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Accept Lulu in Your Heart



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i kinda like being in bronze

does that make me a bad person

or is it just selfcare


It makes you shit at the game

cass skin when
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Piglet outdated. Doublelift overrated. Matt overweighted. TL relegated. TL Investors JEBAITED

Best husbando!
I really really really need this skin.

yeah but if i'm not like

stressing my soul then it's good for me?

>not including GAMEOVER in your poem

Oh man I despised bronze. It has the worst types of people in there. Those that believe they are diamond+. Its filled with genuinely rude people. And people who are more than happy with giving up over 1 death.


where the fuck is the adc option? he's funny as fuck to play bot

>walk forward
>they blow up

doing meme builds on ascension because I'm bored

Don't 1/3 kinda blend into each other a little much. More than half of the juggernauts have their own little minigame to play within their kits

invite me

When is poppy getting nerfed

Reposting because funny and true. I literally just looked up Quinn's basestats and they're better than Morde's in literally every major facet sans MR

forgot pic because i'm also retarded
could swear that guy only did lame 1vs1s

>Playing Sion
>At all

Never, she's in a decent spot right now.

>decide to make smurf account for Yorick, Urgot, Swain, etc
>get pic related from Hextech

Any thoughts on how it compares to his other available skins? Almost have enough essence to craft it.

>Blocks your path

I also used to play ap off tank warwick mid
what's your point.

best skin, unless you like memes with crabgot

comfy bfs~

>dude 12% max hp damage on a tank that gets free tank stats just cause she's a tank
>outdamages adc in nearly every game she is in


anyone up for a few norms? i need a solid adc to lane with since im going to be queueing up as support

Yeah, a lot of the new top laners use this design philosophy where the vast majority of their damage comes from a single source, and the rest of their kit is all about enabling that source and facilitating their damage.
>Fiora revolves entirely around her vital system, her ultimate is literally just spawning all 4 vitals at once, and her Q is barely stronger than an auto attack but ideal for positioning and hitting said vitals
>Gangplank and BARREL are self explanatory
>Yorick makes ghouls, traps people and marks people so said ghouls gang rape em
>Darius revolves more than ever around his stacks after the rework, getting up to 200 bonus attack damage at 5 stacks, instantly administering all 5 stacks while he's got his rage
>90% of Illaoi's damage is tentacles, Q spawns a tentacle on the go, W makes tentacles swing, E spawns a thing tentacles swing at etc.
I actually kind of like it. A lot better than Morde's "here's 4 different abilities which are totally different but also totally the same because they all do nothing but damage now hit fucking buttons" kit.

Whats your rank and ign?


Outside of getting stunned by her E (which is entirely your fault for standing near walls) you should never get hit by both procs of her Q. she has no other reliable CC in her kits sans her uncharged R and you're invulnerable during it.

>outdamages adc in nearly every game she is in

Not even remotely true, stop being a shitter.

it's 14% plus 160% bonus AD faggot

officer vi plz go


> which is your fault for standing near a wall
I feel like you guys never play against Poppy

plus 230 base

did you used to be officer vi from lolgen in the past?

I played a few Veeky Forums games with and against you, you play nothing but Janna and don't actually know what you're doing. Aren't you like gold. You're not worth my time or my talent.

>Complaining about a champion that doesn't even break a 50% winrate and not very many people play
>A niche pick in competitive play

Nope, no nerfs anytime soon, git gud nigga :^)

Why is Cassfag such an insufferable piece of shit?





You're lucky she's flat + bonus AD + %max hp

What are you going to do when the next champion rework gives us a tank that has flat + total AD + %max HP(+ X% per total AD)?


370 ms with tier 2 boots for a melee champion is bs

>Trying to carry Bronze 4 friend on his account
>No one has the proper runes
>No one can jungle
>People beg for trades on fill's

Just make another account and re-roll for silver 5 for the love of god

what if mordekaiser rework made him a pure ad bruiser who steals armor to increase his own

>revolves entirely around
Champ idea. We have Sol who has skills rotating around him, rotating? Who about champion rotating around skill? You activate skill and champions tarts rotating in orbit like Sol fires rotates. When you move champ you move center around which champion rotates. Champions does AOE damage and get extra MS when he activates that skill (W). E makes him rotate to the other side he heals himself and stun targets he collides with.

Is Aatrox still in the trashcan? If so, how do we fish him out?

Rate my Lux

How do I get good at Lee sin?

i like the butcher skin best


>People beg for trades on fill's
This shit tilts me hard

8 yo drawing/10

>Nasus has 350 base MS
>Morde needs T1 boots to be as fast as regular Nasus

>Morde's rework makes him the single most mobile champion in the game, his ultimate is Storm Spirit's from DotA 2 where Mordekaiser transforms into black mist and shrapnel, only it drains his hp not mana.


i kind of want to do this but don't want to grind xp again

Out of the 15 or so times I have laned vs poppy I have only lost to her once due to the enemy jungler (rightfully) camping my lane as Yorick/Morde/Kled.

Knowing when to contest her bucklers depending on where it lands so you don't get wallslammed and make meaningful trades is fucking basic knowledge. Stop getting butthurt over a mediocre champion faggot

It really does boggle my mind how a full-melee with no dashes, blinks or CC whatsoever and no ranged attacks to speak of (20 sec CD ability that requires a minion hardly counts) is also one of the slowest characters in the game.

fluffy tails

> I won lane as Yorick/Morde/Kled
Yeah thanks do you also have advice on how to win late game playing as ryze?

>having to ban kled every game because hes fucking trashing top lane

Fucking gut skarl already.

I've been playing LoL since Lucian came out,and I have finally reached Gold, and its all thanks to Lulu. Best Support.

He just needs a few more number tweaks and he'll be fine. I really think he needs a tiny bit of AS on his bloodwell charges that then double once he hits that point.


>I do well in lane
>Mid laners dont stop me from harassing them in lane
>Mid dosnt punish me for CS'ing
>Free lane
>never get ganked
>wards always up
>I roam and start to snowball
>Everyone still shits the bed
>Terrible build/Build paths

The joke is that Silver 4 is the same as bronze but honestly theres a /world/ of knowledge between these two elos albeit a small fraction

If a /literal/ tard can get to 30 and que for ranked most likely they all sit in bronze

How have you been recovering? Are you doing better?

This is what I'm most worried about the impending Morde rework. They'll have to change his skillset to make him work but all fours of his skills are so iconic to me I can't imagine playing him without any one of them.
His E and W are probably gonna get scraped completely. His Q will get changed into some other basic attack modifier. I assume his passive and ult will stay similar since they're the most iconic parts of his kit and are his whole character but then who knows what they might turn Morde into. I'm really gonna miss the E, it's always been the most important skill to me.

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who wouldn't fugg a fox

Because CertainlyT reworked him to be a bottom lane melee carry, and his entire concept revolved around "what if he was totally useless but did retarded amounts of damage and you were reliant on Blitz Thresh or Leona setting up kills for you and then you snowballing? Also you're level 7 when everyone else is level 4"

I bet you're a Riven/Yasuo main huh.

>Banning Kled over Camille

seriously nigga. Just pick Fiora or any of the big tanks and shit on his life forever and stand in front of him when he ults

congrats user!

better spam her while you can because she's going to get nerfed

B-but I like cock

> hurr durr camille is broken
> u-u r a yasuo main

Normally games compensate low range for mobility, mord's design is shit and was literally better before the rework

>Mordekaiser transforms into black mist and shrapnel,
Jokes aside this sounds metal as fuck and I'd love it. But realistically almost anything is an improvement over what we currently have.

>claims to play morde
>has trouble vs camille
not buying it

>I'm going to miss "does damage in a cone with literally no other effects"
>I assume they'll keep his passive and his ult, better known as the feast or famine elements of his kit that make him distinctly poorly designed

I hope they change his Q into some sort of actually fun ability. auto attack modifiers are boring as shit.

I just want smut of a qt league of legends girl murdering me
Is that too much to ask?

Mordekaiser deals damage in a cone

I'd fugg her. For life. After marrying her.

acutally yes. the ive helped me out quite a bit. and i've been doing a lot better about the booze. thanks for asking c:

it's awful....

>we live in a world where you max E last

fuken broeken

Whenever someone asks a high elo streamer or pro player how to improve and gain elo they always say the only way is to play more. Is Riot paying them to shill on their behalf or are they just stupid?


That's good to hear. Take it easy cutie. I wouldn't want you ending up at the hospital again.

You scared me. Don't do that again.

I haven't lost lane or a game to a single Cam yet. I've lost every single game where the enemy has had kled. His ability to just gain like 3000 fucking HP after a few hits on champs is fucking retarded. Not to mention mounting and demounting skarl both give him invincibility frames, which just make him that much harder to fight around.

I still don't know why people max W over E for laning
just take spellvamp quints and you have just as much sustain as w with more damage for trades

> to get better at something
> you gotta practice
wow no fucking shame geez 100% paid

It isn't like their wrong, consistent and constant practice and repetition is always the best way to improve at something.

Stop taking TP Toplane if you're low elo. This isn't Korean esports, you're not Faker, you're not gonna make some epik TP play botlane that singlehandedly wins the game. Take Ignite so you have a lane advantage.

>"Why are you telling me this?"
Because if enough people start doing it I'll get less bitch-boy ADC's throwing a tantrum in champ select because I'm not gonna bail them out when they fuck up.

Taking away that attack speed really made a world of difference. If there were some actual attack speed items in the game we wouldn't have this problem but as it is now every AS item is either
A) tailor-made for ranged carries, only exceptions being GP and Yasuo
B) gimmicky bullshit

His E is iconic for all of the wrong reasons and literally nobody gave a fuck about his W until after the rework because it made up for one of his key weaknesses of a lack of sustain before hextech revolver.

I really don't care if they were to scrap the entire fucking kit as long as what they replaced it when hit the thematic of being an undead metal juggernaut. I'm not gonna be like all the Galiofags.

Still not gonna change the fact that Poppy is fine and not going to recieve any nerfs, git gud nigga.

She isn't my first ban (That'd be Graves, because Graves is consistently the only jungler I can't 2v1 because he shits too much damage) but it is pretty fucking annoying to dumpster her in lane then watch as she gets fed off a double kill in bot lane and snowballs the entire fucking game.

that is only true if the person is semi intelligent ir you have low iq like 80% of league population u wont improve.

fuck chicks like this are so hot

>play more
>git gud

Yeah, that's about it.

>is riot paying them to shill or are they stupid

> bail them out
second season when

Also I like tp to move around since I mostly play immobile things

th-thanks, i'll try