League of legends general /lolg/

the idiot edition

someone post the links please, i dont have them



remove galio

xth for Syndra

is galio a problem

>yi and udyr are shit
what am i gonna do bros

How to play Lil Aloha after you take T1?

xth for Rumble

First for Urgot

what's this phenomenon with plat 5's sinking to gold 5/silver 1 mmr and feeding?

at what point do you just drop from plat to gold?

comfy bfs~


whats that ??

spoil it


kill yourself

>its a guy clearly got autofilled to support and instalocks Blitzcrank episode

why isnt this bannable again?

no im tired of faggots first timing him and doing nothing but feeding

but if you have me filtered you shouldnt be seeing my posts in the first place?

I wonder if Urgot's rework is going to go in the same direction as Graves, where they really push the definition of an ADC.

udyr changes (read GUTTING) are penned in for 7.8 to for now just cancer it up with graves until they remove his true grit MR next patch

How would communication between Lee Sin and Sona work?

still spoil it

thank you, good night

Sona is supposedly pretty good at communicating emotions through music and Lee Sin can still talk to her just fine.

braille on her boob

xth for cute

Probably making signs on his skin. And he can just talk.

morse code or sensual touching

fuck off lissfag

doesnt lee have telepathy?

either that or sign language

>Lee talks
>Sona listens and replies by tapping morse code on his chiseled torso

>enemy adc is plat 1 adc main
>duo with their support
>our adc is autofilled and picks ezreal
>i'm the bad guy for not trying and trying to ff @ 20

>pick honest toplaner
>enemy picks cancer like quinn, gp or some tank cuck shit
>pick dishonest toplaner
>enemy picks honest laner into me and feeds
I just want to play one normal toplane matchup FUCK!


fuck off my thread

>xth for crappy korean comic
ftfy, also here's your (You), make good use of it

I mean, if someone other than Sona can do telepathy, it's probably him. But then again I don't think Riot has ever actually said if Sona does do telepathy with someone other than summoners, who now don't even exist.

>lee sin
>sign language

>wanting to fuck yordles

you disgust me

Why is there no new champ teaser yet? Why is taking them this long?

What makes an honest toplaner?


I want fgg to leave

>not trying to win
Literally reportable.

>tanks aren't honest
You sound like you play pantheon or someshit. Naut v Mao and poppy v trundle are the patrician top lane matchups.

>GP is cancer
I mean, I hate playing against farming champs, but why is he cancer? He just spams Q and if you have a shield or something it's wasting mana for him. His laning phase is really weak anyways. He's just kind of there.

What champion pisses you off the most?

is death's dance any good on kled?

Because we're getting champion reworks right now and a new one will come start being hinted at in preseason. It's hardly been two week for Galio chill stop being impatient.

Next monday

cute Noxian mage confirmed baby!!

Sona's actions (which lee can sense) would speak a thousand words.

She could also telepathically speak to him I think unless that was a summoner only thing.

>mfw autofilled top
>pick cancerburblady
>shit on toplane main with over 800games on his champ
>sperges in all chat before going afk

lmao is there a better feel?

>darius plays that nearly 100% perfectly
>renekton fails everything AND is using ignite top lane
Is renekton the most cucked top laner?

fuck off already, no one cares that you got heavily outplayed

>Go in with low health
>Against full health darius
>Still fuck up and get hit by his q and die like a dog
thats why

>40% HP renekton dives a full HP darius and loses

color me surprised

>poppy v trundle
Isn't that just a stomp in Trundle's favor? Or at least I would assume it would be.

Is riot not giving out chat restrictions anymore? I've been on a toxic rampage on my main account and haven't gotten so much as chat restricted and by now I should have at least gotten a two week ban.

I've had two account perma'd for toxicity yet nothing has happened to this one yet. Maybe I've gotten better at it?

If you're getting lifesteal you should be getting ravenous. It's not that DD is bad but kled needs waveclear.

Lee was an ex summoner so

but doesn't kled want titanic over ravenous?

>he DOESNT take ignite top lane

o i am laffin

Old thread:

Are summoners even canon after the League got retconned? I haven't kept up with the lore much since they reskinned Trundle.

Who is the best streamer and why its hashinshin?

Honest means predictable and calculable with no hidden bullshit like armor penetration or counter-intuitive abilities. Also melee.
Darius and Irelia aren't honest. Renekton and Riven are.

get a load of this salty shitter


Trundle outscales but its even early on

>autofilled support
>your adc gets 99% of cs
>the enemy botlane can't exist in your lane for more than 30 seconds without you killing them

>the highest winrate galio skill order maxes e second according to champion.gg

fucking why, you get almost nothing from e max

t. gp main

sry I don't play cuck top laners who don't scale and teamfight well

>tfw your teammate rages at you for 5 minutes straight and reply with :^)

>Renekton ONLY loses because he made like 5 fucking mistake and not making any one of those mistakes would've seen him win that fight

That's the worst part, honestly.

Renekton fucked up three separate times. If he had a brain he would have killed darius. This webm is old as tits though.

It's hardly a stomp but it's in trundles favor. The deal is poppy is infinitely more useful in teamfights.

Yes. Very good.
Yes to this as well. Ravenous is shit on Kled.


You don't run TP on Renekton, retard.

>old as tits

Wait really? It doesnt feel like that long ago since i started posting it.

Titty is generally seen as the better of the hydras for kled.

But a titty build can't build lifesteal.

IF you want lifesteal, you're getting rav.

>Old champion uses an ability
"Burn! Haha!

>New champion uses an ability

Holy fuck SHUT UP

>Trade hard with enemy laner
>He pushes up to my tower
>clear a couple waves and back, TP back with either another doran's item or cloth armor for
>Freeze in front of turret
>Ignite toplaner now has to choose between playing up getting ganked and getting fucked because he died and misses an entire wave of XP/gold or has to back off and still miss XP/CS

Wow so hard famalam

>Never play support.
>Lately just been dodging when I got it.
>When we had the old system of pick order I used to play Nami to fill in support.
>Always got people telling me how good I was despite being by far my least played role and feeling like a fish out of water haha shieeeeet in lane.
>Get autofilled today into support.
>Fuck it, Imma play Nami.
>As we're pushing for the enemy nexus late in the game
>MF: "I love this nami"
>Shaco: "yeah, she's good"

Fuck man, I don't even know. Based fish tits.

Delicious hatesex


If you're going an AP Bruiser build it maximizes your damage since the base damage increase is fucking huge.

If you're going full tank though no reason not to take it and become unkillable

>tfw you ding 6 and E W R Q just right

>renekton is honest
>wants to cheese you early
>literally has the armor penetration you call dishonest

I'm m7 on rene but that nigga ain't honest.

Obviously no one, he's got way more scales than any other champion.

>new champ
*click* *click* SKREEEEEEEEEEE


>counter-intuitive abilities
What makes an ability counter-intuitive? Are you talking about moves that make no sense in a kit, like half of old Sion?


>They are making old champs like Lux have louder voices and new voice overs for abilities.
>In season 10 every game will be a clusterfuck of inaudible screeching


>he think quinn is a problem anymore


gp, yasuo, fiora, gragas, naut and kled are the besst soloq top laners right now

if you disagree chances are you dont play in high diamond+

Xth for Katarina
best girl

>right click on a newer champ
"My audience awaits."
"My genius will be understood...eventually."
"This performance needs more...zazz"
"My talent justifies all actions."

>right click on an old champ

Yeah haha. Let's go back to the 3 minute voiceovers guys.

If blitzcrank is a robot

how can teemo poison him?


Makes my almonds fry.

>When you land a E that shreds armour then get a fully charged Q


do you think hes bad in soloq? lol

because he shits on most melees while getting the same or better stats than them

>still no champ that dabs for his dancec

How can a space god dragon die to a rat with a blowstick.

How can Fiora hit vitals on robot champions

How can Blitzcrank pull a Malphite, who is literally a mountain.