Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

The good ol' days Edition

>What's new?

>Probius (shit), UI revamp (now LIVE)

>For Azeroth reactivated; get a WoW mount by playing Warcraft Assassins

> Two Heads Are Better Than One; get your free Cho'gall (if you haven't already)

>For new players:
>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Latest patch notes

>Hero Rankings, various Statistics, Talent Calculator:

>Current Tier List

>Where do I find you first ban Lucio morons?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

>Tips and other useful resources:

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>tfw your favorite hero's winrate is artificially high because they excel against retards

Those fucking quads thou

New hero when?

Sonya is FUN and CUTE and SWEATY and MUSKY and deliciously DOMINANT~!

2 week

>Green Diablo

Why don't we have this skin. It looks great. All we get is Red, Purple but still Red, Black

blizz here

in development video tomorrow

You're LYING

Are you one of those straight out of school game devs who don't know what the fuck they are doing that are working on this game?

Kinda but I'm learning.

whos the next guy and launch skin then if you're so smart mr.blizzard

I'm not a leaker.

Who's the comfiest hero to play?


sleepy time pajama abathur

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

Can't wait for next Diablo season to start to make a fem barb

She's also dead, like the rest of her kind.


>only level 10

So where will everyone go when the game dies?

I'm waiting for the Necro before getting back into D3. So I have to wait like 10 months. Then I'll probably just quit within two weeks because they'll likely have not made drastic changes to the game.

back to Starcraft

I've always found pushing lanes so be surprisingly comfy, I'd look at specialists

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

Played this game a little bit during the beta and every once and while after.
I mostly play in between breaks from dota, what heroes should I buy?

>Xul for his waveclear
>Azmodan for his global waveclear
>Zagara(old) for her lane presence
>Raynor because it's nice to revisit the fundamentals



Is this the best general you can do?


Alarak is mean.

Back to WoW, or well, they are still paying for the sub still

Better be mean than a liar.

I'm getting Grim Dawn when the next expansion comes out just to play Necro. Then I'll also be playing D3 when they get the Necro later

Probably just back to WoW.

alternatively League of Legends. Haven't gotten around to trying Dota yet.

kys myself

Dota 2 is becoming more and more likes HoTs,
They have shrines which are like healing wells, and talents. Plus custom games like overthrow that are actually pretty fun.

I play this game as a side game when I go too frustrated with dota. I assumed most people did the same with league or starcraft.

christ, my heart is still pounding. nearly six seconds of invulnerability was almost not enough

Invul talent removed when?

I played Dota 2 and it is horrible
>Game is dead, queues take 5min+
>Camera so zoomed in you can't see anything
>Games take 50mins
>Stupid imbalanced, heroes can 1v5 if they get any farm

Fucking this.
Whose fucking idea was it? Medivh has it as an ability and it's worse than a TALENT?

>imbalanced, heroes can 1v5 if they get any farm

I'm not sure I see the issue.

Jax can't 1v5 anymore

>Games take 50 minutes

This shit right here is why I play HoTS. Now I know 50 minutes is mostly an exaggeration except for extreme cases, but what I do know is most HoTS games last as long as the super fucking dull NO FIGHTING ALLOWED PVE ONLY :))) laning phase in LeL and Doter.

Fuck that shit.

get someone to kms me

I already get bored waiting 10 minutes for a lost game in hots to end, it would be horrible in dota

>playing hots makes me crave comfy farming of dota
>playing dota makes me crave the simplicity of hots

>remove last hitting but muh archaic mechanic
>all you have to do is be in the general vicinity of dying minions
>people still can't be bothered and play roaming assassins every game


Just the first fellow who came to mind that I happened to have a picture of.

>tfw can't get individually fed in the hots

>tfw play HOtS because it's the closest thing to Dawngate
I want it back so bad.



It didn't make as much money as LoL while it was in Beta?


Fuck EA.

>No more Faris
>No more Voluc
>No more Kensu
>No more Desecrator
>No more RENZO
It was the comfiest MOBA around, and the devs were total bros. They even came around in the Veeky Forums general for feedback of all places.

>Play ETC
>Take Tour Bus
>'Miss' my ult
>The lights dim and all that remains on is a single spotlight shining on me
>Sad violin music plays as I drop to my knees and weep pathetically
>Enemy team groups up away from me because I 'missed'
>lol jk

Why do people STILL fucking fall for Tour Bus? How many years has it been?

did the battle.net icon just change?

Yes, probably as the first move towards changing Battle.net to the Blizzard App like they've been talking about.

Probably outside, unless something better comes up

Don't remember her name, but the little doll who went into people kinda like Abathur was my fucking shit dude.

I tried paragon once that I got too frustrated with hots.

2 45-minute games after and a queue of almost 6 minutes for each took me right back to hots


Faris + Mina lanes were the best shit ever

>Mina merges with Faris
>Faris dashes to enemy
>Faris does splash damage from the dash + Blade Ghost + Ult + lifesteal talent + Mina un-merge AoE attack
>Enemy carry dead within the first 5 minutes of the game
>Every time

Anyone got that screenshot of the HotS dev's reply on reddit pertaining to how they design heroes?

The one where they said, "We've already used all the best Starcraft heroes."

I want my otter of eel-whipping.

i swear to god that game was created by 2k dota players
i feel like it has so much potential but the game is simply not fun and already has awful balance with a fairly small amount of heroes

Who is a hero they could add that isn't in the game currently that would be your main forever no matter what?


Trade Prince Gallywix, Marin Noggenfogger, or a Troll Shaman, preferably Elemental.

sonic the hedgehog

Female goblin hero


They already added in Greymane and Gul'dan and they are both extremely fun for me. A Pit Lord like Magtheridon/Mannoroth would be my next pick.

God I can't wait until we get a Dreadlord. Then I just need a Tauren Chieftain and Pit Lord and I'm fucking content with HotS until it dies.


I had a slight impression that she was lesbian

some actual dragon

man, why is zuljin so damn fun on single lane brawls? it's like he was made for this mode. plus, guillotine is actually fun to use

I'm kinda dumb.

With Cho'gall's new passives, is the difference between them being active 25 or 50%?

Like, does having Ogre Hide active reduce Gall's damage by 25% AND remove the 25% bonus from Ogre Rage, effectively making it -50%, or does it just cancel out the 25% bonus from Ogre Rage?

Her lore page was a sort of love letter to some member of her crew that seemed to be male that she crumpled up and threw away.

Is he gonna to have your mana user?


Cancels out.

Either Cho has 25 armor, or Gall has 25% more damage.

Alright thanks buddy.

I want to play with Sonya's thick veiny futa cock.

Is Overkill Tychus a thing again now that they gutted his minigun talents?

For medivh what is more damage overall, masters touch or the 30% dmg on the next spell? I've been taking masters touch but I dont feel there's too much of an improvement.

Overkill talents have always been situational. Now since they made his range worse, Overkill talents went up in value as more of his total damage will come from Overkill rather than super long Minigun durations.

Depends on your comp. Master's Touch is far superior but is more mana intensive, Arcane explosion is more if the enemy team has a lot of melee, the 30% on next Rift is kind of okay if you always fear you will lose your stacks of Master's Touch before you complete it.

>farm ai for flamesaber
>tab out
>shit game #1 doesn't tell you when you have ressed
>find out I've ressed
>move to action again
>get dcd while moving there and labeled deserter
wow what a prime shit game you have there

Think of it that Overkill was the "finish them off" spell and Minigun was the "Open up on them" spell. Now that Minigun doesn't make you an unstoppable god, you'll now get more value from talents like The Bigger They Are and Spray and Prey because you're "opener" won't last 10 seconds and shred the entire enemy team.

tl;dr Yes.

Alright, cool.

I took I big break from the game and was disappointed with what Tychus had become (no matter how overpowered it was). He might not be an self healing, anus raping god of destruction anymore, but overkill is fun.

>bloodlust brawl
jesus christ that sounds memey

>tfw 90% of the heroes I wanted are already in the game

If they were to add spidertits I would be happy, but if not I'm still OK

There are so many heroes I want in game, be it for lore, their kit or memes.

It's so nice when they have a huge list of iconic heroes from multiple franchise they could add and they add a fucking shitty SC2 unit, give it a name and pretend it's a character.

>Morales could have been mercy
>Sgt. Hammer could have been Edmund Duke

Probius really fucking triggers me.

>Let's just say he was the probe from the cinematic hahaha then we can pretend he actually had a name and we didn't just make him up hahaha holy shit my fucking dude

Why are so many alt skin colors so brazenly uninteresting?

Like Zuljin, alt 2, WHAT IF HE WAS LIKE.... MORE GREEN!?

Or all of Stitches alt colors.

They added probius to capture the feel of actually playing SC2 multiplayer. It's just that it doesn't capture any of that feeling, because SC2 is a game for autistic Koreans and isn't fun. Also probius is not fun.

Anub's are good, at least.

>being this new

laffin at you so hard rn dude what a clown ahaha

Video games have come a long way, haven't they.

Anub has by far the best skin variations in the game.

>WC3 Anub
>Azjol-Nerub Anub
>Trial of the Crusader Anub

They aren't just bland recolors either, the AN one has webs and shit all over it and the ToC one has ice.

It's really great.

>tfw still have a blast occasionally going back and playing Age of Empires/Mythology

Usually just when the internet dies, though.