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Hunchback healer Edition

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Every hero except _____ is cancer

1st for Gaywatch

My favourite.

Jamison Fawkes! And Efi Oladele!

>80% of this general are under plat

genderbend skins WHEN?

i'd say closer to 40%, since about 50% are shit posters or unranked, and 10% are decent


Well no shit, that is how bell curves work. The mode of the curve is the majority of golds.

was your shit post that important you had to do it in the new thread again?

he posts that in every thread

anyone wanna play QP with me on eu? mercy main btw. but no mic

>"Are you sure life isn't a game, Soldier 76?"
What did he reply to Hana, /owg/?

>mercy main
the fuck

>tfw you get your voice changer working

you can't really play QP without picking support because no one else is gonna do it.

my comp rank is 3300

He replied with his dick

>tfw stuck in 2800s after dropping from 3200s
Every other game I got a leaver, and lost due to 5v6 like 10 times. I won 1 (one) 5v6, and gained like 15 SR.
I play Pharah and absolutely destroy other DPS, and pick both supports pretty much every encounter, yet I still lose enough to not get back to diamond, with me having 3-4 gold medals every time, the fuck am I doing wrong?


friendly reminder to play with chat muted

"No life isn't a game you psudeo-deep cheeky shit, you're killing people and live streaming it for entertainment, I'll never understand your disturbed generation, get off my lawn"

Or just a grunt

>McCree gets a new ultimate that loads his gun with 6 bullets and if they land they also do equal damage to any enemy in a 15 meter radius of the victim hit. No damage falloff.
Good or shit?

you're probably just tilted and playing bad but you just don't notice it.

you shouldn't focus on your teammates performance because there's nothing you can really do about it. and take a break when you get too frustrated

What skins would you like to see

Shh don't wake him up (wake him up inside)

>4 golds and silver heals
>We lose
Literally every single game

Greaser: 76

the only constant is you :^)

Pit lord Orisa
Current-day Ana in her old Overwatch outfit
Pre-mindbreak Widow
Business suit Sombra

You're right, I'm constantly placed with shit teams

how is that not true?

Paired Nioh skins for the Shimada brothers.

>Current-day Ana in her old Overwatch outfit

No need to go full Gran Torino mode, gramps ;_;

that literally doesn't matter. the enemy team gets shit playes as well. if you truly are better than your rank then you will climb if you don't get tilted and play like shit.

Apparently it's considered a meme in /owg/, but the TRUE fact is that somehow Blizzard chooses them, out of the 22 odd million players world wide, and the throws you in with 5 retards, to play against the US OW team during skirmishing hours

Because there's no way in hell you are playing against another set of people who want to win just as badly as you, but probably actually communicate or know how to line up skills/shots together

Or him out of armor would work fine too.

>tier 2 priest armor for ana, styled off the undead female posturing
>Sombra in tier 2 bloodfang

Yes please

Blackwatch McCree
literally any good widow skin
literally any good zarya skin


>liking any set prior to T4
The only acceptable exception is Rogue T2

and Paladin of course

Bastion in __Druid Tier 2

I would like a bullet time in an arcade gamemode like that, a powerup one person picks up to get slow motion, the person who kills the wielder of the device becomes the new carrier. If a non-wielder kills another non-wielder, no points/kills are awarded. so you team up against one overpowered enemy, but at the same time try to avoid someone else gaining his powers.

hi >>>/wowg/ go back

No :^)

>Only finished my placements at the start of season
>Wasn't too worried about them since everyone said that my SR would barely change
>Get dropped down a significant amount
>Don't play since cause my connection is trash
>Jump into comp just now and win and jump 70SR first game & 80SR second game
Whoa this is the biggest jump I've ever had, I think I won my last 4 placement matches but it was ages ago now, so are these numbers from a win streak or is this some other system? I just want to know if I'll keep jumping this much and more because dang I could get high if I keep this win streak going.

Congratulation you find a time of day before the douchebags coming online / home from work that are keen on ruining games for everyone.

This will definitely be some future hero's ultimate. A defense or support hero most likely.

Are there streamers that mainly play Winston?
I find that streamers that play tanks are kind of rare, except for that French Top500 guy that plays Zarya.

Aimbotcalvin and harbleu both roll RH/Zarya/Tracer, pretty well i might add

What? I feel like I see Zarya in people's thumbnails all the time.

a large number of the popular streamers main tanks desu

your MMR hasn't actually changed but your SR has, the game will keep doing this until your SR gets back to equal with MMR

Grenade launcher healer when?

What other new hero would /owg/ want?

I want another hero that can enhance mobility, much like Lucio, maybe a hero that can put down speed boost pads and jump pads or something.

But that's Ana
She throw grenade so far it it could be a grenade launcher

kys urself plz

why is this general so dead

>Merifats asleep
>Thread quality is pretty high

Mayks u thonk

>Those no cool down lobbies
>never use Ana's rifle since based fire as fast and are better anyway
Surprisingly fun until mcree Stun locks you

I'm an american and half these posts are mine.
Also, nice shitposting europoor.

What did they do to matchmaking? Diamond somehow feels even worse than low plat now.

not enough cute posting

cause europoors are actually playing the game instead of talking about it

they flattened the curve, because it was fucked

I can help!

That is adorable

that's so awkward it goes all the way around into adorable territory

>hunchback healer
is Ana the Yennefer of the OW universe?

When the fuck did they make Torb's turret revert from lv3 when you die?

Torb needed a nerf :^)

t. consolefags

>that's so awkward it goes all the way around into adorable territory

so pretty much Winston's relationship with Tracer in a nutshell

Fuck quickplay matches they take way too fucking long, cut the time in half and it might be fun even with guaranteed widowmakers, hanzos and genjis every game who fucking throw just to have 'fun' walking back from spawn every 20 seconds

Was this something recent or something I just haven't noticed until now?

Some casual wear of all the heroes

which junkrat skin looks better, toasted or firework?

I'm a big fan of Firework's color scheme, but I also love Toasted because it fits him so well!

I she a huge tease like Yennefer? I feel like Ana is just being nice to people without intentions. Her fire is gone after her times with Reyes/Reinhardt. Other than their crippled backs they are rather different.

>Fuck quickplay matches they take way too fucking long
How would you even survive comp with how long a whole match can go there.

Hmm I had objections, but definitely would look no more out of place than the silly summer game skins.

Junkenstein and Rooster event one

thread moving slow this sunday, burgers need to wake up faster

love her exhausted look

I wish they'd region lock this game. Get these shitty gooks out of my games

at least comp switches it up with the rounds and it feels worthwhile
quickplay matches are ten minutes of pure agony until the game ends in defeat in overtime

>Get these shitty gooks out of my games
Aussie or burger friend? Your comp games can't be worse than those in Europe. Other than zero communication we suffer from morons in our games.

>at least comp switches it up with the rounds

reminds me of:
>comp game 1
>travelling to eichenwalde
>go to toilet before waiting for comp game 2
>travelling to eichenwalde

How do they not manage to offer a decent map rotation? I fucking get that the others might have played already the new maps I wanted. But it always feels like only me suffering from repeating maps and repeating attack/defense perspective.

>quickplay matches are ten minutes of pure agony until the game ends in defeat in overtime
Well I checked profiles, and QP is full of silver/golds that stopped caring for comp.

>overtime happens
>half my teammates stop moving 20m before control point
>I tilt over voice chat and tell them to suicide

Nothing fucking yanks my chain more than people deliberately wanting to lose.

does anyone of the picture of all the overwaifu's butts.

fuckin love dubs 7

not a fan of source filmmaker but the expression is nice

literally search any booru with overwatch and butt tag in the field, can't post this stuff from my current location

This one

This one?

>that picture
would pay 6k for a proper bikini skin for D.Va, yes I am this much of a loser
don't even enjoy playing her outside of mystery heroes
not him, but that rotation and the low res

Here's a tip for you bronze/silver/gold shitters who want out (I know there's more of y'all than you care to admit): Abuse the fuck out of Pharah. Nobody can aim in that tier, and Soldiers won't be enough to take you down, especially if you have a mercy main btw on your team (Which chances are, you will). Their team will start switching to your "counters" without realizing how they counter you; as a result, they will fail miserably. It's how I got out of Gold.

>wearing speedos is gay
they're actually dressed like that for a bunch of women and enjoy breeding and other assorted heterosexual activities

>that rotation and the low res
Not to mention it looks like a picture of a picture/scan... Where did you get that abomination, user ?

Does anyone have any info on this? An exploit to let you buy old event cosmetics.

Those hips

now that's a good fucking idea

It doesn't actually let you buy anything.

yes. reverse console clock to when event started and you can buy them

I want a casualwear Dva and a baseball player Zen


I mean seriously, Judgement + Sulfuras is the most iconic armor set Blizzard has ever made, reinhardt is the perfect one to wear it.

ah, damn. There are some Summer Games items I missed out on that I couldn't get because you couldn't use credits to get anything.
