Probably that he's a welfare blue that wanted things easy.
Carter Cooper
Must be nice being crimson and having all those MSP parties being advertised in faction chat :^)
Levi Hill
far more are in our faction chat than you'd think
Landon Rivera
Nothing to say. Everything to laugh about LOL
Carter Murphy
So I installed enough for the game to be "playable" but when I click play the BnS splash screen with the edgy black winged guy comes up but the game doesn't start. What's going on here?
Also where are the sluts at for when I finally do get logged on?
Ryder Cooper
NA DC 482875, minus citadel because I'm a shitter
Scales and orbs provided as usual
Easton Evans
dont worry it just takes about 20 minutes for it to load gameguard up each time you start the game
being a rootkit is hard work
Christian Martinez
It takes a few minutes to load no matter how good your computer is, the optimization is horrible. It should run fine once it's launched.
It would be easier to ask where the sluts aren't."
Luke Martin
>not being gloriously blue
Parker Kelly
That depends on what type of sluts you're after.
For slutty jinf, gonf, yunf and lynf - Windrest
For slutty lynm - Windrest
Slutty jinm and gonm don't exist
If NA replace Windrest with Mushin.
Ethan Gonzalez
>Slutty gonm don't exist damn shame
Christian Thomas
>Slutty jinm and gonm don't exist
I dunno man, Barrt keeps giving me that "wsup bb:" look...
Aiden Bailey
xth for having zero fun with this game but play anyway for god knows why
Ryan Ward
>ywn be in the powerful purple faction that'll be able to fuck both these plush asses at the same time
Jacob Jackson
I tried blue before
Red is the better color
Asher Ortiz
go away vanu
Jackson Cook
Camden Carter
Light red is okay
Andrew Rodriguez
That's salmon.
William Martin
where the lobbies at
John Sullivan
Austin Moore
You're salmon
Logan Allen
the purple faction in planetside
John Nguyen
4/6, leaving in 10.
Henry Campbell
Chase Wright
hey, where's Kyoppi? i miss him
Lincoln Sanchez
ok kyoppi
Christian Rivera
Jayden Parker
im not kyoppi, I'm just his steam/discord/etc buddy that loves to trade (You)s in the thread
Easton Garcia
Why does Amber like Kyoppi so much?
Chase Wright
because they're the same person
Jacob Peterson
>tfw you will never lick the filth off Amber
Nathaniel Long
Kyoppi will.
Jose Watson
Jordan Torres
Justin Flores
Connor Miller
>same face >same face >same face >same face
Asher Butler
I don't think they want to be a special snowflake user. They just want some digital dick.
Jason Martinez
post your original character then
Camden Cooper
Who wants to /ss/ a generic catboy?
Lincoln Scott
>He fell for the /ss/ meme The only people who want manchilds are other manchilds. Get back to the other male rats as they're the only ones who'll accept you rodents.
Hey man I'm already working on a real character, just thought I'd throw this out there since someone mentioned it last thread.
Jeremiah Edwards
Nolan Gonzalez
i want this to protect my smile
Joseph Hall
This protects my smile
Aaron Myers
Colton Ward
Juan Stewart
what's up
Sebastian Jackson
Alexander Hughes
Me in 21% bracket.
Ayden Jenkins
Nolan Hughes
>tfw didn't ERP when this poll was made
Chase King
Erp'd with a bunch from here. Most of them are really bad and cringy, tell that they got themself off to that. Would not recommend
Blake Miller
new poll when
Justin Diaz
>0 and I don't erp separated
It's literally the same shit since both those groups never erp'd once.
Carter Morales
Not true, the question is with /bnsg/ therefore the 0 bracket could have erp'd with outside people while the don't erp bracket wouldn't have.
Christopher Gomez
This :^)
Joseph Bell
>Trevaz with a stage 9 weapon
Adrian Nelson
Buy 20 keys with hongmoon coin erryday and you too can carry your group to victory thanks to Trove
Levi Sanchez
A stage for each HM. Duh.
Mason Collins
Nathan Reed
>20 keys everyday
I like this meme
Wyatt Price
discord is for circle jerking faggots.
Jacob Reed
Post group photos!
Adam Hall
Stay cool friends.
Adrian Brown
Kevin Howard
user are you okay?
Isaiah Ward
Saving these up helps
Easton Campbell
Jackson Powell
give me a list of people you've erp'd with and rate their performance
Dominic Peterson
a thing i've yet to ever see
Robert Ross
where the lobbies at
Adrian Fisher
Crimson #dead
Carson Harris
Evan Sanchez
It was actually pretty good.
Mason Clark
Isaac Sanders
Why do people in phantom moon have "PM (insert no. here)" on their profile pictures? Are the numbers supposed to represent their strength or some other gay RP shit like that?
Colton Stewart
power rankings purposes
Joshua Gray
ERP is a meme
David Edwards
yeah kinda like that crimson #1 garbage reto keeps posting hehe
Jaxon Gutierrez
NA # 501 079
Leo Sanchez
eu #575003 ec
Luis Rogers
I'm a little onahole who is in desperate need of an owner that can tend to my special needs! You're probably thinking that I'm sub but I'm very dominant when it comes to sucking dick! I'm super tight and love to be raped and even gangbanged~
Angel Collins
shut up kyopee
Isaiah Nelson
SKD calm down.
Austin Murphy
Isaiah Morris
Not if you're in WTS ERP.
Justin Parker
Hentai rots your brain.
Eli Adams
Is blue badge better than green badge for bd 8 set BT?
Bentley Rodriguez
>Doing this to Ichigo STOP! Don't do this AAAAAAA!!!
Jordan Bell
>read news >random guy kills 2 people >'Veeky Forums' killer