still on the brink of death all the time
just like old times right guys?

Yeah, kill them. If you were expecting an Ouija on a Sri Lankan deep-sea diving message board to make your decision for you then you might as well kill them all.

On one hand I want to honor my roll but on the other hand I really want to kill my friends.

there was a time when the threads were active as hell despite no new games
presumably there was a wave of new Fatli at the time

What happened to Beadman and that other unironic lawtist?

I want to fuck the protagonist of Devil Kids!

Are they gonna release this fucking 3ds game any soon?

Coming soon

Speesh Marine best boy.

I'm ashamed to admit that I have nostalgia for when alignment wars would take up entire threads. That was the only thing keeping these threads alive at one point.

Your shame is indeed justified, my child.

For the best ideal has taken over, and /smtg/ is able to live in a peaceful world of stillness and bumps.



The fact that we need bumps is proof your world is losing power though. Soon another user will cause the conception and we will be plunged into chaos again.



Reminder Chaos route best route.


>in casino again to get 99,999 coins to get the emperor/empress weapons
>play VS Poker
>smooth sailing from 200 tier to 600 tier
>1200 is fair
>get to 2500
>AI gets Full House, Four of a Kind, and Straight Flush on first 3 turns
>lose another 10,000 trying to get coins back
>got to 10,000 exactly once and he was ahead 25 points by turn 4

I'm also hung up because I want to complete the compendium but I haven't even begun fusing. Where do I start?

Humans don't want to be ruled by a creator god of any kind, which is why they will try to kill Nanashi if he chose the Massacre Ending. Ironically, the Axiom, Stephen, and Satan don't care that Nanashi becomes a Creator. They just ask that he doesn't rule the universe like YHVH.

>Humans don't want to be ruled by a creator god of any kind

Most humans do.

Too bad, humans should've sided with the Divine Powers instead of being mindless Flynn Fags.

no mt2 no vote

What we can expect from SMT switch?

we know jack frost is probably in along with power man odin, mara, every model in the teaser

What was Speesh Marine doing during IV and Apocalypse? He got the literal reversal ending that Aleph got in SMT II.


a turn based rpg

either they're keeping SMT IV designs for no reason at all, or this is SMT IV:3


Reminder that you are not a true megatennist unless you beat and ace Catherine in hard mode.


"Catherine in hard mode" is a weird way to spell SMT 1 & 2.

Why do people think the MegaTen game coming to the Switch is going to be SMT V? Was it actually shown in the trailer to be a main series game? What if Atlus is rebooting the original Megami Tensei to test the waters? I mean the Switch is a fucking failure anyways.

I want to fuck Mirai.

Was Inanna right to want her powers back from Danu in SMTIV Apocalypse?

I really, really like this post.

Do you think we could turn this into a meme?

Looks like something straight out of Digimon.

I'm an insider, this is the next SMT game's protagonist

I haven't gone on here in a while. Do we still post Hoy?

No. It's a Dog eat Dog world, after all.

No this is.

Where's my medieval SMT with witchcraft and demon summoning rituals

>Dubhe defeated by a truck
I can't stop laughing
what the fuck just happened

SMTV should be open world with crafting.

Open world meme aside, it would be nice to actually see demons when walking around instead of random encounters, or whatever the fuck you want to call those things in 4/4A.

Are there more kingdoms aside from Mikado in the IV/IV:A world? Sometimes they imply Mikado and Tokyo are ALL that's left of humanity.

Most likely. Never doubt a Jap's ethnocentrisism.

Y-yeah, DDS waterways

Playing Megaten 1, and just lost levels on my characters after fighting Loas in Marzuka. What kind of bullshit is this?


Deader than friends.

Newfag here, Would you say this is a good representation of the alignments in SMT?:
>Law: Order, Hierarchy.
Government type: fascist starship troopers like
Ideologies: Jihadism

>Chaos: Freedom, Anarchy
Government type: anything goes- Mad Max tier anarchy
Ideologies: Egoism, Nihilism

If so, damn it is hard to pick between those two, both are terrible with some good sprinkled in.


You bumped the thread, idiot. Whitefags are so useless.

Just beat Duallahan in IV. Does the game ever get hard again like it was early on? I've been steam rolling through everything for a while now.

Brings back memories.

Yes. Just don't post "big" uncompressed pics or you'll trigger megabyte-kun.

Not really. Only the beginning is hard. You may have trouble with one story boss later on in the second parallel dimension shenanigan but the rest of the hard bosses are all optional, like Beelzebub or the Fiends.

it's easy just like every other smt game


Should I play/avoid the SMT1 version of iOS?

I would play it if you are fine with touch screen controls.


Mainline is turning 25 this year, not Megaten. Megaten's gonna be 30 this September and SMT's gonna turn 25 in October. So it's obvious that both of the projects will be about SMT, if the logo they got isn't helpful enough.


The SNES version is playable with the patches. Don't know about iOS


>Reminder that you are not a true megatennist
Thank fucking God.

best girl

Let's survive!

Is Chaos only Fallen race now?

Which female demon do you want to fug?



>that other unironic lawtist?
Dude, we were more than beadman and one guy.

>complete bitch

how many endings are in SMTIV:A?

Every day

2 real ones and two early bad ends.

wew and i thought there would be more
currently in for my chaos run to coplete the game

Is there a known freeze in raidou vs the soulless army around when he's in the shadow realm looking for yugiohs blue eyes six page dragon because I got a freeze last night after feeling like the game was just taking slightly longer than I'm accustomed to in terms of load times but I'm not confident if it was actually taking longer to load than usual but there was a weird glitchy sound after pressing x to exit each post-battle screen

Come back to SMT!

use the devil analyzer, look for energy drain

use hanmahan on them

Do you remember the "too cute" poster?

>going for one of the bad ends

forgot to mention I'm using a ps2 lol

SMT x Kikokugai