/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Best Girl Edition

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New expansion "Tempest of the Gods":

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All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor:
mediafire.com/file/016ysnkhenaxkud/sv uncensor 1.4.61.zip

All-in-one Android undub and uncensor:
mediafire.com/file/g3wprejd9foygnr/v1461 Folders a and v.zip

Tools for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi

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I also wish people would be more respectful of each other and appreciate the time we spend together as human beings while playing games rather than seeing each other purely as adversaries

Pic not related.

t. elizabeth

*unblocks your way*


i average 3 wins in take two but i would like to average 4. how do i get better at playing this game so that i can reach that goal? i'm a new player who wants to collect as many of the cards i can but it seems extremely daunting.

The last thread was already an Isabelle OP

I want a Isabelle to give me a paizuri!


Is that a baked good?

I can't shake the feeling that standard was much slower or something cause I can never get the board i feel the card was designed for. Especially since in most cases she's a two-turn card

Yeah no.It's really annoying when you go on tilt against fully realized netdecks all day. Solitaire is fucking shit

Follow this guide for Take Two. It's helped me out a lot

That's because she's the best girl.
>tfw no caramel witch gf


Give me a quick rundown of this woman.

>absolute whore
>best girl
Shittiest taste.

no it's a tit fuck

Because it wasnt released on PC first obviously
i guess thats all they could fit without making a whole new menu for them
plus they'd have to do extra lines for the alternative leaders you can buy

Uh, shadowbabs?

TotG out already?

But variety is the spice of life

12k points per month is too fucking much. A game is like 15 minutes long and at 50% win rate you'll be spanding 5 hours to get 1k points. That means you need to invest 2 hours every day to get a sleeve.

Stop playing runecraft


kys casual

kill yourself

What is she saying?

Hopefuly the 3 day ban was worth it user!


You know people who do this are just ban evaders

no idea, is that supposed to be a nosebleeding rown too?

>Endless Alberts in ranked
>Decide to go to unranked for fun
>Endless Alberts there, too

>invest 2 hours every day to get a sleeve
It's dailes+4 rank wins per day at worst to get the sleeves. You must suck if it usually takes you 2 hours.


well the Isa panels say Stop it idiot stop it STOP IT and ueeeeeeeeeen

Post picture of Vampy that are good to masturbate to

Fucking armpit censor


just had a game in take two where it was two scrap golem punching each other for 2 turns until he used cloud chorus and killed mine :(


This is a control meta nigger. I have a 60% win rate and it still takes forever.

>control meta

Why don't we fuse with /gbfg/? We have the same waifus


>cloud chorus


12k score per month is 400 score per day, or 4 wins per day. If you clear your daily missions in ranked, you WILL get the 12k sleeves.

In short, you're a fucking casual.

>tier 1 deck are """"""""""""""""""midrange"""""""""""""""""" and tempo
>control meta

er the other one you know what I mean, the +2/0

Keen enchantment I think it's called


Most attractive leaders

Isabelle>Eris>Erika>Arisa>power gap>Bampy and Luna

I did not include males or animals because I'm not a fag

>a game is 15 minutes long
thats just a blatant fucking lie

>Win 4 games a day for 30 days
How fucking unbearable



>No Losaria

It probably wasn't the same user. The last thread didn't have an "edition".

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Isabelle is by far the worst, cow shitter, even lower than the loli shits.

>I did not include males or animals because I'm not a fag
Your post says otherwise

No no user, the most attractive ones are supposed to go first, not the other way around
Simple mistake



Maybe he's a dirt rune main. Give him benefit of the doubt.


Best leaders

Eris > Vampy > Luna > Forte = Erika > Isabelle

Rowen Dragonifying her always kills me.

is that you elizabeth?

This is true.


only lewds I have saved

12k score is nothing

Mordecai > everyone else > Selwyn > literally who Latham

>don't let it get to you

Tutorial leader
Arisa /u/ friend


Pic related


Birdman though

That'll do the trick. Thanks user

The one that got kidnapped?


Join room 42639 if you guys need a win, i'll be passing turns

Best dogwife

I was going to help you but, but now I'm not

i would remove anything but isa/eris/arisa, anyone else is shit


>artists that try to have a boob and ass shot at the same time
So many broken spines

Is she an elf too? For fucks sake, who's next?


>Implying broken spines mean anything to Demons

Its fine they're 2D they have no feelings

That's a doghusband

>sword craft has 6 face on board and i have 9 health
>summons his 2nd albert for 9 total face damage
>decides to clear my board instead of just winning
>burn him for game next turn
soooo these..... are..... albert players.........

Reminder that roping Dshitter is a public service.

That's a male dog.

But that's a boy.

he said wife tho, still shit taste mate

no, it's just a birth defect :^)

Just you wait until the uprising

>everything for shadow in Tog is hit with a strict balance

See Orthrus and legendary desert rider, and with everything good at 7PP.

Now we're talking.

>not going face
I don't believe you.