/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3273

"Memes from oblivion" edition

Previous Thread: Official website: katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free)
About Katawa Shoujo: katawa-shoujo.com/about.php
Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version): pastebin.com/weL41ehu
Chess Play/Ladder Info and more: pastebin.com/ST2512G8
Pastebin: pastebin.com/syJHnDCB
Writebin: pastebin.com/PpGnE3nc
KSG FAQ: pastebin.com/fFCGBSdi
Shimmie: shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
New KSG Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1834162
Flockdraw: skycow.us/whiteboard
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
/ksg/ exclusive 3DS themes: mega.nz/#!3hkznbaR!Zu_0gWDvitQspHUaEhtUeLG7iJhK4Q_79MpXaASkrQo

Other urls found in this thread:



I actually intend to, but do not be upset if I do so while sitting on the toilet.

One for Mish!

for Miki

nth for happy misha!

Lol I won't be upset, you reading stuff is grand for me




Consider it a deal then



no slacking on translating that shit nigga

Nth for a happy Hana!


>tfw negative 4 diopters eyesight

>Kenji cam

oh shit, I didn't notice you there.
don't worry, I've translated a good bit yesterday, even though the normie party in my room was noisy an annoying, so I have only one paragraph left

also it doesn't take too long to drop an image and scoot away

Where's this pic from? The art style looks official.

Thats cause it is official.


I love Emi!

Can we get some really comfy music here?


Wtf, you guys are still in this general even after all these years? Are you autistic? What is there left to discuss or talk about?

>This scene
>This song

>This scene
>This song

>This scene
>This song


>vintage comfy




>blocked in your country

Huh. So that's how that feels.

maybe this one will work

This was actually really nice. Thank you.

Night /ksg/, stay beautiful. Have a great new week everyone.

Sleep well, brother



Night Poldood, sleep well!

sleep well pol!




ah, it's past midnight right now...
good night, /ksg/, don't die in your sleep

b-but that's lewd

>you will never have an extra-crispy gf
>you will never wake up to feel the rough, bare skin on her back against your stomach
>you will never hold her hand and feel her brittle, warped skin crinkle under palm
>you will never look lovingly into her bloodshot eye
>you will never help her put the glass eye into her other burn-out socket
>you will never carefully fit the purple wig over her hairless scalp
>you will never wipe away the drool spilling down her chin
>you will never kiss the charred strips of flesh that were once her lips
>you will never walk with her to class everyday, just to make sure she goes
>you will never smile softly as you watch her cautiously step into the hallway ater making sure no one is around
>you will never hold her tight when she gets a panic attack after another girl glances in her direction
>you will never carry several extra pairs of panties for when she urinates herself in fright
>you will never wait patiently outside the girls' room after she pisses herself in the middle of class
>you will never hear her stutter and stifle tears when asked a question in class
>you will never take her to the tea room to eat lunch ever day
>you will never read with her in the library after school
>you will never escort her back to her room once the sun sets
>you will never carefully remove her false eye, her purple wig, and her urine-stinking panties
>you will never kiss her charred mouth and playful lick the drool off her chin
>you will never stare lovingly into the burnt-out wreckage of her eye socket
>you will never fall into bed and make love to your extra-crispy gf


>you will never be Hanako
>you will never completely depend on a beautiful blind girl for everything
>you will never become bitter and jealous of her because she's better than you in every way
>you will never cringe when you hear people whispering, because you assume they're talking about you
>you will never break down in tears and run sobbing out of the room when Mutou asks you a question in class
>you will never hide in your room for days on end because you're scared to go outside
>you will never piss yourself in fear when people talk outside your door
>you will never sit crumpled in your urine-stained bed, wallowing in your own self-hatred but refusing to do anything about it
>you will never be raped by some creepy dude with a heart condition
>you will never convince yourself he loves you
>you will never scare him off by being a hyper-crazy stalker desperate for anyone's attention
>you will never break down in tears when he tells you to stay away
>you will never start beating Lilly with your fists when she tries to comfort you
>you will never run through the halls of the school, screaming and sobbing for every single person to see
>you will never hide in your room for days, listening to the gawking of people outside
>you will never slowly starve as you wallow in your own misery
>you will never hang yourself in your room
>you will never be buried in a pauper's grave with only Lilly to attend your funeral
>you will never go down in Yamaku history as 'that freak' and 'the crazy they should have never let in'
>you will never be Hanako

is this a fetish?


no, just a weirdo

I didn't ask for these feels.

we're here for the feels, user

It's a weirdo fetish.

Just like wanting to bone blind armless autists and legless anal sluts.

maybe it's just me but anal and crispy no-eyes are on two entirely different levels

G'morning, doods!
How are we all today?
What fun and interesting things do we all have planned?

And Emi loves you!

What about anal with a crispy one-eye?

Mind you, her body is still only burnt on one side, which mean one arsecheek is ultra-crispy while the other is smooth and pearly white. It would make for an artistic, almost dualistic ass-fucking.

>Go out to dinner with Lilly
>She 'accidentally' drops her fork
>Seductive bends down to pick it up...
>In the wrong direction making the waiter jizz his pants
>She's also now genuinely lost her for and needs help.


I...I haven't considered this

atleast we know shes good at forgetting things

How do you think Hanako prefers her steak?

I'd be happy to just be the waiter
jeezus, dude.


Charred on the outside, raw and juicy on the inside.

she's looking a bit overdone

shoulda flipped her over midway

blue rare is the best way to cook a steak
and a waifu

That's not enough to cook a waifu. I think I've taken showers hotter than that.

I could have, but I wanted that one pearly-white asscheek to spank when she'd been a bad girl.

and whats more appealing than taking luke warm showers with your undercooked waifu

Taking warm showers with a well-cooked waifu, obviously.

not much

This man speaks the truth

Is drawing fucked up Hanakos the norm now? Is this a real fetish?

Just the one guy.
You're better off ignoring him.

It started out as shitposting, then evolved into a genuine fetish.

I've seen other people post extra-crispy Honkos now and then. They make me proud.

I prefer my waifus raw

Crispy waifu is the only one who doesn't get raw dogged. Coincidence?

is there any reason aside from technical difficulty and popular disinterest for why no one has attempted to do a remake of the in game sprites?
because i can draw, i can solve technical issues and i surely hate lilly in game hands

I guess it was out of respect for the devs

I think they look fine.

i would just fix that for me, in fact i want to make a remake of the sprites as an personal art project, wouldnt really publish the final result, its just for fun
>posts a picture where hands arent present


she is one of best girls but those hands tho :^(

What about them?

they are too big for a cute women like her

She's a big girl

But I guess you're right.

>implying people haven't

who here /android 7.0+/?

how can i play this game?


beautiful will take this into consideration when i start my project officially
#!i0IzmAgK!DQNqmYTsSqLEU9A65rcchFLlwifkm0zgfFUpdFV0pps (hint: mega)

I guess not that I think about it, there was one guy who worked pretty extensively with the sprites, mostly to make funny little KS skits.

But he's been AWOL for a while now, kind of has me worried.

you mean beautifully tapered piano hands

I hope it isn't because 4leaf told him to stop, this is the style I'm working with, I started the project because I want to improove my digital painting skills (I have none) but earlier this day I thought that no one had done something like that because it was illegal or something like that
That's hanako btw, I'm still trying to figure out her hair

>I hope it isn't because 4leaf told him to stop
Oh no.
He left a teaser to something massive he was working on some 5 months ago and then he just vanished and no one I know has seen him since, ksg or otherwise.

Some of his work youtube.com/watch?v=7et5cjYONjA

Even though Lilly playing cello is psuedo-canon, she's always struck me as more of a pianist.

Does anyone know any good Lilly fics?
I've just about finished the current Fluff saga, and he hasn't added to it with anything other than Conflict in just about 3 years now.

Fat Lillys need not apply.

Well the obvious answer is How Far.
It's not fat Lilly, just written by the same guy.
It's also pretty damn good.


Will try to keep a low profile then, also I have worked a bit on Rin, here is the concept art, perspective is a bit fucked up sadly

Hey don't be mean! She's trying~

This And if you're looking for a giant rabbit hole to jump down, there's also this ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9422