
kierkegaard edition

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fucking horrible op wtf

i tried my hardest

kierkegard was so gorgeous i love him sextectually

should have just posted gyuri :3

I remember a wise cracking kid Named Ben Finegold at the East Detroit ( Michigan ) Chess Club in the late 1970's ( 1978 ) who was a joy to behold. He would play blindfold speed. He gave the ridiculous advantage of 5 minutes, and he only took 1 minute for himself. He would call moves and his helper would hit the clock. He either won outright, or forced you to lose on time. He was unbeatable. The adults couldn't win, the other teens couldn't win, he was simply a gift we all enjoyed while he was with us. I was the only person in the whole club who could out-wisecrack him. I think he didn't like it too much, but we both had fun with it. I used to tease him about being a good player for his age, and he would come back with something being a good move for it's age when the occasion arose. Ben would use an electronic clock, and his reflexes were so great, he made 6 moves and hit the clock 6 times in 1 second. The clock didn't move until he made his 7th move. Ben, I just found the chess section on youtube, and you are all over the place. Congrats on the life you've made for yourself, almost 40 years on, and you're still wisecracking your way through the game. I haven't played professionally in over 30 years, but play online all the time. I'm glad our paths crossed all those years ago, you made the life I had playing chess a lot more enjoyable, and I even learned a couple things. And you're wonderful for all the work with kids you're doing. That is a good move by anyone at any age. I would enjoy hearing from you. GG (Mike)

thanks (Mike)

mhm mhm very interesting

terrible terrible op

i like the OP *pistol fingers*

please continue friend

wonder what kierkegaard thinks about gooks

ok you convinced me

if kierkegard was alive today hed have a stinker wife

this mike dude sounds like a needy faggot who needs to move on


gyuri more like goddess


you should read infinite jest

she's so elegant~

im scared of giant books after trying to read ulysses

idk wtf i was reading

is the gyuri posting ironic? i mean shes the definition of plastic monster

now thats a meme reddit book

yes sure if by meme reddit book you mean a really good book that is awesome

ah yes just the way we like our gooks here :3

actually i didnt mean that at all you stupid idiot

plastic goddess*

ok be careful this pic is really cute :3

we only post idorus here you fucking retards.


gyuri is really fucking ugly like way fucking ugly

i h8 how everything is a meme on this retard website
or how people need to be red-pilled or some shit idiots

is the new lenovo thinkpad a meme :) ???? red pill me on lenovo ahahahahaa :D :D


post gyuri's premium feet, that'll shut these morons up!

did something happen? are you ok?

*snaps fingers*
figured it out. its the wgirl shitter posting the ugliest gook he could find to try and give agirls a bad name

doing....his thing

no im not freakin okay
pas d'accord!!

i bet you are that one retard that finds smix and twice mina attractive

smix's feet are good

someone posted this song earlier. it was good

nobody knows who twice mina is u stupid faggot

i want to kiss this gook

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard

googled twice mina, looks really hot


lol? talk to my fucking hand you collector of ugly ass fucking gooks get the fuck out, bitch

fucking gay ass cia nigger shut the fuck up

looks like hes reading a good book

please stop fighting... quick.. post a pig or something..

*jack off motion*
go raped by a squad of niggers u fuckin nigger



our girl

he cant link lol

nice link, newnorm

*logs into normbook*
wow lots of pokes


only sensitive babies prefer jonathan schrantz over based finegold

she doesnt look korean at all

legit thought it was latina


LMAO those picket fence teeth HAHAHAH gurl lmao! GURL yo teef HAHAH GURL! YO TEEF I's BLIND HAHhaha

girl your teeth...

what the fuck can i say
i just love gooks
gook here gook there i fucking love gooks everywhere
id post gooks all day everyday if i could

*posts a gook*

now this is what im talking about

*thinks about posting a gook*
*posts a superior wgirl instead*

this is literally just camwhoring without nudity? what the fuck is wrong with this generation?

wmen are better than both

alternatively what about posting a cartoon

le wrong generation

boner again

shes just trash, like real trash

ok skimmed the rest of the other thread from the time I went bed 8 hours ago
that alcoholic guy needs to get his shit together or hurry up and die already. really depressing place he has there...

just fell in love with a new stinker...

no im talking about the audience

whores will be whores that i can understand but what the fuck is wrong with these fucking losers who watch her and donate money to her?

we all know who twice momo is though...

i hope you arent bringing her up as an example of a good looking agirl lol

we dont actually give a crap about twice here

i'm in love with floshitter

i hope you're not one of those ass blasted rv fans rofl

well im pretty desperate for contact with the opposite sex but i cannot function in social situations or outside my home so i substitute it with girls on twitch
and about the donations... there are dozens of people in her chat so i have to get her attention somehow and donations are the best way to do it

rv is that a kespa team? lol u dont actually listen to kpop in 2017 do you? hahaha cuz that would be sad as fuck

FUCK off kshitters

couldn't possibly be as sad as still following esports in 2017 lmaoooooooo

+2 we dropped that shit years ago

yeahhh I was just thinkin about how I've made myself retarded through social isolation myself... oh well

tee hee

this post made me think
but im done thinking
i guess theres just nothing we can do about it now


that's not boxer and jessica...



being into kshit in 2017? lmfao so fucking sad

washed my earbuds now they sound really weird :/

im like a character from a wes anderson movie

Played some atomic chess against the computer. Its fucking lame and gay as fuck. What a retarded variant. Who the duck came up with this shit?

>playing anything but knightmare chess