/rlg/ - Roguelike General

>FAQ and What to Play

FAQ: pastebin.com/Q7K91Q34

What to Play?: pastebin.com/yfUKx35f

>Individual Game Pastas


>Roguelike News:

Oook.cz competition: Oangband shadow-fairy rouge:

The latest official /rlg/ PCB combo of the week is: Demigod (anything) Duelist. You can use PCB-R.

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account

User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

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1st for me!

>that image
Yes, I approve.
The world needs more pink smoochy dragons.

Good job!



A round of applause for doing your best today!

>Splatting in the abyss despite coming there prepared because the vault was a particularly hard one and you teled late


RIP haste and free sif channeling

just posting old local screenshots to kickstart the thread



how about some other games too

are you talking about the DCSS screenshots?


feel free to post your own man, I'm just trying to contribute

Someone post the Naga^Chei walking into trio blasts, shits always funny

I have this

heading off to bed, good luck and don't commit akrasia


Ah yes, the infamous giant club of reaching

>MuMo should let you keep wearing the starting robe until level 5
Dying hundreds of times to D:1 jackal packs is a dumb mechanic and adds nothing to the challenge
pillardancing a single hobgoblin for 300 turns to regain 10 HP is a dumb mechanic and adds nothing to the challenge

No. I just tried MuMo today and I could streak 5 of them to level 10. It's just a case of being unskilled.

Is this you?

Yeah and my dad works at nintendo

It's a reasonable tradeoff
I'm gonna do it anyway

you still get all the debuffs though

we really could use a diminishing return or an higher cooldown on that corrosion thing.
it already is extremely dangerous when you have 2-3 stacks


Just get rCorr lmao
t. devs

On demigod ninja, which one do you think is better mut: Evasion or One With Magic?
Evasion might help with flimsy hp, but One With Magic would allow me to upkeep Bunshin and Passwall on those annoying monsters that dispel/antimagic my shit. Seems to be roughly 1/2 chance.

Not him but I can do that MuMo streak but only up to XL5.

Fuck it, demonic grasp is go.

we warned you about ettins bro

>still no new stable
Are they even working on it? It seems all they do is talk.

>DCSS still doesn't have a "nonliving" race

Is there actually a living being that plays crawl? Yeah that's right. I didn't think so.

don't worry user, they're removing more (((bloat))) right as we speak

I actually feel that the new corrosion effect was one of the few good calls from the crawl devs.

But fuck weavers and the apparent uselessness of rCorr when you actually have it against them.

I don't know man, Coolcthulhu just seems to be adding more.

Why are you complaining about freexp again? By the time you can encounter them, you already have sooooooooo many options and exp that they should barely do anything to you.

What about Gargoyles?

Are there really people that still play mumo?

Why are you complaining?

Not really.

they buffed mummi and ruined the appeal
no point now

Does light armor training in tome4 also mean helmets/gloves/boots? or just the torso piece

>playing anything but .15
that's breaking the rules. Might as well wear a buckler and go around prancing in your sissy +4 leather armor of RF.

but i cant play as froggles in that version pretty sure. the new best race

>You should be able to use scrolls of recharging to improve +(x) rings
Y/Y/Too nethackish

You're free to wear gauntlets / helmets / metal boots with LAT, yeah.

Thanks friend, guess I'll put one point into it for now

Any roguelikes where I can seduce a dragon and potentially mate with it?

>tfw no h-roguelike with monstergirls with procedurally generated personality and body stats, and interactive procedurally generated sex

I'd play the shit out of that

ToME4 armor (Massive, light and heavy) refers ONLY to torso.

You still need the first level of armor training to wear metal helms, gauntlets and boots.

>procedurally generated sex

That phrase is really intriguing to me

Ya blew it

really needs a filename

autisminthedunes where you @

you can try noxico

>run into grgglck the devouring darkness on my way to the bottom of lake nur
>figure out too late that he's invulnerable to everything and you need to kill his tentacles


Yeah? Well I'm posting about it anyway

But it's a roguelike.

Unless you had some good antimagic gloves the thing at the bottom probably would've killed you anyway. Lake Nur is tough for meleedudes at that level.

Not really, he's playing brawler who utterly shit on it.
A lot of hits to break bone shield.
No sustains to feed off.

The ones that cry blood are reavers and defilers.

Defilers, sure. Reavers do fine against weirdling if you've put some points in blood lock to keep its heals under control. Reaver is probably the only melee class I feel comfortable doing Nur before lvl 20. Maybe cursed but I haven't run one in a while.

wrong general faggot

Speak, mortal.

what's the furthest you got in the past week and how many reaching club deaths did you have

If it's the same thing as the boss in the dwarf area, it's not technically invulnerable, but it does ignore all hits below 500 damage.

What else are you going to fuck for enemy variety fag, regular monsters?

you don't need to keep passwall up while fighting
if it gets dispelled you stay inside the wall but take a tiny amount of damage per turn

It's another "Energy randomization lets a berserking enemy catch up to you while hasted and kill you" episode.

Level 17.
Died to zerked tarantella in spider.
It was painful to have 8 blinks but not being able to use even one.

Four reaching clubs.

>procedurally generated personality
If I wanted to or was able to deal with a girl's personality I wouldn't need to play an h-roguelike.

>body stats, and interactive procedurally generated sex
Sounds like modded DF.

why is there not a DCSS general aleady

i had level 5 combo kick ready

DCSS belongs in /rlg/ because of felids and mummies but you try telling those autismos to leave

This general moves slow enough as it is, /po/ is more active than us

can you guys stop posting about tome? I don't consider it a roguelike

PosChengBand is not a roguelike.

Can you guys stop making posts? I don't like this general surviving.

technically rogue isn't a roguelike since it's the original
does that mean we can't post about rogue here?

Just for the record, playing MuMo is my version of drinking heavily

Fag regular monsters aren't that bad.


I only play real roguelikes.


We need to purge all generals from this board.


>Use Doomquest II to get through 2 acquirement scrolls early on

Well, I guess that's ok for now.



alright anons its time to get your xylophone on
we are gonna be a fuckin skeleton bard

Of course, then you'd have actual variety and not be a pleb.

bard is way more fun than all of these except maybe skillmaster.

I want a dragon bf that carries me through the dungeon!

Bard has the appearance of being more fun, but trust me, it's not

>sing around sleepy monsters
>Stop, you brute!

These messages can be really really silly.

Did some @non say monster girl?

there's a lotta dudes in this room

What a filthy harlot
can't even bother to wear a tailsock like a decent naga being