Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #851
Paradise Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


For File Acquisition errors, do one of the following:
- switch all locale/system/region/date/time/everything settings to Japanese
- keep locale locale/system/region/everything settings and run with Applocale (Win7/Win8) or Locale Emulator (Win10)
Always run as admin.


Main Site:
FAQ Image Guide:
Win10 FPS Issues? Use this: (now with subtitle fix)

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game [Preferred]:
Manual Installation [For masochists, not recommended]:

>Character Card Database: (still down, use the backup zip for old cards)

>Mods & More:
AA2 Pastebin:
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:ゲーム

aa1 aloof is cute, cute!

aa2 aloof is super cute, cute!

Reminder to headpat short girls.
Post cute short girls.

So tell me what's been bothering you, /aa2g/?

I am angry

I can't handle making cards.
I wanted to keep going, but the anxiety kills me. I'm going back to being a leecher.


I did all that,and I even follow a shitty youtube toturial. What am I supposed to do now?

>a shitty youtube toturial
oh no! user no!

Whether or not people will like them.
I know that it'll not make any sense to anyone, but I only started making cards because I wanted to "give back" to the people who made all the wonderful cards I've used all these years. A dumb reason, but w.e.

The youtube tutorial is 100 years old and was never good. The preinstall in the OP is drag and drop.

Dude. Read the OP
>/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game [Preferred]:
What are you, a masochist?

I did that, and I did the region changing thing, and it didn't work. How do I deinstall the game, so I can try installing it again?

Now you're contradicting yourself. How about you say exactly what you did so we can tell you how to fix what you did wrong?

>I did the region changing thing
no you didn't. the only reason that error comes up is if you fail to do that.

Just make what you like user, and somebody will eventually like what you made.

Getting feedback, asking questions, and doing your best will always lead the way into personal growth!


opaque patternless glasses > opaque patterned glasses
bonus points to either if they're occasionally transparent

Some people liked a few I made, but the problem is that every time I make a new card, I'm too anxious to even post it. I've had anxiety attacks (not because of this of course), so it's just a stupid real life issue I need to get fixed. For now, I'm going back to leeching.

I did everything it say here in that order
Could it be that I somehow accidentally confirmed that I'm under 18? I'm seriously at a loss here

>Could it be that I somehow accidentally confirmed that I'm under 18
user, what are you doing on this 18+ site?

I actually like these kind of glasses even though tumblr has turned them into danger indicators.

You reminded me to watch the new Samurai Jack episode that came yesterday.

you forgot the most important one
user, do you not have admin rights on that computer?

How do I zoom in on the character creator?



have you tried dragging with the mouse buttons?

>Haven't played this game in over half a year
>Remember it existed, and got excited cause just imagine all the mods that have come out since then
>Remember I deleted everything

Time to install from scratch. Fuck.

Use the pre-install in the op.

>get preinstall
>download hexa packs
>now have more mods than you ever had a year ago
wow so hard. i feel 4 u

good thing it's easier than ever before to install now

holy fuck, I am happy

Scaling in the poser seems wrong does anyone have any experience with this? You said before that .87 and 1.12 was for the different heights but when I scale up or down it just doesn't look right. Is it just the height that should be scaled or should I be scaling the width and depth too?


>Sitting on the teachers desk.

shush, she's the teacher now


yes! please teach me iris sensei!

Look at me

I am teacher now

How do I skip all the bullshit, and go to the fucking. Asking for a friend.

turn on the additional option that says something about 999 interactions

Play with lowest virtue girls as a rainbow character.

The fact that after all this time we never found out who kind's voice actress is, saddens me immensely.

On the other hand, I appreciate you dedicated modders, still modding this game after all this time. Especially the 3d rooms!
I only wish the 3D rooms had two sided walls, for my immensely tendencies.

The rooms are getting original resources posted in the mega now. You can edit them in any way you'd like.

>immensely tendencies.
Brain please, that's voyeuristic tendencies

>not playing as a rainbow character always

literally why?

because right click exists

It doesn't work with everyone. are. There some personality settings, that prevents it?

Speaking of voyeurism, is peeping into other's H-scenes being worked on for AAU yet?

>Want to interact with certain girl
>PC is so God damn fast they rush into the girls changing room and I can't react fast enough to stop them
>Proceed to get slapped at least thrice

>get stuck in an unending cycle of slaps
>literally trapped in the changing room surrounded by girls all taking turns slapping me
>this goes on for a good five minutes

>not knowing when characters will be using the changing room or bathroom

feel free to join us and make it happen

holy shit, actual forcing with its own 'h-ai'
whoever made AAU is a hero

>want to interact with a certain girl
>PC is so God damn fast they rush into the girls changing room and I can't react fast enough to stop them
>Proceed to get fucked at least thrice because I'm at max love with 75% of the class and best friends with the rest
Ladies, please...

I've looked into this before (several times) and I'm fairly sure thats not actually her.

No, that's definitely her. She's credited as Hoshino Mirin in AA2, which is a name she hasn't used anywhere else.

>Finally escape slap hell
>Thin, lowest height girl challenges you to a fight as soon as you leave the changing room
>Accept and proceed to get your ass kicked
I know is around the beginning of each period, but sometimes they take too long
Chads get out

Call me retarded but searching that page for her name or the name of the game brings back no results

i knew she sounded familiar

Artificial Academy 2 isn't on VNDB since, well, it's not a VN. The name she used in AA2 isn't recorded on that page either.

However, if you look up some of her roles you'll recognize her voice, and googling around some nip sites you'll see that people agree it's her.ゲーム



I've been watching a bit of 11eyes and I have to admit, that yuka girl does sound quite a bit like her. The way she breaths out before sentences and her giggle. I'm starting to become more convinced that you might be right after all.

Time to go full disgusting otakumode, and compare sound files for the next few hours to make sure.


Eyyy looks like somebody's been watching the power ranger stream.

What are the names of your classrooms /aa2g/?

Nothing special.

I name everything related to cookies.


what did he mean by this?


>jun and may are discussing AAU together

poseable hair when?

who and who?

Nice pose but I have no idea what that is

The 2chan boards for girls/shoops (may) and modding (jun).
Apparently the may thread also has poses getting shared.

If everyone is actually using this poser and this game is getting a lot more attention than it used too. Then that means illusion could make the next best game with an anime style poser and we would get a lot of mod support.
It would be stupid for illusion to not do it.

illusion is known to do stupid things

can't get out of here stalker

The flaw in your little plan is that HS has been wildly successful and people love its art style.

All their games after aa2 have had a poser of sorths. Future games having it is garanteed.
The problem is the art style

>It would be stupid for illusion to not do it.
Oh no! The forbidden phrase!

Not a fan of illusion's pseudo-realism art style at all.

B-but, mod support and anime girls. I see people trying to make anime girls in HS all the time. And they are dumb for trying.

Thats not even the worst part about HS. The personalities are

>playing that game for the gameplay

>I see people trying to make anime girls in HS all the time. And they are dumb for trying.
They're also completely happy with their results, like the rest of the internet playing AA2 with only the default assets because they've never heard of /aa2g/. Outside of us there aren't many people who get pissy about matching art styles when they want to fap to cartoons.

That's not the point of HS. It's a poser for sex scenes. It's not a game.


Its not gameplay related, the voice actresses make stupid noises during H

nice abomination.


That would have been a pretty nice shoop if he had put a little more effort into it.

That's a low effort shop. Like WAY low.

Blowout soon, fellow stalker.

They just need to use Kitty media characters, like Bible Black, Discipline, Women at work, Viper, Mezzo Forte.

That fits the HS theme more.