/swgg/ Star Wars Games General

Did you bring the hand edition.

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>For General SWTOR info and finding people to play with:

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>How do I setup Battlefront II?

>/swgg/ Guilds
Legio XVI Coruscantia - Tomb of Freedon Nadd (Imperial)

- Ebon Hawk (Imperial/RP/Memes)

- Harbinger (Imperial)


>KOTET Trailer

Previous episode edition

best girl


worst girl

Why is Harbinger the only not dead server for Republic? I want to be on Ebin for for RP but it's so dead Rep side.

Why not play Imp then?

Because I like the Republic stories more.

>There are Jedi who formed attachments

Vette is a nice girl but Twileks are discount Togrutas.


get smuggy the clown out of here.

Vette is best girl

So I got my 279th armor set today. Is that a lot? I've never talked to anyone else about it

That is a nice amount.

You aren't rebel scum, right /swgg/?

I am a loyal servant of the Empire

I swear it wasn't me. Bloatware forced it on me when I clicked the new expansion.

This. I hope none of you betrayed your Emperor and became rebel scum. It would be a shame if something happened.

tfw everyone is an imperial edgelord so you have no one to play with

Send me some

Orange butt cheeks are better than blue.

Oh you like that, huh? Poop comes from there, you know!

who /purple/ here


Doesn't make it any less attractive.

Motherfucker betrayed me first. It's only fair play at that point.
t. Wrath

Of course Mulatto Butt would have the saber colour in between blue and red.

>tfw had the last thread open but forgot to bump it so it died

Have the official Lana Is Worst Girl pic.

So I just came back and my companion slut is now Influence 40 and has 2620 presence. What does that mean? Is that a lot?

Do you keep Vette blue? I thought about making her red but it seems edgy.

I want to make her Orange, but rip CE.


Yes. Companions no longer need to be geared; their combat effectiveness depends only on their level, your Presence, and their influence rank (which also adds to your Presence).

What happens if you have a love interest in the original story, decide to start fugging the potato in KOTFE, and your love comes back in a chapter? What happens if a guy finds out you became a scissor sister?

if your companion is rank 40 then you've definitely played at some point during 4.0

>Barsen'thor finds Tharan
>he was busy trying to find a way to make his Cortanafu physical

What does this word, "Paizuri" mean? I got asked about when I was on Fleet

34th for caring only about your nation and people, foreigners be damned

Tharan wasn't even a full romance, Holiday makes him break up with you by tazing his balls at random intervals

>caring only about your nation and people, foreigners be damned

Agreed :^)

But your Emperor was a foreigner

I taze Vette's balls when we're fugging.


>Be post-KotET Outlander
>You played LS so Senya stuck around
>She offers to make up for the drama her family caused
>See pic related
Wat do?


Shove that lightsaber up her ass. Not a euphemism.


Bitch you're going to the oven.

I would throw my back out hitting that

>Past her childbearing age
No thanks

Who is your babymomma then, out of interest?

I liked her but I cannot forgive betrayal. RIP in peach.

Of course not. No rebelliousness here. I am and always have been a loyal, steadfast Pub

The whole family must die. They took my waifu away and forced me to become rebel scum.

Should I buy the Jedi Survivalist set?

D... Did Baras hook me up with a waifu? Did he plan this out?

He wanted you to be too distracted by qt3.14 headnoodles to notice him setting up his scheme to royally fuck you over.

That makes a lot of sense

...well he fooled me. No wonder he kept asking if I was amused by her.

No one, since despite all the companion convos, nothing ever comes of it. Disappointing, desu

Who are you talking about?

The companions in general

>Having proven, practiced, non-degenerate ethics that don't allow deviants and lower life forms to harm real sentient beings is being an "edgelord."

Go wash your sweaty Che Guevara shirt and stop lighting up patchouli, hippy.

>empire by far has the most degenerate playerbase

t. Ravage

>he doesn't know Ebin Imp Fleet is ERP Central

>Imp side
You should leave your office more often, Imperial

>hasn't been to his own fleet

Do you like it? if so get it. If not tell that fucking reskin of Zakuul Knight-Captain armor to fuck off

At least we are not homo troopers

Damnit, this thread will NOT die on my watch again!


Pub side got roasted!

Finishing up the Agent story shortly. What is next? Jedi Knight is already done and leveling Sith Warrior with a friend. Merc? BH? Trooper?

>join a trooper guild
>they're already falling over themselves to be my "bf"
This is gonna be easier than I thought

It means you are a whore

what server is your trooper guild

Careful, pantsu
Don't forget about THE LONG TERM

Ebin, of course

I won't, Sweety


>Not being in it for the long term


> only guilds
wow and i thought i was a sperg

>Baras forced the hand to intervene and make you Wrath
>Pulled the strings so that you would make a display of power in front of the dark council, while endearing yourself to the emperor
>He actually cared about you the whole time, he just could not be direct about being Sith and all

It's the "is Harkun /ourguy/?" speculation thread all over again


Tsundere Harkun best Harkun.

I love orange crush

Pity I didn't know about that game till recently. The artwork was fantastic

How could you not like them punching the shit out of the gungan?

the glory of imperial intelligence

I want my sith to look like this

You seem a bit overdressed for Hutta

Is it wrong to be addicted to bloo girls?

Not at all

Not at all


They're fine.

I like to keep my bloos separate

Which class has your favorite voice? I've always like fem IA with those proc giggles.

>fem IA with those proc giggles.

Part of the reason why I made this char.

Its so good.

Is it common for people to put stuff up on the GTN and then get salty and stalky when you buy their shit?

I think her voice is great in the first place but those giggles just put it over the top

Never had that happen and I buy a lot of stuff

Sounds like they are morons that felt they put it up for the wrong price and you "took advantage" of them.

HA. I have had that happen before. One guy demanded I give him back that object or I would be banned and go to prison for theft.

I reported him for harassment, put him on ignore and went to another alt.

So don't worry about morons.