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Previous Thread

gigi-chan best waifu

>“It’s really hard to benchmark individual machines. We’re just saying that that’s the bare minimum that it’ll run at. It’ll probably run at higher than that for most of the game, it’s just really hard to be specific about it. We just want to do the minimum and we want to do the recommended. The recommended, at least on my machine at home, I have a 1060, I run at higher than 30 [fps] for the majority of the game. But it’s hard to actually to say, ‘This is the specs, and this is exactly what you’ll run at.'”
So this game it's gonna be an unoptimized shitfest right?

jack remains the superior waifu

Stop making fun of PeeBee

Tali is still best waifu.

She is going to make me cheat on my blueberry waifu from my ME1 save.

Those fucking hips man.

Its very clear that Andromedas gonna be shit
how are you guys coping with this fact?

My only.

Replaying the 1st mass effect for the first time in a few years because I hate myself. Had few of the trophies unlocked but hardcore mode doesn't show up, nor is it letting me pick any of the bonus powers I unlocked

What gives?

I can deal with the lack of changing outfits, since I never gave a shit (and aside from DLC it was just pallet swaps in 2, and while Me3 at least had minimal effort it was just assets they already had reskined and put on a squad member for the most part) the weapon thing I admit does get me. I haven't even been that negative about it but this kind of gives me pause. Like I'd understand if they didn't let us go full Dragon Age and make them weapons with crazy augments, since god knows that some weapons in 2 and 3 they just couldn't really use to their full potential, but at the same time it'd be nice to get some options, or let us play around with it rather than none.

I mean I'll see how it pans out and hope that the damage scaling they get is enough, since generally I just stuck squadmates with the best damage weapon in each of their classes that didn't fire weird in a way that their AI was too stupid to handle and call it a day.

Just feels kinda weird that you have all these new crafting options and they're just for you.


Just as we always have

We've known it for ages and most people here are going to buy/pirate it anyway.

Last thread was unexpectedly decent. Let's try not to screw this one up too badly.

>Destroy Ending: You commit genocide of a race you gained the trust of. Reapers permanently dead, but the universe will have to face the dilemma of AI rendering organics obsolete eventually.
>Control Ending: A less violent solution but you run the risk of going full retard like TiM eventually. Would be the perfect ending if the game allowed you the freedom of choice the series ran on and let you order the reapers to march into the nearest sun.
>Synthesis: Incredibly invasive mental and physical changes imposed on the entire galaxy. Mac tries to push this ending without thinking about how messed up it is.

Also, is the Tali romance any good or is it all just *glom* *squee*-bioware-esque bullshit as usual?

Because I want to coat that visor in my baby batter.

It's kinda like that in ME2 where Tali starts spilling her spaghetti, but in ME3 I think it's genuinely well-done.

Tali is pretty obvious waif-nerd-bait but it's effective waif-nerd-bait. She's cute.

Objectively incorrect
>tfw Bioware blatantly favored Liara

>Soon to be four (4) games in the ME series

>Not one of them lets the MC buy and cuddle with a baby kitten

i'll stop when she stops being ugly

*continued into ME3 I mean, you have to start it in ME2

But Bioware's deliberately making them ugly as fuck. Because women being attractive is objectifying them.

That's a stupid thing to want in a video game. Buy a cat in real life.

Jaal best husbando!

Destroy vs Control is pretty basic Renegade vs Paragon, yeah.

>Renegade is violent, cynical, and ruthless. Not Evil, but your past experiences have made you cold to the human cost of your actions.

>Paragon is idealistic to a fault. Despite your past experiences, you're willing to try the unknown option that's hypothetically better for everyone, assuming it doesn't go wrong.

Destroy is a definite solution with an immense cost, Control is a possibly far better solution that COULD go wrong, but you ultimately aren't told.

Hey motherfuckers, are we going to have a problem here?

I'll gladly blow this place to kingdom come

>tfw illegal here

And males LI are attractive in your opinion? Blackwall, Iron Bull, Solas, Jacob, Liam? None of them are top tier either.

I just preordered it.

I barely even play vidya anymore except for a fewseries and this is one of them.

If it's shit I'll tell you a week after release when I beat it.

It's painfully cheesy, and literally the only reason it exists is a vocal minority that wanted to fuck her in the first ME game.

Basically for the super-lonely type that needs the hyper-affectionate squee pure virgin heroine. She's not a bad character at all, but her "love story" is some fanfic-tier shit.

Tbh Liara raped Shepard at that part.

She really wanted that DNA I guess.

Wait what?

You can't own a cat where you live? Where the fuck to you live?

>tfw Sten romance never

it's worth it for the Rannoch arc dialogue alone imo. Ties in very well to that plot.

i reckon i'm being fairly realistic about it

don't expect much from the story or the squadmate dynamics

improved combat and "exploration" should make it worth one playthrough, the same way me2 can be a pleasant change coming on the heels of me1

of course it's not fair to compare me2 to andromeda sinceafter a few years to consider things it's clear me2 was the best game in the trilogy

>not tippest top tier

To be fair when has being attractive mattered when characters like Garrus, Jack, and Ashley are commonly romanced

>And males LI are attractive in your opinion?
How the fuck would I know? I'm not a faggot. I thought girls would be into Liam, but apparently not?

Well you're gonna get a couple of romancable side waifus if you don't like the squad.

I'm ready to gay it up with Gil!

That's show my dad for not loving me enough

Has anyone done prothean explanations of human mythology?

college in the shithole known as D.C.

>jaal is straight

gays btfo

What rational human, male or female, wouldn't want to fuck Garrus? He's the ultimate exception.

Arstotzka. Glory to Arstotzka!

My Dick Ryder is going to be a renegade asexual fuckboy.

Cant wait.

Oh I thought you meant like a countries law not a dorm or something like that lol.

And then, just like Steve or Samantha in ME3, they'll be close to irrelevant. Because it's simply hard to keep attention on them when you spend most of your time off the ship.

>Peebe ugly
Atleast she is better than old hag and Birdgirl

There is no renegade you "lulsorandumb" retard

Alright, I think I'm picking Control.

It's the only ending (besides refusal which is blatantly picked to be unsatisfying) where you don't bow to the Catalyst's ridiculous muh chaos logic- most of the cons are based on "maybe"s and conspiracies like indoctrination theory.

Go to bed Mac, you have to work on that day 2 patch

>It's the only ending (besides refusal which is blatantly picked to be unsatisfying) where you don't bow to the Catalyst's ridiculous muh chaos logic-

You pretty much do, you just say that there should be a different all-powerful AI overseeing the whole thing.

The ending it very clearly doesn't want you to pick is Destroy. It says that Destroy won't solve anything and the problem will just flare up again later. Choosing it is basically saying "no, fuck you, you're wrong".

I always had that theory myself, too. That Liara got knocked up during that final mindmeld. But if you remember in ME1, Liara flat-out states it only works if the other party consents.

So you could say that she tries to, and then use your own invisible "choice" to decide if your Shepard was down with it or not. And then tell yourself she's either pregnant or not, even if the game doesn't mention it.

At least that was always my fanfic-tier view on it. Mainly I just want to think I knocked up Liara.

>current year
>still no option to upload music of your choosing into the game so you can chill aboard the tempest or cruise in the nomad listening to whatever tunes you like
>ywn get to ride out with the squad for the sole purpose of driving around on the most aesthetic planets to the sound of a carefully hand-selected playlist that accentuate and enhance the mood


Women usually either go for the exotic alien like Jaal or les options like Suvi and Cora? before going just the straight vanilla path, that is unless you have a chiseled and built guy with an attractive personality

I'd imagine if DadRyder was romancable, wasn't your dad, and Bioware had better modelers people would be all over that

All right, that's it. Blue's out - purple's in.

I wonder what Quarian nipples look like.

Im not Mac yo fag Peebe got %28 of votes in waifu poll(cora 29 i dont know which degeranates vote for her tho.) So gtfo here with your meme

Alright, I'm repeating myself from the last thread since it died right after.

>Control: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Congrats, Shepard is just as retarded as TIM. Shepard will just be a glorified Illusive Man over time, and Shepard pretty much dies
>Synthesis: Warping the biology and minds of literally every sentient being in the galaxy without asking anyone for permission or if they want it at all, and Shepard dies
Imagine waking up one morning to find out someone performed extensive plastic surgery on you, and implanted wiring into your brain.
>Destroy: The geth are extinct and EDI is gone, but the Reapers are permanently dealt with rather than a still-present threat, nobody's bodies are warped, there's no risk whatsoever of a new Reaper god going bad over the centuries, and Shepard survives

Unless you think eradicating the Reapers is an evil act. I really don't get how anyone would pick an option other than destroy. Do you even give a shit about your waifu losing her husbando?

>kolechian nigger comes to my booth holding a cat
>absolutely fucking denied
>also take his cat, family won't be going hungry tonight

>Do you even give a shit about your waifu losing her husbando?

I went pure because I couldn't fug a femtur

At least Traynor leaves a good impression and Steve was your shuttle pilot It is quite a shame the same sex human romances are just crew mates. Non essential no less. You won't be seeing Gil or Suvi unless you go out of your way to look for them

Shepard's AI doesn't do the harvest though and You can just decide to believe you tell the reapers to fuck off later if you want

You can say it "doesn't" want Destroy, but by picking it you're validating its stupid worldview that organics and synthetics have to fight and it goes out smugly convinced that it was correct, because it refuses to simply turn off the Reapers despite complete control.

All the endings are shit. Goddammit I forgot how mad 3 made me, I'm almost reconsidering andromeda.

You must be pretty desperate for constant awkward forced affection, then.

Well at least you interact a lot with the doc and smirkfu said she recorded a lot of steamy lines.

>Shepard's AI doesn't do the harvest though

But still acknowledges that the Reapers need to be a thing because the races of the galaxy cannot be trusted to watch out for themselves.

Synthesis in general is just bizarre. How is forcing something like that on all life in the galaxy a good decision.

vetra is love
vetra is life

Does he? In both endings, including Paragon?

>smug anime face

I would say both Liam and Cora are average to slightly above average. So if you're not happy with Cora, I bet chicks aren't too happy with Liam too.

>it totally doesn't want you to pick Destroy
>but it tells you about Destroy being an option anyway, for fun I guess
>it tells you that option first
>it tells you that option even at the lowest possible EMS, where the Reapers have crushed your resistance against them and you're completely at it's mercy

There is an ending where it says directly to you "I don't want you to choose this". It's not Destroy.

Pretty much.

There's no "fly the reapers into the sun" option, both versions of the ending feature the AI using the Reapers to keep the peace.

>liking Vetra
>AND liking short femturs

Cool, but that's not how he looks in the game.

user....of course it will be.

I spend three games trying to kill the damn reapers.

And god damn I was going to kill some reapers.

Well as far as I remember she asked if she can show Shep something and he consented, then I assume he went on with whatever it was they did inside their heads. I don't think Shep knew it's babymaking and it sure looked like it.

She went to great lengths to resurrect him and she expected payment I guess.

From what I've seen it's not necessarily his appearance, but his VO that is subpar

where did you find a picture of me?

>something like that
It's pure nonsense. "poof, you're now synthetic" just completely ignores the essense of the supposed 'eternal conflict'

The frogposter is right

What bad decisions in your life have led you down this dark path?

Dunno. Blackwall was extremely unpopular. Maybe because of his personality, but I think his look was just off putting for fem players.

Liam was the second least popular character on the husbando poll, beating only Drack lol

>Bioware still didn't learn after Jacob

Eh, I think Liam's pretty okay, his loyalty mission was more entertaining than I expected it to be.

That being said, I probably won't romance him on my first playthrough, though I am looking forward to having him as a bro type character.

So when's this IGN trailer supposed to come out?

okay, mac, if you don't go to bed on your own, i'm gonna give you the melatonin again.

Tomorrow, I think?

>ou're validating its stupid worldview that organics and synthetics have to fight and it goes out smugly convinced that it was correct
Not quite how I see it. If you make peace between geth and Quarians you've already proven the smug little bitch wrong. But you can't stop a race of infinite demigod robots, each as strong as a fleet, without some serious sacrifices.

So it's true the geth die. But it doesn't prove humans and synthetics can't live together. It's brutal, unfair, cruel, but ultimately necessary. And organics can continue to prove the godchild wrong in the future after the geth.

Have a little optimism, user. We proved that smug fuck wrong, at a cost, but we can rebuild.
Godchild said himself that more synthetics would inevitably be created in the future. And Shepard proved there's nothing wrong with that, no matter what the kid falsely believes. There will be another race like the geth, and this time, the galaxy's grown up enough to get it right.

Paragon Shepard best Shepard.

brain aneurysma

What the fuck he was? Dragon Age fans have shit taste

Blackwall was by far one of the better companions, Backstory and all

Didn't he fuck the inquisitor in a barn and then run off?

Femturs are suppose to be shorter than you, always dominate the xeno

Even you're your probably gonna get shat on for having that opinion from what I've seen. I liked him too though.

I just watched it and paragon control is both fairly optimistic and at the very least confirms that for the ongoing future that Shepard won't become TiM and reset the harvests. The Stargazer section confirms it, humans wouldn't be around otherwise.

tfw indecisive man

They're very sensitive.

How many years have passed and you people still argue about ME3's ending...

Yeah. I saw his romance on yt and seriously, second worst romance in history of BW romances (jacob is first)