/owg/ - Overwatch General

Orisa is live!

>Developer Update | Introducing Orisa

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info




So the Twilight skin is a MLP reference?

Should I get a golden gun for orisa or ana?

I want to fuck Winston

Hold up, the Zen using discord orb through shields didn't make it to public?
And none of the Lucio changes either?

What the hell?

Get Orisa's and fuck with everybody.

Still online.

No, you're just a retarded brony.

>Sombra buffs are now live
Feels good.

>Zen using discord orb through shields
Scrapped, too bad he's not the beloved grandma of being perma top tier.
>Lucio changes
Will be on PTR for a while.

We xboners literally cannot play

Entire Xbox service is offline

I just wanna play Orisa goddammit

Niggatron on PS4 yet?

Yes and if you use it you're a confirmed twifag

fuc, Why do they hate Zen? I mean the changes he got were nice, but they're nothing major.


>we'll have a week of people shitposting about how Sombra is somehow good now, before it becomes undeniable that she's still utter garbage
thanks blizzard

>wasn't expect her to have voice lines

she might not be the optimal pick for pro play but she is definitely good enough to carry games in GM because she was good enough for that already before these buffs

What did you hear?

>he's not intelligent enough to master her spread

>Mystery Heroes
>Enemy team started with three Roadhogs



At what percentile can you brag about being there? Top 5%? Top 1%? Also, does percentile really mean anything if your SR is low?

Jeff doesnt play him, only plays Ana and Road.

Really makes you think.

Can dva eat/ genji reflect her graviton thing?

>master her spread
t-that's lewd

Why does this game always dump me back into the game I left

>master her spread

That's the plan

stop playing qp


>I'm simply following my programming
>Current outook? Uncertain

Her ass looks better from a distance but that's a good skin.
I prefer widow ass for sexual

>Mystery heroes
>Enemy team gets two Mercys

I always hate the release of a new character. You can't even properly try them out in a game because someone always insta-locks them and this time it's worse because you can even use them in comp for a week


Go to custom server and make 1 hero limit

Play Sombra. The 4 second cooldown on her translocator makes her fun as fuck

Ay thanks bro

She does a fuck load of damage for a ranged tank

I want to get my face full of blueberry antioxidants.

Who should I buy golden weapon?

I already own Piggy's, so who'd be next? Thought a lot about buying one for Orisa now that she's live

Does she have any interactions?

I don't get it, is Bastion not nerfed on PC?

>mystery heroes
>my team gets mercy
>he jumps off a cliff as soon as the match starts
GG I guess

Fucking Tracer is the bane of my existence.

The last character you played as is now your room mate for the year, how does it go?



Bunny Outfits for Easter Event when

>non-Winston main detected

The 20% damage reduction instead of 30%? We got that weeks ago on PC.

>Also, does percentile really mean anything if your SR is low?
huh? how can that be?

He was nerfed 3 weeks ago

>Symmetra cleans my room and organizes all my things by color



>ywn cuddle your husbando's cold rotting corpse and get rawed by his post mortem erection daily

Zenyatta would make for a great roommate. Always chill, always pays his portion of the rent on time, always willing to help out.

winston is food for tracer what are you on about



fugg, I'm already messy as it is.

>organising by colour
Now that's fucking autistic. What possible use could there ever be for having things organised by colour?

Can I fuck Mei?

HNnng same :)

No, Mei is mine and only mine

Symmetra is literally autistic, google it.

This has to be bait. Unless you're actually retarded.

Blizz need to rethink the medals system because you can just pick orisa and spam bullets everywhere and you get credited for all the kills despite doing barely anything. I've played her in multiple games, felt like I wasnt doing anything but when pressing tab I have all golds.

At least add an option for a more normal scoreboard, please.

why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

Relax, it's just a casual fuck

>Gold healings as Sombra

Guess I better buy bird seeds.

This also applies to soldier, bastion and some degree to tracer.

Played with a guy who claimed he was in the top 3% of Widows but his career high SR was 2900. Fuck if I know, I guess you can play literally one hero and climb percentile but still suck at comp?

That's why I'm asking. Isn't top 3% still like, 15,000 people ahead of you anyway?

>Bronze healing as Lucio
>Gold in everything else
Hippity hoppity, get off of my poperty


American is a Christian holiday, of course they celebrate Easter. But this is Overwatch, a diverse utopia™ The Christmas event wasn't even Christmas it was just "Winter Wonderland".
Valentine's was too lewd and Easter is too Christian.
There will be a Spring event, but bets are heavily on "fashion week" right now

>Wake up in the morning alternating days on who gets to shit first
>massive protein shits. We always leave it in the toilet so the other can admire it first
>make oats and protein for breakfast every day
>shower together after sweaty sex for low reps high weight
>both go to work in construction
>come home, grill chicken
>watch pumping iron together
>shower again together
>cuddle and sleep together in our king size bed

It could be worse

>Add the option for a more normal scoreboard

Fuck no, then you get all the cod fags talking about their k/d ratio all fucking match

>Orisa critbox

Besides Ana, critboxes in this game are extremly lenient but this one is D.va tier of bullshit.

>zap her
>dead monkey

A weapon that tracks isn't very useful when the target easily escapes from its short range and pitiful damage, can heal herself instantly, and has high DPS right into Winston's huge headbox.

Don't forget Junkrat. And Pharah too. I can't tell you how many Pharah shitters gloat about golds when they had zero objective time and spam the heal button more than Genji.


Ah so you are in fact retarded.

I want to cum on her palms

The enemy has a teleporteur.

>No Limits.
>Pick Tracer.
>Single handedly perform an Orisa genocide that would rival the Holocaust.

I don't care about your fun. I want my loot boxes.

No humanbois allowed

This update fucked something up
>no music at all
>other player models not showing up

careful. with all that edge I would have assumed you were a genji main.

I do everything the megamasterpros tell me to do, and Tracer still zips everywhere behind and around and out of the lightning while rewinding all her health back and shooting constantly. Barrier doesn't help when she can either just go through it or move out of range thus rendering it useless as a way to do damage while blocking damage.

Holy fucking shit Orisa is so fucking OP.... I thought PC faggots were testing this shit. How did you retards let her slip through the cracks????

>walks around all day in tight clothes

Sounds to me like you're the one who is retarded.

>mercy + rein on 3v3
fuck off holy shit

>Winston makes cool gadgets and has food always around.

Could be neat. Plus I'd sleep with him

>tfw was the 5th highest healer as sombra in the world last season

>ywn be blackmailed by Sombra into helping her out on her jobs
>ywn start to fall for her
>ywn come home to every media device in your house playing a recording of you masturbating to Sombra
>swn appear behind you and make you her man

Should Winston do more damage to enemies trapped in his barrier?