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Jaina is a dreadlord!!!!

How dare you, Jaina is my waifu.

That's not Sylvanas. Her boobs aren't the size of a beach ball.

>tfw Sylvanas is trapped in Helheim and serving the Legion now

Victory for Sylvanas!

ded game ded thread

Can someone explain how instance lock works in mythic raids?

Am I unable to join other peoples raids after killing some bosses?

Does haste speed up your abiltiy animations? I swear to god my animations take longer time than others.

it's just a pushup bra

how long does a character transfer usually take? and I don't mean their FAQ answer, I mean from your personal experience if you've ever done a transfer

enter the nether expansion when
I want to exterminate every demon

20 mins max.


the same way lockouts all worked a long time ago
you're locked to the instance and not the bosses or looting the bosses personally
meaning not only can you not join another group's partially done instance, you'll be saved even further if you leave and they kill bosses without you inside

if you're wondering why, it's to stop major gear padding with alts and split-runs converging into 1 main run


been waiting 2 hours

I'm finally giving up on ele shaman since playing it from late Cata to now. I just can't enjoy being a master of the elements when I lag behind everyone with my damage.

What's a good melee DPS class to change my shaman to?


frost DK


just as I said that, got an email that the transfer is done

wtf, so I'm basically fucked for this week because the group I joined randomly decided to disband after 4 bosses in mythic EN?


flass cantasy also ruined my shaman, i rolled a frost dk and never looked back

t. fellow shaman, enh since TBC

How long reset gonna be?

8 hours

why do I always buy my goon on a tuesday night

guys i completed the choosen dead outfit quest on my dh and got the appearences
and now on my monk i droped from odyn another different color set


I quite 2 weeks after legion because UH DK was underperforming and blizzard werent doing anything about it.

Talk about loyalty to your class, rerolling faggot.

enh shaman

Haha that picture

>everyone neglected by their shitty parents and raised by the internet.

is spectral sight (from demon hunters) good for anything other than a gimmick for class quests?

>get the 300 mount turboautist achievement
>suddenly have nothing else to do while not spamming m+s or raiding

cause the one you get from the quest is the normal mode version and there's a different recolour for every other difficulty?

yup that's me alright

What's a fun class secondary class to play, I main warrior and I tried playing fire mage but got sick of it.

affli is literally keep two dots up, dump resources into a bigger dot then channel to make dots more powerful (powerful dots might refresh so only interrupt draining if your stack dot is about to fall off). oh and click your artifact button before draining.


>you will never slip your dick inside a blood elf durning a raid

well that or go inside first to see if anyone full cleared your lockout
if not, just try making a group for those last 3
that said though, if you got 4/7M, that's still pretty good for a pug, most pugs just kill ursoc and leave because they were only formed so hunters could farm their BiS for all specs trinket (and it's still like top 5 for every other agi spec)
inb4 it's not bis for hunter reply because you can get a 910+ titanforged eye of guarm

like unless you're a ret pally who really wants that M xavius fire relic, it's not a big deal to not clear the place

also even with dps and heals being so much higher, I kind of doubt most pugs ability to do M ilgynoth without stacking the dot to like 2million damage a second and killing the raid


Disgusting 3 friends instantly uninstalled when those shits were announced 2 more with the cataur fucks

you should raid with me some time then


whats your btag or discord slut

try monk or rogue

>add someone from wowg
>at first his extra nice because he really thinks im a girl asking if i dont want to do reddit+ with him
>later turnes out to be a complete faggot that responds in 1 word sentences and some hispter faggot

which trinket is it?

I mostly just wanted the chievos since I never did mythic EN

>mislead someone by lying you're a girl
>why is he mad?

bloodthirsty instinct

fuck you charles


>tfw you know a person is pretending to be a girl but you just wanna meet them so you can make them feel like a real girl


why arent HK achievement progres account shared


what the fuck is this abomination supposed to be

some girl's total rp profile on my server ;3

Don't fucking start with me, Kevin.

>sonic-tier autists in charge of creating sfm porn

So what the fuck needs to be done to unlock flying?

New succubus model looks like THAT!?

the only relevant part of it is the timegated one where you need reputation with the new faction

how can you make someone feel like a girl if that person is not a girl?

Thanks for the fast reply, what's the new faction where do I go for that? I haven;t really played much last 2 months good bye all my mailed items lol

but just look up the part 1 and 2 pathfinder achivements

well patch doesn't hit for like half a day still, but legionfall
khadgar will give you a ton of quests and shit to go down there and start it up and they'll have constant shit happening on the broken shore

also if you did any of the legion invasions from legion pre-release, those are coming back to broken shore too for rep with them


Thanks guys! Any approx on how long this rep grind will take? Is it revered or exalted needed?


So other than the abyss worm raid drop mount and rare paragon reputation chest mounts (lol good luck on that storm drake and unicorn mount rng); who's ready for the real autism satiater of 7.2

>legion is at our doorstep, but no-no, let's go to wailing caverns and play pokemans xD

Kil'Jaeden lost his home world for this.

>15 minutes and I'm already bored
ufkkkkk what do i do lads?
I'm trying to play dota but the update is massive

it's literally fucking nothing

Revered with everyone but Nightfallen, who need 1000k off exalted, I believe.

why is this pand sad wowg?

>cant see enemies anymore at the start of an bg
>never know if should specc against healer
literally why
why make changes that make the game worse

Awesome thanks! I think i'm exalted or very close when I last played so that sounds good!

>Emerald Proto-Whelp
>Occurences: 9
>every other pet: 1
is blizzard even trying to balance?

Bears Behaving Badly

Recently changed my DK from human to Tauren because I wanted a plate Tauren.

But after farming so many Eredar for Demo's appearance I hate the RNG for everything but your dinner in this expac so much , kind in the mood for eredar flavour draenei.

Should I stick with Tauren DK? Or should I change to daenei? I want a plate Tauren still

Or would a different class be better for Tauren/Draenei?

I don't mind levelling to 100, but I am loathe to go through professions and 100-110 content again I'm also not keen on losing my orc warrior due to futile dreams of tusks yes, I am slow

Draenei paladin obviously

I just got legion and i hadn't played since cataclysm, is it possible to join guild from other realms?
I had joined a portuguese guild in my server but they were a bit too cunty.
I'm in Eu on Aggra

Good luck mate.

Especially if you haven't yet done Suramar city. That takes a while, and can be painful

Glad to have helped though, and to be more specific: Nightfallen rep needs to be at least at 20000/21000 to unlock the last rep-gated quest in Good Suramaritan part 1.

no, you can only join guilds on your server and its connected servers.

bears that don't behave are punished

i see this is your first MMO, so here's a golden piece of advice:
NEVER play on containment realms

t. fellow alberto barbosa

All my characters are there though is the thing

now do the weekly version where you need 15 pets and can't heal

>They will never make playable Saurok in WoW for Horde faction

Fuck Nagas, they can't even wear pair of feet gear.

I wanna punish bears too

that is the list of pets needed for the challenge mode, dummy

proto-whelp's emerald dream is just that overpowered

>Fuck Nagas, they can't even wear pair of feet gear.
neither can worgen/trolls/tauren but that doesn't stop them from trying

I kind of wanted a plate spellcaster-y feel though.

I know it makes sense lorewise for Light, rather than Scourge, but I was thinking more of an Eredar analogue than a typical draenei.

Still Paladin?

>tfw no faction of Alliance mogu that worship Magni

>Loyalty to your class

Do people actually do this meme?


not everyone is a lowborn FOTM shitter m'lord.

draenei can't play "evil" classes by design

If you want to do the Eredar thing then I guess DK is your only option, but paladins fit the race better

Calm down LFR hero