/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1262

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>New Patch Info (Character Zeniths, Seraphim Battles, Rose Queen Renewal) and GW 5* Translations

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

3/1 - 3/14 - 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Daily SR/SSR Tickets, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)
3/20 - Anniversary Patch Part 2 (GW character 5*, T4 SS)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Erunes need tails


I want these sluts to wear some fucking panties already.

/gbfg/ is always right!

But primals build also need unknown right? what is the problem now?

Why are there so many big sister/onee-san characters here?
My dick isn't complaining though.

Reminder that Naru is still obsessed with Okto.


Yeah, so we can take them off and then eat them

What's current best windmeme team?
Korwa, Monkey, Gawain?

Canonically only S. Naru is free from the obsession.

what does the setting at the top change?
which version should I use to make the game less slow?

>only 1 boox per raid
fuck this games

And Gran/DJ still searching their father.

Leave Earth to me.


>it's not the same character
It's exactly the same character

I'd rather wear them on my head desu

>1.4 million
that's like winning a hand and half of maxed out poker. no reason to play bingo at anything but the highest bid

>discussing usefulness of characters when you are a dick picker
Why do dick pickers even enter these discussions instead of fapping to doujin like a normal degenerate

Word of god says you're wrong, user.
>Time spent with dear friends has unbound the chains around this blader's heart. Now free, Narmaya's heart begins to flutter at the sight of the azure waves in front of her.

What's a reliable way of getting gun stones?

Can't wait for her to save Earth.

That doesn't mean she doesn't care about Okto anymore.

So S.Naru and Naru both exist at the same time?

Summer characters are purely fanservice and are not canon.

I've got more

buy all guns from the casino or reduce some from gacha if you're lucky

breaking guns

>it literally says she doesn't care about okto any more

lol what a nerd

I get the impression that /gbfg/ has no idea what it's talking about when it comes to character picks or what weapons new players should be trying to attain besides the dumb obvious stuff. Yes, I'm salty that I was told not to get baihu fist and so unless I can leech 75 tomes I don't know when I'll be getting an earth unknown.

>threesomes with naru and summer naru are possible



Bingo is all about luck right?

How many phrase like this I saw in multiple stories without the fandom saying "hurr look she likes other dudes, the mc is cuck"? like in these threads.

why are phoneposters such big shitposters? why are more than half of /gbfg/ phoneposters? what does it mean?

>baihu fist
what the fuck are you talking about

Dickpick autists have to self-rationalize that they're not throwing away money.

It doesn't say anything about Okto. You are just seeing what you want to see.

Yeah and staying up for three days only betting 100ks

>someone had proverbial chains around this character's heart
>but it's clearly not the one we're shitposting as her love interest
No more (You)s for (You). You're out of control.

How do we fix Earth?


Could use some help with Twin Elements, friends.

>You are just seeing what you want to see.

I don't want to hear that from an autistic person that believes any time a woman isn't thinking about (you) it means you're a cuck.

Nice head canon


earth is already good

If Im not wrong....normal II are not longer viable with the new unknowns unless you use them in primal builds like Agni or Titan I think if they are maxed.

SSR Jasmine


You guys need to calm down and think happy thoughts instead of cuck thoughts.

Xeno Ifrit axe: dirt edition would have saved dirt instantly

Why is Beatrix so attracted to Gran?

What the fuck are you talking about?
You seem to be one of those autistic people seeing how much you try to deny a part of a character.

You give Ayer a summer version.

Ferry is dogshit and I hope you didnt ticket her yesterday. Keep playing wind you cuck.

>instead of cuck thoughts
sorry i'm a cowlover. nothing excites me more htan the thought of my favorite shortstacks being railed by thick expanding doraf dicks

>Ayer gets his summer ver
>It's Fire

She's got good taste.

Quick, give me your pistol stones!

>Naru will never be your wife since she's not real
Shit, I'm sad.

harp IV class will save earth

>They didn't give Earth an MA ougi

Boy if Elysium doesn't give MA I'm going to be fucking ANGRY.

reminder that atelier biggest shitposter is soil now, you can do the rest of the math

This is Zanba, also known as Okto of the Eternals. He is going to save Earth in a week.
Say something nice about him.

It will be 100% DA Song of grande II.

Swimsuit Eustace

there's a zero half-hidden by the chat bubble friendo

I'll follow his glorious abs to whatever element they'll be appointed to.

Can't wait for his 5* date with Naru

draph is based on dragon. not cow

Because she's best girl.

It excite me if Gran get a doraf...dick for himself

Tali moved to soil because that will soon be his resting place. He changed his preferred element to match.

I can't believe he got poz'd 8 months ago.

Killed best dad.

I've wanted to build him for so long but I had to get daggers first
I'm finally gonna pick up that fucking katana next GW

She would rather marry a big burly powerful manly man IRL than a useless NEET like you.

He's more interesting than the feral, most likely diabetic manchild that almost throws a tantrum and demolishes a city.

Release her as grand series and make her OP

>he became bitter and angry from not only being poz'd but also never getting monki because of said poz'd and promptly switched to earth


What about Sarasa?

>Athena raids are so bad they either fail or I have to carry everyone's asses

>autistic manchild that forgot his own name so he could play with swords
>even when playing with swords he's still not friends with the other faggot autist in the group that does nothing but fuck around with swords

Octo sure is fascinating.

So is Medusa really becoming playable?

Most likely.

beacause shes the sweetest girl and like sweet things

all of the eternals are friends


Does this game have english support?

I'm fucking accidentally foddered Michael Sword so I want to contact them

Sarasa's 5* is overrated. Cowfuckers are most likely sub-50 shitters and mess their pants at seeing 1+ million damage.

Okto doesn't just play with swords, he's an honoraburu samurai all he does is just train and train.
No time for friends and caring for anybody.

No? They literally formed their crew because they're all outcasts.

The closest thing to friends with Esser/Quatre which is just that they share a strange love for raising orphans and are siblings.

She realized that Gran is the only one who would take used goods like her.

Probably in Cowfags, and look at that guild.

Are you fucking implying the swords are Katanas are the same? I hope you're not.

Do I replace a sword for an unknown or is this fine for dirt pool standards

>sub-50s in cowfags
It's all co-op alts of 150s who love Erunes.

>Cygames uses bright red font saying DON'T FUCK AROUND WITH THESE WEAPONS YOU CAN'T GET THEM BACK IF YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>people still stupid enough to not favorite the weapon

Sometimes I get angry at your guys stupidity, seriously.