/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1261

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>New Patch Info

>GW 5* Translation

>Schedule for March:
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - Gran falls another 17000 miles

3/1 - 3/14 - 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Daily SR/SSR Tickets, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)
3/20 - Anniversary Patch Part 2 (GW character 5*, T4 SS)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Big Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a hothead and read these before asking something.

>Hired Guns pastebin

Previous thread

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Join Lum1

Just play Sage, you fucking dumb bitch.


What's the quickest and least painful way to commit suicide?


>3 harp flips from Xeno Vohu
>didn't even trade for 1 yet

Should I replace anything here for Rapha's bow?
3 guns are 3* and the rest are 0*



she needs a doujin.


For one fight. So will most future SSRs.

Replace a 0* gun with Raphael's weapon.

Please explode. Congrats user.

Rank 80 here. Any other mastery worth spending points for dark fencer? Or should I save my emp for tier 4 classes?

LF Bunny friends for good luck, all I can offer is my body.
ID: 15687508


>For one fight
>Implying all future content won't be like this
>Implying you won't need her for every new dark content we get

DA you dummy

I'm not implying anything. FKHR is.

>Play Sage
>get fucked by nukes
>play Spartan
>get fucked by debuffs

Buy hey, at least you can cap damage on turn one while doing old content, right?

A skin is 30$ right?


nobody is joining so here
celeste 3EF31792

Friendly reminder to pick the weapons from your Rose Queen hosts for the ougi skins

After DA, HP. Then you can either invest in def or just save it for T4. Or invest in SS.

if I host a RQ will you guys carry me

Perfection, thy name is Cucouroux.

If darkfags are bitching now, just how many tears will be shed once the new GW arrives?

How am I suppose to get higher damage if no SSR weapons drop for me?!!!?!!

SSR soon

This post cannot be real.

buy berries with mobacoin! keep farming!

Bullies is recruiting. There's lots of room so if anyone wants to hop in, go for it. We don't really have a rank requirement and are down with helping new players, but I'd prefer to avoid alts if possible.


We have the drop rate, green potion and charge bar upgrades, but they're not maxed out yet (potion and charge are lv 2.) Strike time is 3-5PM JP, could swap the 3-4PM range for something else if some other period works for everyone.

We're mostly wageslaves in our 20s, no discord or anything, long as you're not a retard (or hide it well) and don't cause any drama we'll be cool. Apply if you wanna.

>it's not fair


use renowns you double nigger
you are capping that, right?

>Instead of following my dick and picking Carmelina I got Korwa
>Not only do I regret my decision because I don't even like Korwa much, I can't even use her fin this event because of Dispel

That Gravity would have been nice to use.

Don't even give them the (you).

Send help nobody joins my olivia 3B3A9A02

Hand over the doot art, please.


>he doesn't have a doot stash!

>not using korwa in wind because of the chance that one character gets dispelled

it's not the end of the world

The funny part is that Carmelina is one of the MVP this event.


>>Not only do I regret my decision because I don't even like Korwa much, I can't even use her fin this event because of Dispel

I don't get this meme. It's not a fucking AoE Dispel, so at worst you're only hitting cap with your autos for 3 characters instead of 4. Are you being intentionally stupid?


If you're bad yeah.

She's still better in than Wholina in the long run

Nio literally puts vohu to sleep while you mash aa

top kek

>he thinks I didn't had one
it got deleted, now I need to restart

Post your team.

flippity flip


The long run where Nio kills her?

had is not have

Is that another Lucio?


who /onepercent/ here?

Albert 5* soon

Man I wanna build him.

Is this VH?

1-3: Ticket Percy
4-6: Ticket Jeanne
7-9: Ticket Altair

0: Ticket Korwa

>tfw guild keeps hosting RQs nonstop
>tfw I'm too busy doing Vohu shit

KMR is currently creating content that maybe 5% of the player base can do comfortably [Lecia wind shitters], 20% can do with considerable difficulty and the rest can't do at all.
This is smart business!

>he thinks I will write good until I get doot back

I wonder if it's a more honest crew name than Cowfags.

Tiamega again

why can't i get all character zeniths

It's the greatest war god ever Grimnir.

He's also a chuuni.

>needing Lecia at all

Oh man.

My soon to be ssr husband is so beautiful


whats stopping you from attaining true power?

0(zero) of Light's decent SSRs have 0(zero) zenith skills.

who is the semen demon and are there doujins of this female being put in her place and submitting to cock?

Congrats on your cute nerd.

They are namedropping drama queens from an ERP ridden garbage dump.

>needing Lecia at all for Vohu
Looks like darkfags are grasping straws just to complain now.

Someone host RQ now please

Rank 60 babby. How do you guys play jobs which aren't dark fencer? I want to try play superstar but I'm scared shitless when I don't have stall to prevent the bosses' ougi and increase survivability

Only needed one event to capture my heart. I will have to try to make a deck that can use his card in Shadowverse

Should I have Dark Beato or Dark Zeta in my front line for my dark team along with Orchid and Apollonia?

Summer DLF is decent.

You're going to be playing DF 90% of the time while solo. Forever

look as you get all those (You) from guys doing extreme and nm 70 like they're doing something amazing

They're easy to level later on. But just play what you want

>How do you guys play jobs which aren't dark fencer?
I built Quatre.

lb3 ygg sr fist - 1315 attack, 6% attack (sk4)
lb0 ygg ssr sword -1127 attack, 6% attack (sk1)

Hellfire trial when?

Wow none of them have 0 zenith skills, the light bias is real

Gisla-chan or Djannu?

Guess it's time to max some other jobs just so I can use their outfits, then.

>anyone playing DF in this day and age
Yeah I'm really playing DF instead of Sage while soloing Vohu right now LOL

Hope and believe

It finally dropped a second fucking book

wtf two albert

>have to elixir twice against Micheal