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>tfw getting back into dota after 3-4 years
used to play a ton of invoker, but he seems kinda tough for getting back into it.
how are:
>Arc Warden
>Skywrath mage
>Earth Spirit
any of these "new" heroes good for getting back into (aka. simple) or some that i should definitly avoid?

There's a fucking Kunkka and sea cucucmber sushi.

bts is so fucking garbage why are they still around

moonduck best studio

Reminder to post 20 pictures of Windrunner every thread!

They have Blake Martinez. Who held in his farts in order to let them out on zyoris pillow in the hope that he smells it at night. Alpha stream for alpha people.

Slacks best non-Tobi personality

>fart humour
>alpha people

oh boy your future is lonely

>arc warden
dogshit right now, one of the hardest heroes to play in the game as well
difficult to play, not very strong now
same as phoenix
fine, quite simple + intuitive to play but very fragile
>earth spirit
hardest single-unit hero in the game, very strong versatile pick as an aggressive roaming support
pretty strong, works decently in any lane. not too hard to learn if your mechanics are fine

>liking reddit incarnate

NP vs Freedom game 3 had some really juicy BSJ/Jugg highlight at the end
BSSSSJ wanted to blink on Axe while Magnus 1 man RP'ed him
Instead he blinked down a cliff into a creep camp, had to walk all the way around
by the time he got to axe, RP ended and Axe just called Magnus+Jugg
Jugg didnt get his ulti off and just died, Axe lived and called more heroes after that
Now that really made me ponder about how BSJ is playing in an official Major competition.

I also want to add that today we have an epic standoff between team BSJ and team Bulba and after that another series of either one vs fEEd.
Okay you take care now guys ok

When is our guy SingSing streaming?

thanks mate
guess i'll avoid arc warden and earth spirit.

also gotta say, watching these Dota 2 Kiev Playoffs....professional Dota 2 sure got boring.
they used to play really exciting heroes, but it seems like the game is rather stale right now when it comes to top picks.

I like how Goldshekelsteinberg doesnt even invest in decent audio quality/microphones
whenever someone raises his voice in the stupid shoutcaster manner, the audio sounds like its coming from a laptop mic

I hate everyone who picks PA, AM, Spectre, Monkey King, Slark unironically and get a special pleasure from them dying.

You should try earth spirit. He's one of the most fun heroes in the game when you get the hang of him and works in pretty much any game.

I agree about the meta. 7.00 made everything midgame teamfight focused so all the niche strat heroes get very little love.

add Naix jungle to the list
I had one of them in the enemy team who was just nonstop farming with Midas, he was lvl 25 at 28 minutes and 6 slotted at 35 min
we couldnt kill him and he just walked over us, it felt like a 2k mmr game when it really was 4k hmmm

Garreth says no to anime.
Do you?

When do the GOOD TEAMS play?

>Ogre waddles into my mid lane
>throws an Ignite
>whacks me a few times, taking me to ~30% hp
>he waddles off with similar hp
>waddles back 30 seconds later with a tango buff, full hp and he does it again
>repeat this 4 times before he runs out of mana and waddles off to regen at base, then he comes back with lvl 2 so he hits me even more times thanks to bloodlust

>tfw no Soe gf
Why even live desu

where did empire get this fucking invoker LMAo

You're not supposed to caps the TEAMS you mongolong

BeanBoys don't play anymore.

I've never had faith in fn after he singlehandedly lost a won game by keeping manta over linkens on a rapier dusa against doom

What is this lad doing for living now ?

redpill me on carry venge


shes my wife

>lyrical constantly misreading plays and everything else that is going on
>"nah they can't kill this guy he's too big"
>this guy dies 5 seconds later
Why is this fucker casting anything

>s-s-she has a percentage-based steroid so she's a c-carry!
Vengefags need to delet themselves

You son of a bitch

>slav dota
Yesterday we get nightstalker cliffed, now this navi rosh thing

xnxx_com/video-6ak708d/webcam_recording_chaturbate_cerisesecret_2 :^)

Are you nerdier than Soe?


No. But I am in love with Soe.

looks nothing like her lmao

Navi has 3 EU players

Our guys?

Xboct billionaire CIS powehouse team WHEN ?

So they're an NA team?

1-2 Rape
3-4 Loli
5-6 Interracial
7-8 SFurry
9 Maquannas and Soe
0 Five games of ranked

recovering after losing in the qualifiers. Maybe he finally realized that playing with 5ks will make him worse at dota.


why would anyone willingly team up with Pajkatt

is that the best NaVi dough can do


every single one of those heroes are easily countered by picking one of the many ez lane braindead heroes in the game and apply an ounce of pressure.






can I get the current status on NA'VI?

Did i tell u guys about the time i fingered sheever at the club??


pics or it didn't happen

>dendi positioning

>be navi
>be shit


Reminder that Xboct was the best player on NaVi during its glory days

Reminder that Puppey wanted to kick Dendi

Xboct is a legendary carry and was ALWAYS miles better than Dendi

Reminder that Dendi, despite having a supposed wealth of experience, and is the literal face of Dota 2, has never captained or even attempted to lead his team in any meaningfulway, and even got a 14 year old Sonneiko to do it for him because he takes no responsibility apart from taking fat stacks from NaVi while switching out and being showered with promising young talent to carry his washed up ass every 5 days

>things that never happened
pls do tell more

Doesn't Dendi end up attempting to captain the team after they start collapsing and in fighting almost every time?

Every Na'Vi iteration since poopy left:

>dendi doesn't listen to captain
>everyone slowly follows his example
>lose every advantage to bad positioning

honestly empire and vp look better than AF/Wings

Dendi cannot do shit unless his mid lane is trilaned so he can get last hits. If he and his enemy laner get equal farm dendi falls to ducking pieces and is a burden that would make fEEd blush.

navi is back

What the fuck was this navi game?
Dendi was fucking off half the game not doing anything, why even bother playing lmao

why cant dendi just fuck off already and retire? its so obvious he is a complete shitter and not good enough to be a pro

navi is going back home lol

>People doubting
You fools

That meme is long dead, user. Let it go.

based KingR, go Empire

TOP 5 GOAT game of all time

post heroes that you want to head pat! ill start

CIS didn't deserve a separate slot anyway.
t. reddit


Did empire-na'vi game 1 already happen!?


Yeah, navi just lost


how hard did they lose?

They were going to win, then they didn't.


I'd rather an Tiffany

Is this the most SATISFYING game in Dota 2 history? The cocktail of circus clowns that was Secret at that time, while still having the ego of being a "top dog" hhhhmmmmmh so delicious Universe playing like a shitter without PPD, Bulba playing Dota2, getting absolutely destroyed in the most KINO way by no names, doesn't get better than this


>have 10k lead
>leshrac pushes alone and gets caught
>go fight 4v5 anyway
>wait it's 3v5 because Dendi has fucked off to the jungle to do nothing
>slowly lose the game from there

who's the chad on mooncucks

I'd rather an E, then an P

nth for soonish

isn't draskyl a moonduck peon? why's he casting with tobi for bts?

me on the right

Almost got me

>mfw watching this live
>that fucking crowd

Did science go too far?

I know what u mean i have 73% winrate with Ogre Magi. You take fat ogre shits on everyone in lane and even in lategame carries cant burst you down.

I just waddle around with urn, greaves and staff in the middle of everything and end up winning.

And yet SAdota got a slot and TWO teams with the rest being filled by an open qualifier tourney LMFAO

no thanks

>Secrets face when Rubick reverse 5man black holes

I remember when Winter Wyvern wasn't dogshit.

They need to change the ult so the main target takes full damage.