/lolg/ - League of Legends General


New Skins edition

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First for lee song.


Why is quinn so cute?



She is generally attractive, but also a blank slate so you can project whatever personality you want on her

>embracing the Lee

And here I was hoping to not see him in literally every draft at some point in the future.

wtf where is illaoi skin
pool party, cosmic reaver, both really easy to put on her

Not true. She's kind and down-to-earth and not batshit crazy like almost every other female champion

no one plays her so she will never get a skin

Never gonna happen buddy. Just ban the gook fuck.

>More skins for champions that don't need them
>Meanwhile there are still champions with literally 2 skins

holy shit that looks positively fantastic
that the new sun goddess karma splash?

>not batshit crazy
Yea, she's birdshit crazy.

xth for fluffy tails and yaaay more thread wars

My arm my arm


In Lee's defense he made up for that with the whole SETTING HIMSELF ON FIRE AND GOING BLIND for a week or something.

And Ahri """kinda""" feels bad about killing people she fucks to death but yeah she's more into helping herself then anyone else really.

Karma has a nice belly

I'm a lee sin main now

>Dreadnova Darius is a Hextech exclusive skin


where is my irelia skin
last one was 4 year ago and its ugly


Honestly I wouldn't mind being fucked to death by ahri

Gibe source

>this lee
>riot trying to ride the wave of popularity that launched hero academia and one meme man to success

a bit late but I can dig it

same desu, even if that were true

who cares it's ugly as fuck anyway.

>still no shield piercing abilities
>still no buff dispelling abilities

>Lee Sin now sounds like a cocky douchebag who's full of himself

Well at least the champion will finally reflect the people who play him. Banning this shit for a week after it come out.

t. Shit Taste having Pleb

I wish bandle drew more rumble

why there are so many ahri/sonafags? literally bait tier waifu for 14 yo kids i thought lolg would have better taste

banning it forever desu famalamamamamamamamamamamamamamamam

>mfw it's been 10 years since ttgl

>No Sona interactions

Riot pls.

comfy cuddles~

I'm a 21 year old amateur bodybuilder with decent sexual experience and I would fuck the life out of ahri 2bh

Harvester of Sorrow
>high base damage per rank
>effectively pays for itself (and more) when used properly

>requires ally to apply AoE
>8 second cooldown at max rank (1/3 uptime with no cd reduction)
>buggy as fuck
>need to be in melee range of an enemy champion for maximum effectiveness

Siphon of Destruction
>instant burst
>good scaling (AP and AD)
>bonus shield wins trades (25% at max rank)
>5 second cooldown at max
>damage in a cone

>can pay for itself if taking spellvamp quints

>hard to land point blank but you can mace of spades anyway

tell me why you max w and what lane you play

there are 3 ahrifags.
also, it's cause im a furfag. that's good taste. unless your some kinda fukken normie

so how does hextech crafting work for this shit? i thought u just opened the chests for s's and got the 'pattern' and then use essence to craft it

>tfw have gotten one gemstone across multiple accounts

Oh, well. Perhaps one day.

Not sour grapes but I wouldn't willingly pick it over the Annie or Vayne skin.

>if shyvfag creates a thread its okay
>lulufag creates a thread and everyone goes mad

I'll take two

can you at least explain this ship?

>implying the average demographic of Veeky Forums isn't 14 year old boys

lulufag is a pedophile who posts 30 times a thread

shyvfag is just autistic

Other thread

this is my love

Riot has a nasty habit of not using something to it's fullest potential.

lulufag is a cunt

shyvfag is a weirdo but still cool tbqh famalam

Pitch me your skin / champion / item ideas, /lolg/!

i was watching qt's stream when someone donated and said that tobias is on a 15 game losing streak
is that true
plat 1 WHEN

How many boxes did you buy? I cranked 20 euros for 11 once a month for 5 months and I got about 5 gemstones.

xth for Syndra threadwars edition

Ahem! It is chilly out there! I can barely feel my hands!

ahri in a fursuit. please god.

She said she's not the best at animal snouts.

Still its always interesting when she breaks away from Trist. Though Trist is still her best.

Deadpool shen

he created the thread 20 posts early

im watching him now

he is 2/11/1 on heimerdinger mid

its kind of obnoxious


Like, how?

>spending money on hextech

I just can't bring myself. Can it be gifted? I don't recall. Might have to go pester some people.

Bewitching blade:
BF sword + Negatron cloak + 780 (2800)
Active: dispel
Purges temporary buffs from the target enemy champion. Cannot remove jungle monster buffs or ultimate buffs. Perpetually refreshing buffs from passives or auras are disabled for 5 seconds.
CD 75s

Lol, why would someone pay like $200 bucks for enough gemstones to get this ugly shit when you could just get dunkmaster?

>people don't like shit pedophiles do
Who would have thought?
Fucking Lissfag is less of a nuisance then Lulufag.

pbe doesn't count :^)

closer to 1k but yeah

Nth for Syndra victory edition

as perfect as this is. you know... copyright.

Many men are attracted to a seductive woman. Women embracing their sexuality is hot.

Sona is the quiet, demure girl that most guys fantasize about and her looks help quite a bit.

I thought this was real for a second because the PBE updated fuck you

take my moon

>let's make my stupidly overpowered fantasy item

Alucard inspired Vlad skin

>yfw his MMR is worse than rainman's

>75s CD dispels are overpowered in LoL

how is lissfag doing these days? haven sen much of him

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.

ahri is female naruto and sona is miku with tits

look at his proposed stats and cost

Could they have picked two worse champions to give skins? Darius already has way better ones and seeing Lee Sin's with this skin feed is going to be the soloqueue experience for at least a month.

was wondering when you would abandon your own thread

Something like these would be cool.

the ad is

make it a tank support item then we wont have another "youmuus right after lethality buffs" issue

>ad and mr
>negates GA
hello talon

tobias has been doing really poorly.

i think he just gave up and started trolling for views.

we all have bad games but there's a point. during one of dyrus' promos he built frozen heart on tf and kept saying he was going to protect gosu.

Wait so what buffs would you remove? I dont know any decent buffs that you would want to purge that aren't ulti debuffs. Would it just be for like AS and Empowered Autos?

probably up around 100 chests bought, not including bonus ones you got. On top of winning a bunch of chests. I only really bought chests during the christmas and project events though.
>implying im not autistic enough to open virtual boxes for money


>Darius already has way better ones
This skin is fucking awesome, what are you talking about? Riot actually has the right idea by giving two champions with tons of play two awesome skins.

>tfw just got dunkmaster darius shard from crafting last week
>tfw my darius and my legendary RNG has probably been reset
>tfw will never have the new darius skin

naruto is a male kitsune
miku is a generic shitty animu vocaloid
congrats, anybody can make things sound bad through generalizing

Is the problem that it isn't a support item? Because it's sub-100% gold efficient.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

god bless riot for making good skin splasharts

>sona is miku with tits

This is really good though.

was looking for that twitch picture she did but couldn't find it, the face on that looked fine.

i would say her sun goddes is the best one tbqh

is he still D5?
isn't dyrus challenger? what's he doing getting matched with him? although that is funny, fuckin dyrone.

>Women embracing their sexuality is hot.
No, it's not. It's disgusting because men take advantage of such things through wile or force and use it as leverage over other men, sometimes on a massive scale, creating a society of men that have no identity and women who have no choice. This is the cycle of pain and suffering known as "life".

Ahri is able to free you from that cycle after pleasuring you so she's hot.

man l wish l knew how to draw, l'd draw so much league stuff