/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: yukipo.com
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
Cinderella Girls cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/cg
Million Live cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/ml/card + mill.tokyo/album

New here? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

OG material translation: pastebin.com/7HAMC7bN
OG discography: pastebin.com/Ey7uyqDL
CG material translation: pastebin.com/jf7CiTya
CG discography: pastebin.com/fX7fpxrU
ML material translation: pastebin.com/3yynKCtQ
ML discography: pastebin.com/jtCYhgrA
SM material translation: pastebin.com/tiVgamsu
SM discography: pastebin.com/mXYV0TY3
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/j3MGjNCK
Upcoming Events and Merchandise: pastebin.com/yu6rrC2t

Starlight Stage:
>Event: 03/13 ~ 03/?? Caravan (??,??)
>Gacha: 03/09 ~ 03/14 (Sanae, Kiyora)
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

- ML poster in upcoming Gessan: - ML 4thLIVE Day 3 credits: youtu.be/FS31VKD2swM
- New ML game "THEATER DAYS": youtu.be/qort1pc3eWA - New ML 4th ANNIVERSARY anime PV: youtu.be/Dee6hf6z9A4 - New ML album series LIVE THE@TER GENERATION with new theme song "Brand New Theater!": - ML 4thLIVE Day 3 summary/reports: - Risa Taneda has been digitally replaced with a 3D model, let's see if anyone notices: - Archive of : archive.is/PQ2S2

Mar 15th, 10PM JST: SideM stream: live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv290139877
Mar 15th: CINDERELLA MASTER 046-048
Mar 22nd: CINDERELLA MASTER Treasure

Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=ミリシタ 割り下&src=tyah



In her birthday and every other day.


I for one am looking forward to Milion Shitter.

Seems like a great game to play while on the toilet.

Look at those round eyes.


Rin is my wife.


You can now decorate your offices with toilets.

The game is has no S in it. Don't know where you getting this

Look at these round tits.


When can we start killing Cinderella Pigs?

SS is gonna die to MilliShitter before Koi Kaze makes it to the game.

As soon as you Love Livers get the fuck out.


>not even a new IP
You are trying way to hard to force this

>has no S in it.

idolmaSter million live theater dayS

Checkmate Mirishita scum.

Tokiko already has a head start over you.

He doesn't speak japanese and is just mindlessly parroting what someone else falsely claimed.

tasting those armpits

Hey, we were given permission to be autistic as possible.

Yes the game is called Million live Theater Days
don't know how you pulling shitter out

Of course it has no S in it.

It's in fucking moonrunes.

Try using your brain Million Shitter.

Was this fully released? I only have the cover and the sample page that someone posted on here months ago. It's Yuko with a dick

Laughing at how ridiculous is the name Scamco will refer to it.

they'll both die when KR hits the scene
just you watch

What features should they add to Miridays to make it stand out from other rhythm days?

Nah, the return of Wake Up Girls (a.k.a. The Dark Souls of Idolmaster) will bring forth a new golden age for idol anime.

He's referring to this post and the subsequent posts that identify the acronym as "Millishita" or Millshitter.

Please don't use that name. I need to get people to keep using MilliShitter until someone is actually offended by it.

Except this is 100% what it's going to be called. Gotta wait till the game comes out

There are some guys already offended by it in this very thread.

Now that he can't use "ML is dead" anymore, he's desperately searching for a new hook.

And just like his old hook, his new hook has no substantial basis to it.

Trying to claim "Shita" is "Shitter" is stupid though. There's no R . But hey, you can't expect comprehensible logic from shitposters.

I don't play other rhythm games, I don't know what they have.

I hope they add puchis to TD though.

MilliShitters don't know how Japanese pronounce "theater". Not a surprise.

Which ML takes the stinkiest shits?

Bring back the Caravan.

>how Japanese pronounce "theater"
It's closer to "shiata" if anything, you can even listen to Mirai saying it in the PV.

Oh look, it's mister detective man. Tell us all about how all the shitposts on /@/ are by a single person from /llsifg/.

I love Koume! i'm going to kiss her!

Yeah, not with an R at the end.

You remind me of those unfortunate few who thought Shiny Festa was Shiny Fiesta.

And SHIATAA is where the SHI comes from.

MIRIon raibu SHIaTAa deizu

Nips make really weird abbreviations.

Wow, that's a lot of bullied idols.

What's upset Emily saying? I want to know.

Koume is a vulgar child.

I miss bullying mechanics.


Don't even bother. They don't know the basic pronunciation of the Kana, plain and simple.

I hope Theater Days gets smoky thrill and tonari ni.

user please. Nobody's saying the actual thing is "Shitter".

Do you not realize the irony of you criticizing him for assuming shitposts are all from a single boogeyman, while assuming all posts that do as such are made by him?

Just ignore and report like the olden days.

Let him be, he always gets like this when someone insults ML.

Whoa wait what now

Million Shiatsus yeah.

You mean, it's only one guy telling that you're just one guy?

Go take a snack.

I doubt they will use old 765 songs.

Reika I love your songs. You are the best ML.

Obviously. Why else do you think I phrased it in that specific manner?

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

He knows, he's even proud of that shtick.

If only people would ignore him more, but each time they take a bait they're actually hurting his chances to turn into a normal person.

Millishitter won't even reach BanG Dream levels of popularity. You heard it here first.

CG "kiddy" here. Is Yuriko a good entry-level ML to get into? I see her posted a lot here and she's really cute.

Leave Lily alone.


Not as much as MilliShitters, though.

>MLfags trying to change the new game name because has shit in the name

I think Scamco is smart enough to give it an appealing gimmick that will make it eye-catching. I don't think they will just recycle Dereste's everything like Bang Dream.

What was the point of making this?
Are you that mad your game is literally shit?

I don't know what you mean by entry-level, but she's cute and fun and has well defined relations with other idols.

I can see why it sounds like "shitter." Oh well, the nickname is going to stick because of how close it sounds to shit. Although it shouldn't matter what a bunch of gajin producers call the game. How are the nips reacting to the name on twitter?

Fuc*ing saved.

What makes an idol "entry-level"?

Does the startling accuracy scare you?

All the MLs are entry level idols, except Akane.

Bang who?

I dunno man, seems pretty accurate to me.

You know, if she makes herself accessible to newcomers.

>LL and Reddit discord at it again

I hear the anime is boring as shit. I hope the game is better, reminds me of guitar hero.

What kind of jokes?

>chess grandmaster meta wallowing in potty humor with common autists

>but it's alright cause he's above it all and just uses these fucks for his own gain, I swear

>one day we'll see

Also Shiki

>MiriDays announced
>no desire to keep playing Deresute
>rather just post idols and wait for the new game

I hope it doesn't go like PS. I will cry if it does.

Yeah, but id like to have some hope after platinum stars seeming to have its upcoming dlc cancelled.

Try asking a person with a Japanese tongue to pronounce the word "Shitter"

What, do you expect them to say it as "SHITTERU"?

Chances are, it's probably gonna sound like シッター. Granted, there is a tonal difference from "シタ". But that's the magic of homophonics. To a non-japanese speaker it will sound the same and come off as "Shitter".

And fact of the matter is, even if we ignore the western sensibilities of the name, "ミリシタ" in itself is still a choice of abbreviation that will give lots of raised eyebrows and is really easy to make fun of even in Japanese.

Even stranger when they could've just went with "ミリデイズ" or " ミリシア" instead.

I love Rina!!!!!

TD definitely looks better than SS technically; the models have more polys and the animation is more fluid and detailed. But they use completely different art-styles so they aren't all that comparable. SS does its own thing while TD just looks like miniature PS.

It's not, SS was released in 2015.

I though Chihaya was the entry level OG idol

Ahhh, the Newbie Bait, like Fumika and Rin are for Cinderella Girls.

Oops. Space in link.

twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=ミリシタ 割り下&src=tyah

They're comparing it to something much less shit but name jokes still apply to some degree.


Yeah, but September 2016 is when Love Live committed suicide and caused a mass exodus from the LL threads.



>"Milic to me sounds like sauce"
What the fuck is the "sauce"?

Mirishia is literally militia.

Will I need to get a new phone to play TD?

Every Cool is entry level
You need to achieve the M@ster taste to like Passions

Wholesome Shizuku art is the best

>" ミリシア" instead.
Well, this would sound more like MILITIA but yeah, "ミリデイズ" really could have worked. I don't get why they didn't go with it. But it's probably something to do with how Japanese think.