
Do you heel toe? Do you doubleclutch?

I heel toe out of habit. There really isn't any reason to do so in everyday driving, but I started doing it just as practice for when I go to the track.

Doubleclutching is pointless nowadays desu

Heel toe all the time, or rather I always blip the throttle. I don't need the clutch, but I need synchros.

Double clutching, as stated above, is deprecated technology procedure.

Revmatching is a good tranny assist in any case.

I rev match the vast majority of the time. The pedals on my car are horribly placed for heel-and-toe though, the brake is a good few inches higher than the accelerator.
Double declutching is pointless with synchros.

Heel toe almost all the time, rev match literally all the time.
I'm starting to get chirps going into 3rd and 4th so I double clutch occasionally for those two to avoid it.

i quad clutch and heel toe with both feet and detonate airbags in my asshole

My shitbox is heel-toe proof (throttle and brake are at an uneven position to say the least).

Anyway, revmatching and heel-toeing is a meme on a regular basis driving. Muh wear on a device that's supposed to wear is plain retarded-

Made me lol

Revmatching is the proper way to shift

yes and yes.
My first gear is partially syncrod and clutch doesn't disengage completely. Besides car so light unsmooth shifting makes it jump

Heel toe all the time, with double clutching. just habit I guess, and it saves the synchros some wear.

I tried to heel toe once and spun my car

Git gud
Yes, but it's just a preference.

Not on the street unless I'm specifically driving fast.
Double clutch, lol no. If you do you're a fucking idiot or your transmission is broken.

rev matching isn't heel toeing.
heel toeing rev matches, but they aren't the same thing.

Isnt revmatching simply being at an appropriate rev range to shift which is...how you fucking shift the crunchstick? What do you do to your poot car?

Double clutching is just a way to extend the life of your synchros. Both of my cars are higher mileage and a little extra care like that doesn't hurt. Also I find it makes my downshifts smoother than normal rev-matching, I guess my feet are extra autistic.

Pedals are different heights so I have not bothered to learn how to operate them with one foot. No point in double clutching because my car isn't from the stone age.

i put my foot on a brake in manner that allows me to heel toe because i got habit in sim racing vidya, it's not necessary at daily 2-3k rpm though. I do heel toe when i'm fun-riding through the forest roads on higher rpm ranges.

Heel-toeing is literally impossible in my car because the throttle is so small.

lazy shite driver, the post

tfw stuck driving friend's auto for about 3 weeks because knee injury and surgery

I've always rev-matched/heal toe'd and double clutched in all my vehicles. Double clutch is an acquired habit from my first shitbox volvo 240 with a dying trans. That being said that piece of was one of the most fun cars I've owned because it was so shitty

hey everyone put your big toe on the right side of the brake and roll your foot to the side to blip the throttle. I think you have to be a midget to heel toe with your heel I've never been in a car where I could.

i've owned manual transmission cars since 1999. i used to blip with my t56(got 172k out of the original clutch and that was driven pretty fucking hard) on downshifts to help it go into gear with 0 effort.

on upshifts, i just never used the clutch. tranny and clutch were still good when the car threw a connecting rod.

you ever think they make thr brakes and accellerator in off places to keep you from doing that shit? do you think they may have a reason for that?