/pg/ - Persona General

Hierophant edition
Previous Thread: NEWS
>Free 20th anniversary PS3/PS4 theme plus PS4 avatars: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-theme-p5-costume-dlc-released-free/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/
>Take Your Heart and Steelbook Editions for NA up for pre-orders at Gamestop and Amazon
>P5's English Cast is shit: personacentral.com/persona-5-voice-cast-revealed-protagonist-trailer/
>Persona 5 Dual Audio confirmed for April 4th 2017: blog.us.playstation.com/2016/11/16/persona-5-launching-april-4-2017-will-feature-dual-audio-on-ps4-and-ps3/

>P5 Info
>General Guide
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>P4U2 Guide/Resources
>Picture of Yuki
>Picture of Floral Pants Man (and his sidekick)

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona image collection
>Persona 5 Resources


100 metascore inbound.

Anal with Makoto!

You know the drill

I love Goro.

03/18/17(Sat)15:36:49 No.171404613
Quick rundown on Dantis:
>Hashino bow to the Dantis
>in contact with shadows
>rumoured to possess patrician taste
>control japan with an iron fist
>own Palaces all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient Kirijo Experiments
>will bankroll the first cities on Sumaru (Tokyo will be be the first city)ancient Mayan scriptures tell of two wild cards who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Persona R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Dantisonas inside you right now
>Dantis is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of Yaldabaoth to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent Japanese in under a week
>Nation states entrust their yen reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Dantis
>Shido is rumoured to be an agent of Dantis
>own basically every persona editing research facility on Earth
>first designer personas will be Dantis Personas
>said to have 200+ IQ

Enjoying your localization, /pg/?

Not as much as you seem to enjoy being a subhuman misogynistic piece of shit

Off to a good start

>Noting that women are inferior is suddenly misogyny

What went wrong?

Women's rights movement

>being misogynistic is misogyny

>Anne is sweaty!
>Anne is buxom!
>Anne is beautiful!
>Anne is wet!
>Anne is cute!
>Anne is flexible!
>Anne is an angel!
>Anne is lewd!
>Anne is sad!
>Anne is silly!
>Anne is for kisses!
>Anne is stylish!
>Anne is for sexual!
>Anne is awesome!
>Anne is sultry!
>Anne is pure!
>Anne is amused!
>Anne is quality!
>Anne is Lovers!
>Anne is canon!
>Anne is an apricot!
>Anne is an actress!
>Anne is a model!
>Anne is Santa Claus!
>Anne is Anne, not Ann!
>Anne is best girl!

Double buzzword whammy, the fact that you keep taking bait shows how inferior the female mind is.

It wasn't bait.


Are you retarded?

desu wouldn't it make more sense to assume that the translator or(and?) editor is a filthy ESL?

>d-d-d-diversity hires don't exist I swear!
>girls are just as good as guys pretty much even though they constantly fuck up every single time

We can tell that much already. In the E3 interview you could tell English was clearly not her first language.

>It's a /pg/ pretends to be retarded episode

I prefer a retarded /pg/ to a dead one

Post your doujin ideas

>they constantly fuck up every single time
nah, they have never fucked you

people ignoring the signs behind the low quality of this localization are definitely retarded

Makoto rides me

Good cuz they'd probably fuck that up too

Doesn't even work with the phrase "fuck up", nice try at a burn you silly cunt. The funny thing is that it's not even paid translators, female fan translators like Nenilein constantly get everything wrong and spread it like fact. Why can't you do anything right, ever?

Phantom is from Sumaru City!

Reminder to ignore the shitposters.

Seriously, stop responding to obvious bait. It's getting dull.

Are you telling me Joker's parents aren't divorced?

Yusuke is going to be nothing but starvation and poverty memes in the spin offs isn't he?

>mfw the falseflagger trying to delegitimize the claims the localization is poor by making it look like the cries of sexists can't see how obvious they are

that wasn't even part of a translation

that was someone spreading a rumor they were told without fact-checking it

Reiji is too much of a mama-con to let go of his wife.

God I hope so, and Joker is just gonna crack jokes, and Morgana is gonna keep insisting on not being a cat, and Ryuji is just gonna pine over Anne who will just make sexy poses and gaijin gags, Futaba will be a meme sprinkler, Makoto will just be worried over the time and easily startled, and Haru is just gonna speak French.

>people constantly trying to defend and deflect from the fact that a shift to a mostly-women staff has made this the worst localization since Revelations
far more egregious than your conspiracy theories. you're too afraid of calling out a problem because you fear getting called a Bad Word

>tfw too redpilled to be ashamed of being sexist and racist and am actively proud to wear those badges

Out of arguments already? Sad. I know that the female brain is hindered under stress, but try to pull yourself together.

>t. user who didn't play the game

Sorry friend, I just didn't mean to reply to your sorry ass. Don't get too caught up over it, I'm sure someone will give you the attention you crave.

>she didn't get the joke

>to stupid to get the joke

>haha it was just a joke haha i totally played the game


Is this what autism looks like?

How new are you, ma'am?

No, that's what the female brain looks like.

Holy shit /pg/ stop!

do you guys think Makoto looks more like Aigis or that ginger elf from PRF?

face is much more similar to elf

>women suck lmao they are the silly ones but me, the 30 year old virgin with no friends - I'm enlightened!!
I don't even think /pg/ is pretending to be retarded anymore

A1 for me i'm an horrible artist

Anne and Futaba are best friends!

>not enlightened

When you're quoting someone it's customary to include the post with it, or else you'll just confuse everybody.


This is a pretty poor excuse for a good thread

tfw to intellegent to be a women

who cares either way, she's a woman character and thus dumb and annoying

How about we actually talk about the games instead? For example we could talk about how Makoto is the best character and no other girl is anywhere near her level.

Glad someone took the boring shit

Would Makoto listen to eurobeat?

Well we all know Makoto is the best character. There's not much to argue over there, since she's the undisputed best.

I want Makoto to get mad at me and start bossing me around but I grab her by the pussy and she immediately gets quiet and subservient

The real question is why do Makotofags keep posting the same pictures again and again

I'd rather talk about Sojiro


itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte


*Guido Sakura

>makotofags are THIS desperate for (You)s

Yeah i know i'm an unoriginal fuck

>t. My_Great_Capture
Come back when you've played the game

I have, she's boring


Pretty clearly still My_Great_Capture

Anne's tongue.

Is there even a single person here that actually understands Japanese and beat the game

If it ain't broke....

I can almost guarantee that is going to be the title of at least 1 major review for this game. Fuck XV, stick to your good ol formula and improve everything you can about it

Will Persona 5 be the highest rated game of all time? They can't give it less than they gave P4.

>They can't give it less than they gave P4.
The power of nostalgia is very strong user

They're too dumb to figure out how to use twitter to find fanart

can whoever gets D3 draw her an elf ear?
I didn't notice I was missing the most important part

It's gotta top 93

Reviewers are also very volatile. Between autistic SJWs mad because they make fun of 2 gay dudes and portrait fat anne as a joke, the game will lose its fair share of points

There's also the people that will prefer the characters of 3 and maybe 4 over the ones in 5

This is not just your typical "welp zelda is out; 95 minimum",


Jesus Christ stop acting like the "fat anne" scene will piss anyone off. If anything, the fact you think it's offensive makes me think you've not touched the game. It's literally not going to upset anyone - there is nothing "problematic" about it. You'd have a stronger argument just saying Anne's regular outfit will upset people.

Hopping in here with a quick question.

Playing P4G for the first time and really enjoying it. I'm following the guide to try to max out S.Links on the first playthrough, because I have a huge backlog and don't want to replay this game, even if I enjoy it. The guide says it's going for the harem ending, but when I got the Chariot 9 event, I am given the option to date her, and it says that's the right choice. Can I date Chie and still get the harem ending? That doesn't seem right to me.

This has to be the most retarded post of the week on /pg/

It only takes ONE (1) landwhale to feel offended about the fact that we're all laughing because anne looks fat under 35 jeans and sweaters to shit all over your point

At least you didn't deny the argument about the gay dudes, so I guess you still have some common sense

People will complain. There's people complaining because Cora didn't turn out to be gay in Andromeda

>I'm following the guide to try to max out S.Links on the first playthrough
Are you masochistic by any change?

If chariot is your first romance then it will say that it's all good

Once you start getting the other romances the game will warn you; you can carry on if you want

Harem ending is just a valentine's day thing. You'll feel like shit

> I'm following the guide to try to max out S.Links on the first playthrough, because I have a huge backlog and don't want to replay this game, even if I enjoy it
well, you definitely won't enjoy it now
Harem ending is just dating every girl

I don't think of myself that way. Like I said, I just want to be efficient.

Okay, thanks. I'm not too concerned if I don't get it, I'm sure I can just look it up on Youtube.

Except that isn't the joke of the scene. The joke is that it's ridiculous for her to wear 30 layers of clothing to intentionally extend the time it takes to remove them. There's not any "fat shaming" and no critic is going to complain in the same way some blog poster might complain over it.
I can guarantee you literally not a single critic considered viable by metacritic will mention, let alone factor that scene into their review. Just like the people complaining that X character isn't gay, these people are not reviewing the game.

>There's not any "fat shaming" and no critic is going to complain in the same way some blog poster might complain over it.
I didn't say anything about fat shaming. Every single normal human being is just going to laugh it off and that's the end of that

As for the rest

>What is Feminist Frequency

We'll see if at least one reviewer says anything about it by the time the embargo lifts

Try actually watching a feminist frequency video instead of parroting what /v/ tells you to think.

you could just

ignore those people?

one person whining isn't going to matter

Nobody will say anything. The sorts of people you're taking about are a minority and you're blowing them out of proportion because you want to pretend "THE ESS JAY DOUBBAYEWS ARE TAKING OVER".

Tell that to the nintendo fans that want to rip jim sterling's head off for bringing down zelda to 97

Cue the webm of anita "playing" with a 360 controller

>Nobody will say anything
>They are a minority

Please decide

When I said "nobody" I was referring to critics. When I was talking about the sorts of people offended by asinine shit like this I was referring to bloggers who could not be further from having their cries heard by anyone. Not a single review will mention the fat Anne scene and you're fucking deluded for thinking they will. You've been taking your boogymen so seriously they are staying to cloud your way of thinking.

why do enthusiasts care about reviews in a situation like this, just validation? not a smug hypothetical question i'm genuinely curious