Guess who got their license today


That guy from that cartoon



I sure hope you don't think that you can drive like kaneda now that you got your benchdrivers license.

I didn't get my license, Kaneda did. Geez, user. How dense are you? :^)

yo mama?

This guy did

some underage faggot?

Well, he was born in 2003, so I guess that would make him underage. Good thing he's not the one posting, though.



Lots or people

>Guess who got their license today
You need to be 18 to post here MODS

You get your licence once your 18 drivers ed is the only way to do it before this IE 16 and even then its not the full licence

Because I'll likely beat the next driver who does this to me in the head with the first heavy piece of car I can break loose. It's been a week, and I'm still a little irritated about it. So remember, what mistakes you make behind the wheel has very extreme results.


>tfw no gang of anime delinquent frends

>Expired license

I'm surprised that punk actually bothered to get a license. It's not like he's stopping when cops ask him.

i think it's a matter of status

>tfw will never get to own a bike and look super cool like Tetsuo riding it

How much would you guys pay for a recumbent electric bike, realistically?