/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Your M8 Howitzers are fun edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

>Sound Mods:

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this makes ur plane go fast

i've never seen the pershing with rockets in a match

*at altitude

Anime and IS-2s shitting all over Tigers and Ru-wallet warriors.


How many Euro/dollars is it total to get both the rocket sherman and rocket pershing?

Like 80 right?

u bout as dumb as a real slav

>6th game in a row I die trying to leave spawn
ATGM's sure were a great addition to the game

>Just flank

Tiger Is are the most fun you can have in the game so long as you don't get uptiered to 6.7

>dude, the leopard is great just flank
t. youtube nigger spamming HEATFS

>dude, just flank, the M46 is great
t. youtube nigger in his m46 that dies right away but comes back in his AD-2 and gets 5 kills

>Just flank
>Map is Finland, Rhine, Berlin or any other shitfest where it's impossible to flank

Just how bad is stock grind in the Leo, lads?

make a bunch of referral accounts and buy yourself the parts with ge

>Finally get a decent map
>either get BTFO by an aimbotter or BTFO by a plane

It's really bad stock. Decent fully spaded


>buy Ru251 because it looks like fun and I've some spare cash
>all other matches at German 6.7 have involved getting raped by IS6s
>Decide to flank)))
>See an IS6
>Shoot at the ammo next to his driver
>orange ammo))))
>He didn't even seem to notice, just keeps driving right past me
>See another IS6 right behind him
>Shoot at his ammo next to his driver
>Explodes into bits and treats
>hightail it out of there
>Get message from ded IS6 saying that I'm a faggot for using Ru251
Is it more cancer to use the Ru251 (correctly, not dying in the first 3 minutes) or to use the IS6?
Also why do ammo racks just go orange sometimes and explode other times?

They're both as bad as eachother you utter shitter

stopped reading there
kys shill

Are small jet engines really that strong?



>Animes not knowing shit
>Animes wanting stupid shit

Animes kys please! Seriously...


how new can you be?

Fighting against 251s is a point and click adventure, while killing IS-6s is a RNG bounce roll even from the side.

>mfw it's only a matter of time until Gayjew introduces the Waffentrager E-100

no not really, dumb weeb

>only a matter of time
it's already in game

>Haha, look at World of Tanks and their stupid paper tanks and retarded prototypes! I'll enjoy my historical game
>IS-6, T29, T34, Ru251, E-100 introduced
>t-this is fine, can't get any worse

Re-read my post. Waffentrager E-100, I mean this monstrocity (128mm autoloading gun). Gayjew will probably forge some dokumints)))) and release it to the public.

>"whan I posted on /wtg/ for the first time, I said I will make players stop goying up for War Thunder"
>"you laughed back then"
>"you're not laughing now"

shiiiieeeet, that's some new level of ugliness

Looks like the thing did exist, albeit in a much more retarded fashion and not with the same name. Also double the guns.

The dual mount was only ever mounted on Ships. Gaijin will literally have to invent something to have that ingame

Flak towers too, actually.


akschually, it was also too heavy to be towed cross country, which is why it was mounted on flak towers

it's not russian so unless they made it premium they would never bother sekrit dokument'ing it


Prep the bull, T29.

Would still bounce off IS-6 ))))


Hey guys I just downloaded War Thunder and was wondering what some tips are. I got it because I like tank on tank combat and was looking for something more realistic and less arcadey than World of Tanks.

don't play Britain or Japan
Go preferably USA
Grinding for planes can also be useful, since you will be able to use them in Realistic and thus ground & pound some enemy tanks.

>88mm shell slams into the side of Russian AA

>no module damage
>no crew injured

oy vey

beat that

>Shoot empty space with APCBC
>Fuze doesn't go off


hull isnt even orange from overpen

Why would it go yellow? You poked a hole in it and the fuze didn't go off

>hurr muh 88mm
kys wehracuck

>everybody i dont like this wheraboo

>Complains that he's shooting a vehicle with less armour than the fuze requires to detonate
>blogs about it
>calls me autistic

apds hull breaks vehicles, what kind of fuse does it have ? faggot

who is this cute boy user? :3

>apds hull breaks vehicles
No it doesn't you retard. Only HEAT, HEATFS and HESH hull break you massive mongoloid

i forgot, WoT doesnt have gaz trucks

APHE and HE do too.

When a cannon shell flies into a thin skinned truck at several hundred miles per hour, things will get damaged and people are going to get fucking injured regardless of whether the thing actually detonates or not.

Gaijin implemented hull break mechanic for this exact reason, you fucking retard.

>taking off with the BV238 and full fuel load
This takes long

If they wanted to apply it realistically they wouldn't have made so that only shells with enough HE can trigger a hull break.

I'll say it again
>Shoot empty space with APHE
>Fuze doesn't go off
>shell passes straight through empty space

So according to you, the shell that passed through the sheet metal or wood of the AA vehicle should just completely fucking explode for no reason and kill the vehicle?

What's the best Ta 152?

I like the C the most, but both are p shite.

Any day now.

only until first patch after hullbreak was added. Then they increased amount of damage needed, and nullified effect for non-explosive shells

>Added in
>It's the Condor all over again


Don't forget the piece of shit France 1944 skin, the same as the Do 217s.


is this that plane that was made to ram other planes?

how would you even land that thing

>empty space

>should just completely fucking explode for no reason and kill the vehicle?

Where the fuck did I say that? jesus christ.

You're probably thinking of the Cherry blossom or something (although that thing was a rocket and made to fuck up planes).
XP-79 was some attempt to make an innovative plane
>the pilot would operate the aircraft from a lying position, permitting the pilot to withstand much greater g-forces in the upward and downward direction with respect to the plane – and welded magnesium monocoque structure instead of riveted aluminum.


fuck up ships*


Turn off the engines

Yaw the plane sideways (you can do it because it keeps forward momentum and the engines are off)

Make contact with the ring-wings, let them rolll like a landing gear's wheels

several sites describe the XP-79 as a "flying ram" or bomber rammer except >wikipedia

Gayjew would just mount x4 .50 cals and call it a day.

it's what you're implying. the original post even said he hit empty space with no crew


Got SL to buy the A-5 Sabre or the M46

Which one

>wanting the m46

The original poster never specifically said where he hit, your implying skills are top notch.

>playing bore blunder


>playing bore blunder

We need more original (fun is a plus) vehicles ingame.

Fuck variants.

Especially fuck people who call for variants.

It's a good tank for high skill players

not so much for low skill players x

German J7W hwen?


how did the pfeil work out for ya?

You mean you wouldn't want a Focke Wulf Rochen?

Gaijin is just afraid to give German planes their real performance
The 335 could climb better than the 163 and turn like a Spit because it was so powerful but in game it's shit because )))

Or perhaps a Triebflugel?

The Truebflugel is my planefu

They just don't know how to make realistic flight models.
>Russian plane outpaces American plane at 25k feet
>British planes out pace American planes at 28k feet
>German planes do better than British planes at 26k feet
>122mm HE shell hits plane and does nothing
>Dump entire belt of .50 cals into 109 and he flies away like it was nothing

I call dibs on Fw .0310

Reminder that 6.7 is unplayable as Germany unless you buy into the jew-251

>all these shitty german paper planes get added
>naziboos complain cause they're getting rekt by allied teams
>all non german aircraft now have the flight model of the TB-3
>paper planes still get rekt
>naziboos leave and the game becomes fun
Paper planes when?